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No. 23598 [Edit]
This guy is being publicly humiliated for being mentally ill.

The media is all like: let's ignore societal problems. Let's ignore healthcare issues and mental health. Let's ignore economic issues. Let's just pretend that millennials with financial issues are all lazy.

Regardless of this guy's actual circumstances, it seems that the greater purpose of this particular report is to demonize other millennials who are in bad living situations.
>> No. 23599 [Edit]
I guess the video embed thing didn't work. I tried to edit the original post, but it wouldn't let me.
Anyway, here's the video:
>> No. 23601 [Edit]
Did you try clicking the link that says "Help" next to the embed field?
>> No. 23602 [Edit]
I did. I followed what it said, and it still didn't work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> No. 23603 [Edit]
honestly I think the biggest takeaway from this story is that people will eat up any non-issue the news hands to them. This does not deserve to be international news, no matter if you sympathise with the guy or not. It feels like they're trying to distract us from something.
>> No. 23604 [Edit]
He probably browses /tc/.

Well, not anymore I guess.
>> No. 23606 [Edit]
Nah, he has a biological son.
>> No. 23607 [Edit]
A manchild with a child of his own, now that's new.
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