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File 16572583901.jpg - (156.19KB , 1280x720 , HorribleSubs-The-Disappearance-of-Nagato-Yuki-chan.jpg )
27573 No. 27573 [Edit]
i sometimes think about this feeling sometimes my parents always spent time with my little brother and i was always left out i never had a decent relationship with my parents nor with my step-father i don't think they want anything to do with me anymore i been hurt from my step-father for what he has done to me when i was younger physical abuse it still hurts for what he done to me and my older brother never laid a hand on my little brother because that was his actual son i was never safe at home i always stayed in my room and sometimes talked to my older brother but i ignored my little brother i was the middle child i didn't fit in school i didn't like to much crowds i kept it in a low i sometimes ate lunch in the bathroom to get away from others sometimes i asked the teacher if i could sit in the back of the class because i was afraid to sit in the front work was terrible i just wanted to get back home it hurts sometimes when i think about it like a wound i think i will be much happier with that "someone" i am going to be with soon... and leave my past behind i don't like nightmares or sadness all the time when i feel alone it hurts and i think about it sometimes but i will feel happy soon..
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