No. 24792
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This thursday I finished the last appointment of the aforementioned exams. They were 6 in total, plus the first introductory consultation and the upcoming results, two weeks from now.
Those tests, or as she would call it "tasks", were actually fun. It was more about testing your memory skills, visual thinking, these kind of things. There was usually a week-long break between each appointment. I can go into more detail about the tasks and describe them better if you guys want it.
On the 5th appointment after the tasks I was handed a form, that I needed to fill, I was like a personality test. There were statements and I had to grade them from 1 to 7, measuring how accurately they described me. I actually thought this was kind of hard, and exhausting. I don't like these kind of things. So unlike other days that appointment took quite some time to be finished, and I went on my way.
Next week, on the 6th appointment I started doing some tasks, and was doing them pretty well, as I would be told I completed them before the expected time or similar things. And them I was handed what I was handed another form. This time it was about physical symptoms of distress. None of them really applied to me, except maybe the trouble sleeping, but it focused more on not being able to go back to sleep instead of entering it to begin with. After then came the last form, and here is were I may have committed a mistake: This form was an collection of really negative and depressing affirmations, and played like the last one. Most of these seemed like the average sad imageboard post but written from a ford-driver perspective. I didn't circled these, opting always for the less negatives. But near the end of the form I was beginning to feel somewhat upset, can't really tell why, and then came a question that asked about thought of ending one's life. The first option said "These never cross my mind", and the second "These may cross my mind, but I would never act on them", and two other more suicidal statements. I spent some time on this one, and marked the second one, even tough looking backwards it seen much worse than the current situation, but the first one sounded too optimistic. And so this leads us to the current predicament, where I am here thinking I may have fucked this hole thing by accidentally making it seem that I may go and try something dangerous, and they will interpret that answer as a warning sign, and overreact to it.