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23684 No. 23684 [Edit]
What I mean by this is, say you go to a few irc channels/chat rooms or even places like discard or what have you. You get there, and either you are treated like the odd one for being there, or the place is dead or hardly any activity with plenty of people lurking there anyway. I see this shit everywhere, and it pisses me off to no end. What's the point of lurking in a channel and staying there if you only check back every five years to say a few words and fuck off again for another? It's just so lame, I find a place where people are supposed to be talking about something I am interested in as well, so I join and am usually greeted by scarce talk even if I try to start conversation in a normal way. Why are so many places dead pieces of boring shit? Why are so many people such annoyances to try talking with?
>> No. 23687 [Edit]
>or even places like discard
>why are people such massive fags?
It's intrinsic in such platform.
>it pisses me off to no end. What's the point of lurking in a channel and staying there
If you are connected through a desktop client, what difference does it make if you have an extra channel open? It's not like people open IRC just to lurk. That aside, people don't owe you their attention. You're not entitled to being interacted with because you joined a chat room, even if it makes no sense to you.
>Why are so many places dead pieces of boring shit?
A lot of IRC channels, forum communities, etc. are mostly vestiges from years ago, where people who still join or lurk do so out of routine, nostalgia, occasional reminiscence or even off-chance of encountering someone they interacted with in the past. Therefore, the degree of activity is vastly reduced from what it used to be. For discord the issue is different; since as a platform is designed to maximize circlejerking and prioritize identities over topics, people will naturally gravitate to communities that allow them to have their identities grow, or exploit them for attention, making the average lifespan of a channel incredibly short in comparison to IRC, so you're bound to find dozens if not hundred+ channels related to anime that are now either deserted or transformed into a clique's hideout.
>Why are so many people such annoyances to try talking with?
Impossible to answer because the problem could still be you.
>> No. 23689 [Edit]
>That aside, people don't owe you their attention. You're not entitled to being interacted with because you joined a chat room, even if it makes no sense to you.
I see your point here, and now I am realizing that my post came off a bit differently than I intended, which is my fault. No point is good unless it is explained properly. It isn't very often that I visit random channels that I've never been to. I sometimes see one mentioned somewhere and decide to check it out. What I am annoyed by, that I didn't explain very well, is the common trend I see of egotistical bs. As in, people not responding to a simple question or treating one in an otherwise unfriendly manner on purpose. I am taking those things I described and viewing them as that. I understand that there are older communities where people don't talk so much anymore or lurk out of habit or what have you, like you said, but it seems to me that isn't the case with every channel. I don't expect to get social interaction every time I go some place and order people to talk to me or else I flip out and go crazy, it's that it is rare for anyone to even care. For example, if someone joins a channel and asks a simple question related to the community or topic around it, any reasonable person would expect that sooner or later, even after a few days someone would see that and bother to respond (so long as the person who asked is still there and the question isn't stupid). Of course there are places where people legitimately don't look and don't check, for the reasons you mentioned which really I hadn't thought much about, but make some sense. The origin of this is, there are some things I might find one small community for in form of an irc channel, and when I go there and see no active members it seems as if nobody cared about it in the first place. You'd think at least one other person would. As for discord, I realized a while back the platform was crap in more ways than one (namely the identity part as you said, more egotistical bs) and it should be treated that way as anyone reasonable wouldn't be using it as their platform of choice in the first place.

Post edited on 26th Jul 2018, 8:11pm
>> No. 24154 [Edit]
You're never really gratified unless you're part of the founding population. It's all clique shit, and you have to know the right people to be invited to the cool clubs.
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