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23140 No. 23140 [Edit]
The Prominent Australian Death Support Philip Nitschke has unveiled his new development - the Sarco suicide capsule from the 3D printer. The machine has a single and simple aim of helping rationally capable people to get out of the world. The capsule was said to have been developed by Nitschke in Holland. The suicide machine consists of two parts: a reusable machine bed and a detachable capsule that can be used as a coffin. The design for the suicide device should appear free on the Internet and can be anywhere in the world 3D printed and built. To get into the capsule, the lethargic person should complete a questionnaire to assess their mental status and get a four-digit code. Entering the code should open the door of the capsule and engage the user. Inside, liquid nitrogen is used to lower the oxygen content. It should all be over in a few minutes.
>> No. 23141 [Edit]
>The suicide machine consists of two parts: a reusable machine bed and a detachable capsule that can be used as a coffin.
That's pretty smart.

>To get into the capsule, the lethargic person should complete a questionnaire to assess their mental status and get a four-digit code.
This is not. As if a small questionnaire can assess the mental status of a person.

Also it looks like ass.
>> No. 23189 [Edit]
>This is not. As if a small questionnaire can assess the mental status of a person.
lol, a 'small' questionnaire in Australian lingo is not that small.
We didn't reach number two in HDI by doing stupid shit.
>> No. 29382 [Edit]
For some reason this repulses me. There is something deeply inhumane about it, that I just can't cope with. Not inhumane as in a moral judgment, but in a creepy feeling way. How can anyone prefer this way of dying over jumping from a building or hanging yourself? Since the OP's post time has past and now there are people actively trying to gaslight you into thinking this NATURAL and GOOD instinct, that there is something horribly wrong with that machine, is somehow misguided and that we should all accept this new way of dying. I call bullshit. This machine is evil. I thoroughly understand that for many people suicide is the only way out of their suffering, I understand this, because I can relate to this feeling a lot, but even though the risks of normal suicide methods, they are at least human in a way, not some 3d-printed state-sponsored industrial death pod, where the bed is reusable so the new hopeless soul can be transferred to hell as efficiently as possible. I hate everything about this.

Post edited on 19th Jul 2024, 11:14pm
>> No. 29515 [Edit]
I totally get this. It's an admission to the hopeless conditions of life, then it being commercialized and made to propagate. Ever so slightly, the needle points further away from human life being intrinsically valuable and protected to a disease that one needs to rid themselves of. The choice whether life is or isn't worth living is ultimately an individual choice, but the latter shouldn't be a commonly accepted axiom or promoted as moral, as Philip Nitschke espouses. Pushing this attitude into the collective ethos, normalizing it, and then creating the means for it, undermines a fundamental tenet that stops things from getting much worse for everyone. It would be one less thing stopping human nature from running its course and duplicating the suffering and misery everywhere. They'd be no inhibition for anything that causes suffering; your sadistic boss would think he's doing something acceptable, maybe even morally correct! -- as society cheers him on while making your life hell. You're suffering? Well that's too bad! We've got just the product for you, here's where you can do it, and we also think that it's the correct thing to do since life is meaningless suffering, right? Now go on, step into the machine; we'll close it for you and throw away the key. Now that's customer service!

Also, I think it's quite insulting personally. Humans aren't that inept and weak that they'd need someone else's handiwork.
>> No. 29527 [Edit]
i feel like the following quote is very related to your sentiment

>"As the measure of man moves from his genes to his bank accounts, from his blood to his wallet, from what he is to what he owns, the worth of man as a biological organism dwindles, until finally he is no longer fit to live in the world."

this pod really is just the capstone on the commodification of human life, it was inevitable. now there is not a single domain of human experience left where we are not being sold a product.
>> No. 29528 [Edit]
It's so funny isn't it? Guns have been traditionally used for killing yourself, they're really effective and they kind of test your committment to dying, regardless of causes or morals. It takes a lot of courage and guts to step into a rom alone with a gun, you know the trigger doesn't fuck around. It's not like jumping in from of a train or from a few story home. A bullet is absolute, total and quick death (before anyone interjects here, lets assume it's not a pitiful 9mm or any other kids gun).

So why then, create this pod instead of just building a shack with a glued down gun inside? Because Anon is right, this demonic machine is the pinacle of everything wrong with modern times. More than that, a gun is ultimately a tool. A tool that can be used to release yourself from the suffering of this world. Or a tool you can use to fight back against those that never saw you as anything other than a number, a statistic, a process to extract wealth from and whose efficiency should've tuned to 100%. But they don't want that, for you to fight back I mean.

I've noticed more and more people have been getting into gnosticism. I'm not into it myself not because I don't believe it to be real but because I am simply too tired to delve into it properly. I just have a hunch those guys are real, man. There is something deeply evil and corrupted about how things currently are, and this suicide-pod machine thingy is proof of it.
>> No. 29529 [Edit]
A lot of overanalysis in this thread. A gun could work sure, but angle it the wrong way and you will only be permanently crippled instead of dead. The idea of the painless suicide machine and allowing people to choose what they want to do with their life (even end it) is noble enough. I wonder what the detractors think of Canada's MAID program, whether they'd consider that dystopic as well.

This machine is over-engineered though, and feels more like some sci-fi perversion rather than something practical. All you need is a helium mask (or some other inert asyphixiating gas, don't know which is the best). And who would want to spend their last moments in a confined pod, that's just stupid.
>> No. 29550 [Edit]
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