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File 150062997630.jpg - (31.86KB , 640x480 , ba%20chan%20%2B%20arme.jpg )
22823 No. 22823 [Edit]
how old do you have to be before u can die and ppl won't say "oh its sad he died so young"?
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>> No. 22824 [Edit]
>> No. 22825 [Edit]
File 150063113952.jpg - (439.76KB , 1920x1080 , eriri btfo.jpg )
>tfw 30
Well shit. Guess I can die in peace then.

>> No. 22826 [Edit]
I'd say anything after 30 yeah. 20s will sound too young, but you can 'maybe' get away with 28/29.
>> No. 22829 [Edit]
I think below 40.
>> No. 22830 [Edit]
Who's gonna say a 36 year old man died too young?
>> No. 22831 [Edit]
People that are over 60?
>> No. 22832 [Edit]
and people over 90 would say -60 year olds were too young to die.
>> No. 22834 [Edit]
I doubt it. Most people that reach 90 will feel they're on borrowed time already so dying at 60 is much expected than below 40.
>> No. 22867 [Edit]
if the person was a creator type that made stuff in the public domain that a lot of people liked then anything below 60 would be consider dying too young. which shouldnt concern any of us
>> No. 22869 [Edit]
what a weird question
anyway i agree with >>22829
most people expect to live till at least 60 these days
>> No. 22900 [Edit]
In this day and age? 50, I think.
>> No. 22902 [Edit]
Fuck it, just let me die in peace.
>> No. 22912 [Edit]
File 150358466573.jpg - (105.29KB , 994x508 , Cynametrix-3.jpg )
>> No. 22983 [Edit]
>banning a dead guy
Waste of time
>> No. 22984 [Edit]
They're very likely alive and the ban was very likely temporary.
>> No. 23017 [Edit]
I suppose the most polite thing would be to wait until all of your ancestors are dead.
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