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File 162358703142.png - (1.78MB , 1200x1600 , e4FT3dw.png )
26599 No. 26599 [Edit]
i do not want to work to afford to live any longer
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>> No. 26600 [Edit]
File 162358998461.png - (5.35MB , 1080x1920 , __shirasaka_koume_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_c.png )
Are you me?
Sometimes I'm afraid I could be posting the same repetitive shit everytime and everywhere without even being conscious of it, but I'm sure I don't have that pic in my HD. So I guess we merely shared the same thoughts. That's a nice thing I guess.
But what can we do?
>> No. 26603 [Edit]
Interesting to see my exact thoughts, just as I visit this place again.
I'm trying to make it, though. It's not going well, sadly.
>> No. 26604 [Edit]
If you fail, at least you can say that you tried. Good luck.
>> No. 26639 [Edit]
live in a frugal and efficient manner while pouring money into investments to create enough passive income to one day live off of?
>> No. 26640 [Edit]
File 16264575325.jpg - (1.20MB , 1018x1555 , 1250ffdad1bbf62a96d401a5cd5d0702.jpg )
With current salaries, I don't see how that would be possible. I already save 70% of what I earn and I'm living as miserable as I can, I don't even eat. Most safest way to have a passive income would be owning an apartment and renting it. But I'll have to buy one shitty for me and one decent to rent, that would take me, at this pace, 23 years, all that considering I would be able to keep my current job (and I don't even want to keep it since it sucks).
I don't think I'm even going to be alive in 23 years.
>> No. 29797 [Edit]
File 173394467081.png - (62.49KB , 227x292 , 7153957a87.png )
Today I walked out of work and didn't go back. I'm not going to go back tomorrow or the day after, or ever again. I turned off my phone and plan to not turn it back on for at least week. I feel the same as ever. I'm tired. Almost made it to seven years, totally crazy that I lasted that long. I hope they forget I ever existed, and I will forget they existed.
>> No. 29829 [Edit]
File 173448468467.png - (6.24MB , 3258x2410 , d38d52ca9ec015bd17b63a12d6d468be.png )
I was thinking that we really need a poorfag internet, or as I'd like to call it, financially impaired individual exclusive zone.

I'm so fucking sick and tired that even on the allegedly "loser communities" there's always people travelling abroad 6+ times a year with a brand new 100k+ truck and god knows what else. Oh, but they "suffer" too. Meanwhile many of us are actually dying but can't afford healthcare and it takes us years to afford even a basic gaming setup. Did you know that a second hand 1660S goes a long way? I didn't! But richfags bragging about their dual 4090 setups made me think otherwise, that I was using "dumpster" parts.

