No. 27286
I don't play competitive games because I don't like to lose. And I have a natural tendency towards losing. I always had this experience of putting many hours in a game, learning all I could, then some newbie who started yesterday would destroy me immediately, then again and again. If I introduced someone into something I was really into it, they were gonna beat me in a few days even if they didn't have half of the interest and experience I had, or even had a casual attitude, while I was the "hardcore" type, and "hardcore" loser too. It happened with Magic the Gathering, or RTS games.
I somehow related that to my life and was quite bad for my mood, so I just stoped playing anything competitive in my mid 20's.
Only games I always remained untouched were, for some reason, Tekken games. I didn't have a tournament level but at some point I was skilled enough to become invincible for any player I could find around. It was nice because it wasn't a matter of luck, I always won if I wanted to, I had total control. I remember beating some guy like 40 times in a row who bragged about great skill with a particular character.
But after some time no one wanted to play with me. Makes sense.