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26331 No. 26331 [Edit]
For those of you who have obtained a suitable line of work, how did you do it? Is dealing with people a problem?
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>> No. 26332 [Edit]
>Is dealing with people a problem?

There's any possible realistic scenario were that isn't a problem?
>> No. 26333 [Edit]
Maybe there's some job idk about that involves being a loner. I'm like for solutions
>> No. 26334 [Edit]
Then it doesn't involve dealing with people, therefore there's no problem. I don't have a line of work, I can't really think of a single thing I can really do that an average ape can't. So I just worked on whatever. I've been working in the same place for three years, but I think it's coming to an end. Because dealing with people, precisely. I plan to get into security next, there's a wide variety of work but sometimes you are just abandoned in some far away place for some hours and just need to stand there and not fall asleep. Until something happens, you just run or hide somewhere and proceed to get fired, but well.
>> No. 26335 [Edit]
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I first obtained a Bachelor Degree in a scientific, technology, or engineering field. This took a long time, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without funding from my family. However, I think anyone could get an Associate Degree using only the Pell Grant funding. They give you something like $5,500 per quarter if you are low-income (based on your taxes from the previous two years). This should be enough to pay for your tuition and housing if you are careful with your spending. By qualifying for federal aid you are also able to apply for various other scholarships as they open up.
The actual process of going to college is kind of shitty, as you will occasionally be forced into "group projects" and things of that nature. But much of your college work can be done from home. Attendance is rarely tracked, and can often be faked. Many classes now use an online sort of system where they will give you pop quiz questions during class via an online platform. Your attendance grade is then based 50 or 75% on just answering the question, and the rest on whether you got it right. Either way, this attendance part rarely makes up more than 10% of your grade, and usually the teacher gives full credit if you have 80% attendance. Aside from that, much or all of your homework can be solved just by using your search engine of choice to research whatever topic. You really don't need to be smart to do well in college, you just need to dedicate your time and effort into learning the specific things which they try to teach you.
After you get your degree, apply for jobs at factories. In fact, there are even some well-paying factory jobs you can get with just a high school diploma or GED, but you'll get better pay (and be more likely to be hired) with an Associate degree. The job application process is a slog, especially interviewing. But there are temp agencies who exist to get you hired. If you are hired through a temp agency, the agency will have an agreement with the employer that the agency will be paid for finding employees who stick around. So even though they drive fords, the temp agency employees are really there to get you a job. The training process in my experience is somewhat social, but once you're working 12 hour shifts, you really don't have to talk to anyone. I've heard night shifts are especially good in this regard - ford drivers hate working night shifts.
I think in any of this, one at least needs to be able to feign a conversation. You don't need to approach anyone to engage a conversation, but if they do so to you, ask simple questions in response. Or you could just say you have to go to the bathroom or something.
In my first factory job the number of people working on my shift was around 30. Most of these were not in my line of sight for most of my work day. The work was routine, so when I did need to interact, it was very typical - "Hi, I'm here to calibrate the scale" or whatever. Eventually I moved to a position where I had my own office, and the number of people in my work area were about 15, and only about five of those did I need to interact with on any regular basis.

tl;dr get a job in industry (optional: get a degree), never talk to anyone, collect paycheck
>> No. 26336 [Edit]
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>you just run or hide somewhere and proceed to get fired, but well.
Wouldn't that get you blacklisted?

>After you get your degree, apply for jobs at factories.
That seems kind of lame for somebody with a stem degree. I want to work at a research lab. Do you know anything about that?
>> No. 26337 [Edit]
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Yes, I currently work in a research lab. I left my factory job for it after only about a year in the factory. I can't say I'd recommend it if you're antisocial. Maybe if you find the specific research you're on very compelling? I was hoping it would be a lot of routine days collecting data, but it seems to be a lot more social than my factory job. Tons of meetings to attend, presentations to watch and to give. Small talk to make with coworkers while you wait hours for instruments to do their thing... You most likely won't be getting any exciting data, either. Though I suppose that depends on what exactly excites you. The schedule is at least less routine - I more or less decide when to work, aside from scheduled meetings. But that also means I'm expected to work at home, whereas my factory job explicitly told me I cannot work from home. How would you like your boss to see the inside of your room?
>> No. 26338 [Edit]
I'd consider all of that worth it. Nano stuff seems really interesting. How did you actually get that position though? Was it also through a temp agency? Was the factory job necessary to boost your resume?
>> No. 26339 [Edit]
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I got this position by being accepted into a Ph. D. program. The factory work was not on my applications for the Ph. D. programs as I had submitted the applications before starting work at the factory. Though, part of the application packet is a "statement of intent" which is a page or two explaining why you're interested in graduate school, and what you would like to do with your career after you finish. I wrote in my statement that I would be interested in entering industry (AKA, some sort of production environment).

On paper I'm salaried, work 20 hours a week, and make $27.5k before taxes. Any additional time I spend in the lab is considered part of my education. Nobody really checks in on these hours though, just my PI (principal investigator AKA boss) will tell me to do stuff. I imagine (and have read) that your experience relies heavily on your relationship with your PI.

One possible career path for me after I finish the Ph. D. is working at a national lab, which in my understanding is more research work. You may be interested in that sort of thing. I've been told by people who have worked at national labs that they get a lot of days off (for instance, earth day). Though one person I know who recently went to work at one, as part of the application process, apparently had to go on some non-work trip with his prospective employer / future coworkers...

