No. 23780
once you go through something like that you'll feel compelled to make use of what you learned because of all the time and effort you invested in completing the studies and training. inevitably "making use of what you learned" will consist of slaving away making profits for some narcissist with an inherited business or someone else who got to their position of authority through nepotism or some other sleazy dishonest means. a lot of that hard work, valuable skills and effort they try to make you learn in school isn't intended for your own benefit, so don't feel like you're making a mistake if you don't follow the normie drone path to what they define as a successful life. their definition is self serving, nobody wants to admit that they've been tricked into slavery, makes them feel foolish and lose face. if it turns out that you want to be a hermit and live in a cave and make cave drawnings that nobody else will ever look at and you go ahead and do that and enjoy it then you've had a successful life. if you were born 20,000 years ago as a semicivilized halfmonkey and never left the valley you were born in an just sat in a tree and at fresh fruit and masturbated all day until you were eaten by a lion and no anthologist ever dug up your skeleton then you would have had a successful life. if you suffer miserably trying to make other people happy and satisfy their desires and expectations they will just continue to take advantage of you and you will be left with regrets and feel like a chump. furthermore the worst of the other people will seek you out for manipulation with leech-like coldness and instinct.
kakusu because /so/ is gay and i'm a retard