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23635 No. 23635 [Edit]
I just want to talk a bit about this phrase which I am sure some of you have seen tossed around lately. This I think is the most ignorant, moronic, and backwards thing you could ever tell someone, especially if they're feeling frustrated/hurt about something.
It's the sort of insensitive and uncaring thing people who know nothing about the person or what they are feeling will toss around like nothing and I think it can really hurt people and drive them to commit hurtful actions to themselves or maybe others. If you tell this to someone they might just end up deciding they in turn don't owe the world anything and start lashing out, or take it to heart and hurt themselves because of it. But aside from all that, it's a double standard that goes both ways. If you've ever felt wronged by anyone or anything, then by the logic of this statement and what it represents you forfeit any right to complain about said wrong doing or problems. Imagine you just got mugged and and when you ask for help someone says "The world doesn't owe you anything". Failed that test you studied so hard for? well the world doesn't owe you anything. You just got cheated on? Too bad the world doesn't owe you anything. Imagine grieving over the death of a loved one you wish you could see again just to have someone tell you "The world doesn't owe you anything".
I think this is a cruel thing to say in any context and you're a shitty person if you say it to anyone for any reason.
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>> No. 23636 [Edit]
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If your only purpose is to vent, then I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of people. It's indeed a rude and heartless thing to say, and I hope whatever is ailing you gets better, your life becomes more comfortable, and such individuals stay as far away from you as possible. If your purpose is to understand the phrase and the reasoning behind it, then I have some thoughts. If not, I advise you not to uncover the spoiler-tagged wall of text, since it could hurt your feelings and I wouldn't want that.

>The world doesn't owe you anything
Objectively, unequivocally true. The world, both as a geological structure and as a system of civilization does not owe you anything. Its existence is not a default guarantee nor assurance of convenience, purpose, fulfilment, or even continual survival.
>seen tossed around lately
Probably been tossed around since always after true spoken language became a thing.
>This I think is the most ignorant
I don't see how, it fully stands its ground on reality.
I don't see how, it fully stands its ground on logic.
>and backwards thing you could ever tell someone
>It's the sort of insensitive and uncaring thing
I agree. Whether the statement is true has nothing to do with it not being a nice or appropriate thing to tell anyone, specially if the intention is (supposedly) to comfort then. It's very tactless and rude.
>I think it can really hurt people...
I agree.
>...and drive them to commit hurtful actions to themselves or maybe others
I disagree. Other people are not responsible for your actions. In almost all cases, and in principle, verbal provocation justifying a physical reaction towards others is a subhuman-tier mentality, and what you do to your own body is fully on you and nobody else... pretending otherwise is mental gymnastics.
>they might just end up deciding they in turn don't owe the world anything
That's true as well, you don't owe the world anything by default. You're not required to be a part of society. You can go live in the forest, an island or a jungle, under your own rules. But if you are going to be part of society and enjoy its benefits and commodities, then you must partake in its rules and regulations though.
>and start lashing out, or take it to heart and hurt themselves because of it.
Same as before. You're responsible for your own actions.
>by the logic of this statement and what it represents you forfeit any right to complain about said wrong doing or problems.
I don't see how you reached that conclusion. Everyone living in a society is bound by its laws. If someone has wronged you to a degree it breaks a law, you literally have the right to file a complain and demand retribution if the case allows it for. On a lesser level, you can complain all you want, all day long, about anything you deem fit, and nobody can tell you otherwise (unless, that is, you're living or working under someone's roof, therefore becoming bound to their rules).
>Imagine you just got mugged and and when you ask for help someone says "The world doesn't owe you anything".
I've never seen, heard, or read about something like this happening, but for the sake of example: You go to the police, file a report. If you live in country where police is competent, you'll get justice. If you don't, and you end up shafted, I concede it's very unfair, unjust, and disgraceful, but such are the flaws of this world. Nevertheless, in the second scenario, you could technically concoct vengeance by tracking down the mugger and exacting justice yourself. Whether you can get away with it, that's up to your intelligence and guile. In an scenario where a world doesn't owe you anything, it certainly doesn't owe anything to anyone else.
>Failed that test you studied so hard for? well the world doesn't owe you anything.
I have no idea how you relate this two, it makes complete sense. If you failed a test (that obviously you knew it was coming) how is it anyone else's fault but your own, much less the "world"'s? Passing a test is a very simple formula: You get rewarded (graded) based on the effort you put in.
>You just got cheated on? Too bad the world doesn't owe you anything.
Same principle. If your partner cheated on you, the person at fault is them, not "the world". I don't see the logic. What do you expect, a lightning strike to fall on your perpetrator? (That'd be nice though).
>Imagine grieving over the death of a loved one you wish you could see again just to have someone tell you "The world doesn't owe you anything".
That would be an extremely and even cruel thing to say, and as before with the mugging, I have never seen, read or heard anything like it. With that said, it's also true. The world doesn't owe unlimited lifespan.
>I think this is a cruel thing to say in any context and you're a shitty person if you say it to anyone for any reason.
I fully, 100% agree... but that doesn't equate to the statement being anything but true. The issue here is "people", not "the world". The world doesn't owe you anything, but, if you offer it in the same amount, people do owe you a modicum of respect. People use this phrase (besides being jerks) for the simple reason of being a standard normaldric platitude: they hear it or see it, they repeat it. The reason it's so used (and hurtful) is because it's true, and probably makes the user feel better about themselves at the expense of others ("I sure laidd out some universal wisdom on that crybaby, hah!").

>> No. 23637 [Edit]
The world doesn't owe you anything. That's true. But if someone has wronged you, the person owes you, not the world itself. If the person who wronged you in some way says that statement to justify their actions, that individual is a fool.
>> No. 23638 [Edit]
I'm the opposite. I use it on myself and it makes me feel less crap. The world takes and takes and it's about all it does. Pretending that it's a just place just gets my hopes up. At the end of the day, all you got is number one, expecting anything else to come through is just a crapshoot.

It's not really tactful, polite or even really correct to use it to cover your own crap, but the statement itself isn't strictly untrue when used in the right context.
>> No. 23639 [Edit]
"The world doesn't owe you anything" sounds like a phrase a baby boomer (who grew up in the wealthiest generation in human history) would tell a millennial who doesn't make much money, after being forced to go into massive debt for college, then do an unpaid internship, then get hired for minimum wage and no benefits. Boomers pretend that the world is just like it was when they were growing up, even though it is in fact vastly different now.
>> No. 23659 [Edit]
The world doesn't owe you anything, not fairness or justice or happiness, as such is the way of the world. If this is true, then it stands to reason that you in turn do not owe the world fair conduct, equal and just exchange, or happiness. To owe, to be owed, and to have a set of rules for the benefit of one party, is something that must go both ways in a relationship between entities, or not at all. If the world and its laws will not regard me, then I shall not regard the desires and needs of the world or its laws. The world can only demand adherence to it's own wishes if it holds up its own end of the bargain, which is, in fact, the promise of just treatment under its care. If it fails to do so, or even refuses to do so, then the contract is voided, and I shall act accordingly with disregard for the world or its laws. You cannot give nothing yet expect to be given something in return.

I owe the world nothing, not observation of its laws nor fair exchange nor just treatment.
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