No. 23645
>mental illness issues
I have mental issues too, but I'm doing okay in college now. My university offers counseling, a group therapy thing (not publicly advertised but I talked about interest in something like that and I got invited to it), and they have a disability services office that helps make special accommodations for people.
>colleges don't do IEPs
There are still academic advisors, counselors, therapists, and other resources on campus to help you. It's in the best interests of colleges to have people succeed. If you reach out to the resources they offer, they will try hard to help you. But you have to advocate for yourself. But you have to reach out when you need help. Nobody else will do that for you. But sometimes, reaching out for help can be as simple as sending an email to someone.
>taking math classes + tests hard as shit
I used to say that I wasn't a "math person" but I've survived physics, calculus, statistics, and discrete mathematics so far. But if you're not majoring in STEM, you don't even need to take really hard math classes. Maybe just algebra and precalculus. Maybe not even that much. But a lot of it is your attitude. If you say you're not a math person, you're setting yourself up for failure. Have a positive attitude, have proper time management to give yourself enough time to do the homework and studying, go to your classes, make flash cards for formulas, make study groups or go to office hours or tutoring if need be, and so on. There are plenty of resources out there to help people in college. It's not as if every person who enters college is an expert in math.
>my mental issues are holding me back from being a normal successful human like majority of society
I used to be an agoraphobic NEET and now I'm a software developer and a college student.
I know other people at college who have issues with mental health, physical health, learning, and all sorts of other problems. If you think other people's lives are perfect, you're dead wrong. People just hide it.
I'm sure you can succeed in college. But you have to actually try. Your self-defeating language won't do you any good. Believing in yourself is really important. I know you can do it and I wish you the best of luck. Stop putting yourself down!