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File 154740840044.jpg - (19.47KB , 236x272 , 68159970a648cbcdd651d00810a8c113--anime-girl-cryin.jpg )
24020 No. 24020 [Edit]
Who am i? i have no idea. The constant cold pain in my chest turns into a feeling of hopelessness and defeat. It manifests itself into a cage keeping me stuck in the same old ways. A boy who never grew up, and will never change. The feeling is a cry for help. A begging for forgiveness. A feeling that inevitably leads me back to god. A feeling that turns me into an emotionless statue. An overwhelming bearer of bad news. It takes control of my mind and body. I'm a dead man slowly inching his way towards the inevitable destination that warmly welcomes us all. I wake up and feel pain, I exist and feel pain, I go to sleep and feel pain. I become numb for a few moments, and am brought back into the dreaded reality I have created around myself. Whats the answer. How many times now. How many times have I tried to find it. After years and years of thinking. I'm still the same. I won't ever change.
>> No. 24033 [Edit]
Find a quiet place and some time. Relax. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Hold it. Let it out. Repeat.
Instead of talking back to the scarred emotions, listen to them. Don't engage with them - if you find yourself doing so, gently step away. Let them be. Let them talk. Hear out everything, until everything has been said. Then - cherish the brief moment of freedom. For once, seek not echoes of your pained mind, but answers. You say you will never change - but what is your obstacle? You say you are lead back to God - can you find strength in Him, whichever faith you are of? What does the pain root from?
Ultimately, even if you feel the most powerless, in the darkest possible place, the one thing you have power over is yourself. It's hard. I know. I'm not here to give you an easy solution. I'm here to try and convince you to try. It's okay if, instead of reaching for the ladder, you slip. Once, twice, maybe more. It's okay. Nobody's here to judge you. Rest, if you need, and try again. Eventually, you'll find a way. Something. Something that gives you that meaning you seek. A path to change, even if slightly. I believe in you, anon. You can make it. You can get out of the darkness - and into the light.
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