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25805 No. 25805 [Edit]
I'm going through a thing right now and literally have nobody else in my life and want to just legit chat with people who might have some clue what that is like. I was shit posting under the name drrdrr (I think,) and I removed you from my friends list on steam since you were never on there any other time anyway because I was in the process of removing everybody from it.

As I said, could really use somebody to talk to, normally I would call you a faggot or something for banning me over the mention of belle delphine, you know, playful banter? But I would rather just honestly talk than shitpost especially since you don't want the shitposting anyway.

If some other mod reads it, I used to be on this board ages and ages ago as a semi regular until I dropped off the face of the earth. Possibly different name, possibly different trip, tohno would know who I am.

Dunno if this board even has other mods since I haven't used it in years ayy lmao
>> No. 25806 [Edit]
Fucking tripfags never change.
>> No. 25807 [Edit]
>drrdrr:ยป This level of revulsion just tells me that you are closted and secretly lust after qt 3.14 feminine penis. UwU u just want to snyuggwe up to that big bulgy wulgy

Seems pretty open and shut to me.
>> No. 25811 [Edit]

You do you man, if you can't take a joke it's little wonder you're fucking miserable.
>> No. 25812 [Edit]
I think I just inadvertently leaked my trip due to being retarded, but it's not like I use that password or trip so it doesn't matter. Feel free to use it to mock me I don't use imageboards anyway, just wanted to have a real convo on irc rather than shitposting.

Honestly though not sure that as a mentally ill person that surrounding myself with a hive of the same, is even a remotely healthy mentality.
>> No. 25813 [Edit]
Why not delete the post and remake it? Also, it can be very therapeutic to interact with like minded people, where as it can be stressful to feel alone. Also, try not to make an ass of yourself if you want to have civilized chats.
>> No. 25814 [Edit]

Dude, I'm in the midst of a nervous breakdown, I can barely think straight to figure out how to edit a post right now.
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