No. 24847
>You should learn how to talk with people normally, there should be plenty of guides online.
Ironically if this could be done then he likely wouldn't be on this board in the first place.
I agree that the emotional pain is related to loneliness, but I think that the primary cause is dwelling on it too much. Assuming you have neet-esque tendencies and are generally unsociable, you might be better off dwelling on it less, and instead finding means to get comfortable with (social) isolation. Note that this should not involve suppressing desires since that is inherently unstable but rather just getting to a state where you no longer feel that socializing is necessary. I'm not sure how to best do this but for me getting distracted by a hobby (learning Japanese is always a good one to start on) combined with meditation on emptiness works decently enough. And imageboards help fill in the gaps.
Post edited on 7th Nov 2019, 8:43pm