NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!
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23456 No. 23456 [Edit]
How can you be a hikikomori without income? I hear that most don't have jobs so it confuses me. Do you guys just live with your folks or what? I try to be a hikikomori but I still have school and my sister is taking up our room most of the time.. So I don't really understand some of it, I guess.
>> No. 23458 [Edit]
It normally means being very lucky and spoiled enough to have parents or siblings willing to enable you becoming a shut in. Few can manage it, hikikomori just seem more common than they are because they're able to be on the internet every waking hour and have more presence.
>> No. 23459 [Edit]
disability checks
>> No. 23460 [Edit]
Oh, right, that.
>> No. 23560 [Edit]
There's 4 main ways to be a hikkikomori.
1. supported by family (including inheritance)
2. receiving benefits
3. work from home
4. savings (see Recovery of an MMO Junky)
>> No. 23561 [Edit]
>see Recovery of an MMO Junky
Despite you didn't actually state it, but since it seems to be a trend here to misappropriate the term... Moriko Morioka is not a hikikomori, but rather a NEET (elito neeto, as she says it). While she has obvious social anxiety due to her seclusion, she doesn't have that much issue with going outside and even enjoys engaging in social interactions in crowded places as shown repeatedly.

That aside, working from home as a hikikomori is very hard because of how few of these types of jobs are. Been looking for such opportunities for years.
>> No. 23562 [Edit]
Good point, very true. I just meant similar in that it's purposefully saving up to drop out of society. This is the route I took.
You are also right about working from home being very hard. I think a good idea is to diversify your income sources as much as possible. I don't personally do it but I hear people can do pretty well from cryptocurrency trading, so that might be worth looking into. You can also resell stuff, there's a guide somewhere about buying things from chinese sites and selling them on ebay for profit, without it ever going to your house. If you have specialist knowledge or skills you could probably turn that into money. Another option is creative stuff, if you build a little fanbase you can set up a patreon or ko-fi and make a little extra there. This could mean music, art, fanart, writing, blogging, reviewing, youtube, streaming etc. If you work hard it's possible even though it takes time and work, I make a little that way. Finally there's things like mturk which are essentially slave wages for a westerner but if you live in the 3rd world that much money can make a difference.
>> No. 23567 [Edit]
>there's things like mturk which are essentially slave wages
Been trying to get into that for years now. Too bad there aren't any decent alternatives.
>> No. 23690 [Edit]
Savings, family support, extreme budgeting and subconsciously/consciously willing it.
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