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File 15786012211.jpg - (11.97KB , 240x360 , 00f6d82a07bef105ba67a746556b1344.jpg )
25156 No. 25156 [Edit]
What do you think will happen after we die?(either by suicide or naturally).
Do you believe you will be reunited with your waifu on blessed 2D realm?
Or will your soul just vanished back to nothingness?

Post edited on 9th Jan 2020, 12:22pm
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>> No. 25157 [Edit]
>Or will your soul just vanished back to nothingness?
This one, except I don't believe in the soul. Your consciousness will stop existing though, yeah.
>> No. 25158 [Edit]
File 157862669852.jpg - (1.49MB , 1697x1800 , 446d31cec070ea6a13ed36293a725ca1.jpg )
There's no "after" you die. Not for you anyways. So the nothing part, except it's not as nice as all that because "vanishing into nothing" sounds like you actually get to rest in death. Instead the only rest you'll ever get is whatever you can scrounge up while still alive. If your life is/was miserable that's all it will ever be, and death can't save you from anything. Hell, chances are even if "you" do manage to embrace death someone just like you will pop up again somewhere after some number of eternities, feeling as if no time has passed at all.

Only way out of this would be if somehow some godlike being or principle existed in the fabric or outside of this universe actively intending salvation of souls we don't even know we have. I desperately want to believe, but it doesn't seem likely.
>> No. 25159 [Edit]
I think you just shut off and that's it, nothing more nothing less.
>> No. 25673 [Edit]
>Do you believe you will be reunited with your waifu on blessed 2D realm?

i can only dream. there is a part of me that is truly hopeful that one day we will finally be able to be together, i just have to figure out how to get to her
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