Maybe I complain too much.
>> No. 26340 [Edit]
I don't really want a phd or to work for the government. I was hoping I could get an industry research job. Like in some company's private lab. Don't know how to go about that though.

Post edited on 18th Jan 2021, 11:57am
>> No. 26341 [Edit]
From a brief search of "scientist 1 jobs" and "rnd jobs" it seems like you need some formal education (college degree), and possibly/probably years of experience as well.
>> No. 26343 [Edit]
I wouldn't exactly call it suitable but I've found working my shitty retail job better than living at home with my parents. Most of the time I'm in the back rather than actually stocking product because most fords are too busy talking or checking their phones to sort truck in a reasonable timeframe. How hard things are really depends on what sort of manager you have and what sort of people you're around. Sometimes I miss being neet but after having spent a few days at my parents house for christmas I'm really glad I'm on my own.

I need to go back to college or find something that leads to something other than just more retail but I don't know what that'd be. I've looked at a few things and I feel kind of stuck. Where I am pays nicely for what it is and gives me affordable insurance so that makes it hard to take a leap into something else. I'm working on my credit in case I need to take out a loan for a house/school but going back to school is really daunting. Plenty of people "do it" but those people also almost all have some sort of social support system I wouldn't have.

Did anyone here go back to school in this sort of situation? Is it as hard as I imagine it? Because of the whole social support thing I find it hard to trust normals when they talk about it being "hard but doable". Not just because of money but because of emotional exhaustion and the piles and piles of chores you'll have to do on your own.
>> No. 26344 [Edit]
>I first obtained a Bachelor Degree in a scientific, technology, or engineering field
Which one? STEM is a broad category and there's a lot of variety in majors within in: both in terms of difficulty and in practicality.

>homework can be solved just by using your search engine of choice to research whatever topic
This varies based on the major. More quantitative fields (physics, math, theoretical CS) will assign problem sets and those aren't quite the "search for it and you have an answer" variety. If the professor is lazy he may just assign something from the book in which case you can do so, but the better ones will formulate novel and interesting problems. And obviously for the programming fields searching is unlikely to be helpful outside high-level pseudocode. But yes generally it's more a case of persistence than of intelligence.

>Industry research job. Like in some company's private lab
You'll probably still need a phd or at least a masters for a proper research role regardless of the field. But there are lots of roles in companies that aren't strictly research and for which a bachelors degree is sufficient. Tech companies (or tech-adjacent ones like BioE, mechE) usually have the most of these kinds of roles.

Post edited on 18th Jan 2021, 3:12pm
>> No. 26345 [Edit]
>roles in companies that aren't strictly research and for which a bachelors degree is sufficient
If they're not strictly research, what are they?
>> No. 26346 [Edit]
As an example, Google has several research divisions (calico, deepmind) whose sole focus is in research in the academia sense. But the majority of roles are not research, and are things like swe (software engineer), sre (sire reliability engineer), product engineer (meche), etc. I guess the general pattern is that you can classify the roles into engineering roles and research roles. The research roles will be the ones that employ the PhDs to do novel, groundbreaking work (and will frequently publish this research as well), whereas the engineering roles will be more day-to-day stuff.
>> No. 26347 [Edit]
>Which one?

I'd rather leave it at that to preserve some anonymity. Here's an excerpt from a job I considered applying to recently:

>A minimum of a B.S. Degree in an engineering and scientific field such as Physics, Material Science, Chemical Engineering, Electric Engineering, Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering

For what it's worth, the field I majored in is one of those. But I think by studying any of those listed, you'd get at least a taste for what the others do.
>> No. 26355 [Edit]
Wow, there's a lot of people ITT that make me feel kind of inadequate; I work in a kitchen and, as long as we're not blatantly fuckeyed, we get away with drinking. It helps me be okay with having to work with people. That being said, I've been at the same place almost four years and I've grown to like most of my co-workers.
>> No. 26454 [Edit]
I am (hopefully) going in for a job interview tomorrow. I know that it's something I can do easily and that I qualify for it, so why am I scared shitless? I don't understand. It's just working at a gas station which is so easy a retard could do it. I shouldn't be worried at all, I know I can get up that early, I know I can walk there in 10 minutes, I know it's something that I shouldn't have any problems with. What fucking purpose does nervousness in this case even serve? Is it only because it's so important to hold a job in the first place that I fear failure?
>> No. 26455 [Edit]
What do they ask at interviews for those sorts of jobs? I feel like since it's the kind of job where there's no real skill level needed, they would resort to those bullshit personality questions ("tell me about yourself," "what's your weakness," etc.) in order to impose some filter.
>> No. 26456 [Edit]
Talking for personal experience that happens due to a previous psychological substrate of bad experiencies and trauma. So it's not a particular fear about something specific like getting a job or not, but an abstract fear to failure, others and who knows what else.
>> No. 26815 [Edit]
My dad has small-time connections that he used to get me an office job. He cared a lot more about my employment than I did, but at least I got to move out.

Dealing with people is a big problem. I wish I could at least act like a normal, friendly person to fit in better. And I know normal folk sometimes feel rejected or disliked because I'm not friendly, so sometimes I feel guilty about that.

I might be able to push through the anxiety if I could think of something to talk about that isn't private (Her), a bummer (my life), or boring (most other things I could talk about).
>> No. 26816 [Edit]
(follow-up) The job is something that contributes positively to people's lives and the world in general. I like that I have one constant, unambiguous positive aspect to the job.
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