In all seriousness I'm really sick of that, man. Poor AND lonely people experience suffering on another level, unmitigated, raw, misanthropy inducing. That more people are not doing bad things out there yet is a mystery to me, not that I'm encouraging or disapproving of such actions, just saying it makes no sense to me. Like imagine literally breaking your back for your abusive boss only to come home and indirectly see him, or his family bragging about how "haaaaaaaappy" they are. Jesus.
>> No. 29830 [Edit]
>there's always people travelling abroad 6+ times a year with a brand new 100k+ truck and god knows what else.
I think it's easy to forget a lot of people who live like this are living outside of their means and it's more often than not unsustainable. That 100k truck? You might see it being hauled away by a tow truck someday.
Unfortunately our monkey brains struggle with processing this and just see flashy shiny new toys and automatically assume wealth. In reality, if you're avoiding debt and actually buying things(not getting them on credit) you're probably a lot more financially stable than a lot of these people. I think that's one of the reasons they claim to "suffer", is struggling to keep up with the bills for all these things.
>> No. 29831 [Edit]
Most truly poor people don't have interests typical of white suburbanites. They have their online congregations, it's just not places like here. They'd much rather talk about drugs, black "culture" and sportsball. Some guy like that, from alabama or whatever, stumbled upon the tc irc and got banned within a day or two for suggesting people smoke crack and pay hookers.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2024, 6:07pm
>> No. 29832 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure that the people posting as such are also just pretending to be isolated, using loneliness or hikkidom as a lifestyle (akin to rich people cosplaying as poor). The very act of being truly estranged from society forces one to reject its hierarchical games of clout seeking. It's of course possible for someone to be both financially well off and still estranged from society, but those people would practically still live not much differently from the rest and wouldn't flaunt it.
>> No. 29833 [Edit]
My five cents. I despise richfags too. They're simply too obnoxious. But then I also despise familyfags. For some reason just seeing somebody mention their wife on an imageboard makes me want to strangle them. Or I may actually hate them. They deserve it, anyway. The worst thing about familyfags is that they sincerely believe in the goodness of having a family and will treat you condescendingly if you mention being a loner, hinting their best at phrases like "you'll get over it and become like the rest of, you're just too young to understand". Oh lord am I pissed by that. Overall it's good rage control practice since you can't really reason with the retards, but they don't belong to imageboards, they're cancer and I want them gone. At least I want an exclusive zone for people who haven't and don't plan to get a real wife.
>> No. 29835 [Edit]
On one hand I can kinda of see your point, seeing any first world person pisses me off. Even if I magically get rich and manage to move to the safest and most comfortable place in my country, it will still be worse, unsafer and lacking in infrastructure than European capitals that people complain about a lot. But I don't really feel that these people should be out of the communities. They have their grievances I guess, and I don't like the idea of a place becoming a "loser competition". But now, I don't know which loser communities you guys have been to where people travel the world, have excess expendable money and hold a functional family.

Yeah, a guy who smokes crack and hires hookers has probably a more fucked up life than anybody in here. A lot of shit is thrown at imageboards, but reddit is the place where the lowest people on the Internet can be found. Of course not on the front page, but there are subreddits with significant active userbases for people with the most varied severe mental illnesses, the worst addictions possible, actual convicted criminals, truly the bottom of the barrel.
>> No. 29836 [Edit]
>seeing any first world person pisses me off
Haha Tohno lives in USA, just poking fun sorry. Anyway Europe is different depending on where you go. It's still much better than third world, as long as you're not an immigrant. If you immigrated... honestly I had more chances to get life in my shithole than I have here. On the other hand at least I'm relatively safe. So honestly if you don't starve, your roof isn't leaking, your neighbors are not criminals, and your job will not cease to exist tomorrow, you actually don't even want to go to Europe. You're simply just not welcome. They'll keep from dying, but that's all.
>> No. 29837 [Edit]
>They'll keep from dying, but that's all.
You, that is. They'll keep you from dying. hopefullytrafficking is real
>> No. 29840 [Edit]
It's more about when they talk about their country or something they do, it just bothers me how sometimes it's unthinkable to me.

>your roof isn't leaking
I never lived in a place where this didn't end up happening. And the roofs in affordable places are mostly made out of asbestos, so if they are broken probably there's some contamination happening as well.

>your neighbors are not criminals
That's not an option anymore for my country, criminal organizations have spread even to the most remote cities. Ironically the safest places are the ones under control of a single group. Well, there are the very expensive walled gardens as well I guess.

Honestly I can't think of a degree of "unwelcome" that would be worse than where I live. If I had even the vague chance of moving I would, it's just that it's truly not possible, I don't have any money to go or skill that would be valuable.
>> No. 29841 [Edit]
Hey but living among criminals is fun you don't even need to bother with suicide since they'll take care! yes I know that feelI genuinely can't imagine how people can bother living when there is nothing ahead except another tyrant to abuse you. This incessant pressure kills from inside. Ugh imagine how *everyone* lived like that back in the day. Life's scam
>> No. 29886 [Edit]
I hate working in teams. Misery upon misery. I'm too autistic or wherever. It forces me to give up too much of myself for something I can't care about. Eww
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