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File 157731137361.jpg - (2.18MB , 1682x2568 , 1466674636750.jpg )
25080 No. 25080 [Edit]
Do you feel any attachment to your past and how does it affect you?
I'm genuinely obsessed with my childhood constantly repeating actions that used to bring me joy (such as going to the same places I used to as a kid) probably because nothing makes me as happy anymore. I know it's not healthy and it doesn't even work anymore but I still do it.
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>> No. 25081 [Edit]
No. I wasted my youngest years and am trying to put that shit behind me. There were a few good times, but given the chance i'd do things completely differently. Most of my time was spent watching public access television and bottom of the barrel shit on youtube. I don't miss being so ignorant and misguided.
>> No. 25082 [Edit]
My childhood was incredibly boring so no. I didn't get a computer, the internet, or a console until I was in my late teens.
>> No. 25083 [Edit]
No, I barely remember my childhood, or more recent past. Even stuff from just a year ago already feels fuzzy, like I experienced it, but I barely feel it was me experiencing it. Blows my mind how some people can remember every detail of their childhood, like the names of everyone they knew, the street addresses of all their friends, the shows they watched, etc. But my memory's always been pretty crummy. You'd think this is because I was raised on tech, but I actually spent most of my childhood reading. (Well, that gave way to tech eventually, and by now I couldn't tell you the books I read). The memories are still there: if I watch something I watched as a kid, I might get hit with a wave of nostalgia, though not necessarily with any particular memories. Same if I visit somewhere I used to spend a lot of time at, and especially if I listen to a CD I used to listen to a lot. Back when I dipped a bit too much into the drink, I'd often get drunk and watch stuff I enjoyed in my college years for the dopamine rush that would bring. Glad I'm past that phase, it wasn't my proudest time.
>> No. 25084 [Edit]
>such as going to the same places I used to as a kid
Wouldn't that corrupt your memories of those places?
>> No. 25085 [Edit]
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I used to be embarrassed about some things I did as a kid, but now I find it really endearing and actively go out of my way to make sure those things I did stay preserved in some fashion. The biggest thing that probably bothers me about my past is that I used to like my worthless, psychotic mother, and I feel part of her influence over me occasionally. If anyone ever asked me if I wanted to go back to the wonders of childhood, I'd say no, simply because of her.
I guess there's also the question of whether or not I should've chosen to drop out of highschool. On one hand, I feel like that'd follow me for the rest of my life. On the other hand, I only felt pain and never learned anything actually going through it. If anything, it was actively impeding my education. I guess I did learn how poor the American education system is, if nothing else. Thankfully there's no reason to torture myself by going to college and reliving those years.
>> No. 25088 [Edit]
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>I didn't get a computer, the internet, or a console until I was in my late teens.


I didn't even have a color TV. And the B&W we had couldn't be turned on until nighttime.
Childhood was a big black hole I can barely relate to. In my teen years I started to get into what I'm in today, but they were still awful, so I only feel nostalgia about certain things and moments. Even the afult life is a lot better than that.
Still, the current era feels really dystopic so I'm always feeling a vague sense of nostalgia over things and decades I didn't really experience.
>> No. 25089 [Edit]
Strangely enough it didn't. I guess the memories were too strong and vivid for cheap imitations to dilute them.
>> No. 26395 [Edit]
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Sometimes I wish I could be young again. Then I remember there wasn't really a point in my life when I could say I was genuinely happy, just living for indulgences like videos games because everything else was just so hard and boring. If nothing else, physical activity wasn't as hard for me back then so there's that at least, but that just means I lost yet something else.
>> No. 26396 [Edit]
It's weird because I also wish I was young but when I was young I wished to have all I have today (money, material things, independence).
I guess what I really miss is not being as numb as I've become.
>> No. 26397 [Edit]
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Yes, I think about the bad things that happened and keep replaying them in my head over and over again. Sometimes I think about how I could be more happy back them, even if it sucked, the thing was that I didn't know better. Sometimes when I see child-propaganda, like cartoons in chocolate boxes, or general products aimed at children, I feel this deep, powerful blow to my soul, as if I was getting soul-punched, very powerful wistful feeling.
As for redoing things that used to bring me joy, only watching a certain shows could maybe bring back those feelings, I did not leave the house on the regular back then, and the places I used to like are gone or changed.
Me too. I often fantasize about taking the ReLife pill. Though times have changed so much I doubt I could enjoy myself young again, not counting the inherent nihilism of adulthood that would persist in my mind if I went young again. I guess it could be some sort of interactive experience on the past, instead of reliving it nowadays. This way I could get some sense of correction and righting the wrongs of my life. But given the extent of my situation back then, I would have very likely gone bad, this experiment. Maybe if I went as a side character, like an older person to give actual help to my past self. Is there a manga with this theme?
>> No. 26427 [Edit]
I used to daydream about getting a second chance at childhood, until I realized that things would be worse unless I got a new set of circumstances. I'd still be just as powerless as before. I'd still face all the abuse I did the first time around, and it'd feel even worse now that I'm more aware of things than I was as a kid. I can't even daydream about being a kid and not going through what I did.
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