No. 27507
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>I don't invest
Ah, that's where you're wrong. You're 100% invested in the Euro right now. You should strongly consider diversifying a little, because if the Euro goes into Weimar-style hyperinflation (a real possibility at this point), you'll be left with absolutely nothing.
>cases of people who lost it all because they "invested"
That's likely because they either
1) invested basically all their money in one type of asset -- which is what you're doing right now, or
2) did high risk things like margin trading, i.e. taking on debt to speculate on stocks/crypto/futures -- which you probably shouldn't touch unless you're willing to thoroughly educate yourself on that.
If you want something low risk that you can just stash away somewhere and forget about for a couple years without it losing too much value, consider precious metals like gold and silver. Those have been valued for thousands of years. There were very few points in history when you couldn't buy a day's worth of food if you had an ounce of silver in your pocket.
So I'm not gonna give you much of financial advice, but here's some basic crisis survival advice: buy yourself enough non-perishable food to last you at least a month, and take enough money into your hand to pay rent for a month and use it to buy silver or gold coins. Since you're in Europe, any coin dealer in your local area will buy and sell Wiener Philharmoniker and Britannia coins, those are a good choice for something that you can still trade with when you wake up and the Euro has been reduced to confetti. I also have a few packs of cigarettes and cheap lighters at home for this purpose, even though I myself don't smoke.
>My idea was to buy an apartment once I have enough money, then rent it, then repeat.
Not a stupid idea at all. Real estate is also one of those things that you're still going to have even if the currency goes tits up. But do consider the fact that you may have to deal with shitty tenants who will try to fuck you over and ruin your apartment in all sorts of creative ways if you decide to rent it out.
>I just hope inflation just stops going crazy at some point.
Oh, you haven't seen shit yet. It's going to get really bad this winter if that whole Ukraine thing isn't resolved soon. If you're in the Eurozone and your country's inflation isn't in the double digits yet, it will be in a few months, especially if it's a colder country.