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23787 No. 23787 [Edit]
I told my therapist about my life situation and then he started to cry. I remained calm, but it was really awkward and embarrassing. Like, even someone who deals with people who have problems for a living was shocked at how shitty my life is.

I wonder if it was genuine or if he faked it because therapists think crying shows empathy and an emotional connection with their patient. I think it's just that he is inexperienced or something. But it's weird and I wish he didn't do it.
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>> No. 23788 [Edit]
What made you opt to visit a therapist? Personally I dislike the idea of it immensely. No one can tell you what is wrong and what right, sapere aude, mental health is a meme, normalfag-ideology.
>> No. 23789 [Edit]
I went to a therapist for a bit once, left me with the gold nugget of wisdom: "have you tried having more popular hobbies?"
>> No. 23790 [Edit]
>I told my therapist about my life situation and then he started to cry.
And these people are supposed to be professionals.
>> No. 23791 [Edit]
I think professionalism is a farce. Most people are just winging it.
>> No. 23792 [Edit]
not only are they winging it, but if you point out that they don't know what they're doing they will become outraged and indignant.
if someone who is legitimately trained and competent starts working near them the faker will sabotage the skilled person because they don't want to be compared unfavorably.
and don't forget that people who are living a lie successfully are demonstrably good at deviousness, they will outwit you most of the time because they're practiced and you won't see the lie.
next time you get on an airplane think about how the captain got his job because daddy worked for the airline rather than by demonstrated ability to handle an aircraft safely.
>> No. 23821 [Edit]
I mean, at least that would be a quick and fairly painless death.
>winging it
>> No. 23924 [Edit]
The pro wrestler Ric Flair tells the story that he started seeing a therapist at the height I'd his popularity over confidence issues, and the therapist ebsed up crying. Maybe after hearing about his alcohol addiction.

Ric Flair was famous for his matches against the Von Erich family.

The Von Erich family is a professional wrestling family. Its actual surname is "Adkisson", but every member who has been in the wrestling business has used the ring name "Von Erich", after the family patriarch, Jack (Fritz Von Erich) Adkisson.

When Fritz died of cancer in his Denton County home at 68, five of his six sons had preceded him. His firstborn, Jack Jr., was shocked and drowned in a puddle at the age of six in 1959, outside his Niagara Falls home. In 1984, David Von Erich died in a Tokyo hotel from enteritis. Mike, Chris, and Kerry died of suicide; Mike took an overdose of Placidyl near Lewisville Lake in 1987, Chris shot himself in the head with a 9mm handgun in 1991 and Kerry shot himself in the chest in the family yard in 1993. Kevin Von Erich is the last surviving son.
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