No. 25287
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, [Eggplant] Onegai My Melody - Episode 04 [sub-eng].jpg
I've sort of been on both ends of the spectrum and in between. In my childhood I've lived in a small condo and lived in a nice two floor house on a culdesac in a friendly area. Not exactly rich but we were well off. I was also dumped off and abandoned in a rather poor country, taken in to live in a run down home that doubled as restaurant, and for a while stayed in a literal mud hut without running water or electricity.
Neither side has particularly nice memories. The more well off side involved moving a lot and never having a sense of stability. My father was more interested in upgrading to a better house every few years than the idea of laying down roots. As such I was never able to form meaningful relationships with people around me since I'd be yanked away before long over and over. Doesn't help that he cared more about money and material items than he ever did about me or my mother. Even after my parents divorced and I went to live with my mother, things didn't change since she tried to do the same with our homes. At one point she mutilated the house we were in so she could rent out 'rooms' to a half dozen people. A few in the garage, one in a space made from her room, another in our walled off porch, another two in the spare room. Living there was loud, dirty and stressful. My room there was practically a closet, and the whole place became infested with cockroaches. We did eventually move to a better place and leave the renter thing behind, but because she's terrible with money, after some bad moves we lost everything and she declared bankruptcy. I had only been working for about two years but was now having to pay for the shitty and expensive apartment we got stuck in. She sold off mostly anything she had of value to help, and I didn't exactly have much myself. Meanwhile my dad only got richer and richer and had no interest in helping us out. Instead growing up he saw his visitation rights as a chance to get some cheap labor out of me and do odd jobs around the various houses he started to collect. I've never actually had a father, just a boss.
Being moved around so much, changing schools so often... After a while I just stopped trying, gave up trying all together and turned into a ghost, there but not there, unseen and unnoticed by anyone. I skipped school regularly just to stay home playing video games. When I was there I wouldn't do anything and just wait for classes to end so I could go back to my room and flip on that ps2. During the time at my last school, I never talked to anyone, never made friends or anything. I grew used to this, grew to prefer solidarity. Part of me still envies people who grew up having brothers sisters friends and real families, but that wasn't meant to be for me. Every time I try to intermingle with people it just feels wrong. It's like I'm putting on an act to try and pretend to be like them, I say and do what I've learned from TV, movies, and human observation. After all, I was raised by TV and thought everything I know from it. I'd tell people what I assume they want to hear, what might make me seem funny friendly nice ect, but I can tell it's not fooling anyone. No amount of smiling nodding and saying witty things could ever change that. I can almost see it in their eyes when people talk to me that they think I'm a freak or something, that maybe the only reason they're giving me the time of day is because they pity me. Even in the very rare instances I've been invited to hang out with people, I just feel like a third wheel the whole time. I did have a friend of sorts that latched onto me leaving high school, but he was only interested in using me for personal gain. I cut them loose after getting tired of being treated like shit and drained of what little money I had.
Now I'm over 30, my dad's a millionaire and loves to rub it in my face every chance he gets while randomly reminding me how he wont leave me a single cent, and my mom hasn't worked in over a decade and keeps pissing away her disability checks at the local casino, convinced she'll strike it big one of these days. The once peaceful town we live in has turned into a poor miserable crime ridden ghetto. My dad and the other rich assholes on his side of the family wont lift a finger to help us, even my uncle who I've been keeping company over the last few years and helping with whatever he needs, but things are okay. I still work a dead end job but all things considered I'm not doing too bad, Compared to the average person in the US at least. I've got a small savings and the only debt I have is on a half paid house, which for better or worse seems to be more than a lot of people can say these days.
Poverty is certainly no fun, it limits your options in this life while making everything hard and stressful. I never had the option of going to college and instead dropped out of high school and started working right away.
...but is wealth isn't great either. I've learned that you don't get rich without being a greedy self centered piece of shit, that money corrupts, and it's used to control and manipulate people the world round. It's also never enough. As rich as my dad is, he'll forever be in my aunt's shadow. He envies and despises his sister for having more than him, and she looks down on him for being lower class. My father has alienated his entire family, has never had friends, and the only women he can get now that are willing to put up with his abuse are blatant gold diggers. I don't envy him the slightest.