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File 149609710726.png - (179.71KB , 363x373 , Screenshot from 2017-05-19 04-44-05.png )
22734 No. 22734 [Edit]
I'm just worried how I'm going to survive the next few years. It's become obvious there is no way I can live a normal lifestyle working a 9-5, even if I wanted to I just don't have the skill. But I'm not charismatic enough to talk to a counselor and convince them to recommend me for NEETbucks. I can only hope for my parents to not mind me staying here, but their relationship is in a constant state of deterioration and it simply won't be possible at some point. So, either I become homeless, or I die. I guess I'm still scared of suicide, as appealing as it sounds to me. I'd like to be able to finish my backlog before I die, you know?
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>> No. 22735 [Edit]
File 149610661628.png - (368.17KB , 664x606 , 1455834501427.png )
>I'm just worried how I'm going to survive the next few years. It's become obvious there is no way I can live a normal lifestyle working a 9-5, even if I wanted to I just don't have the skill.

Those type of positions only require patience and perseverance. There's no skill involved. White collar 9-5's are hard as hell to find though, especially for the younger generation.
I'd recommend looking for a warehouse job, moving crap from one place to another and loading/unloading cargo from trucks. Alternatively, if you have a lot of patience (and an i-pod with 10+ gigs of music on it), try being a trucker. The main job requirement is sitting 10-12 hours a day, and driving the speed limit. They will sponsor getting you the commercial driving licence, it won't take more than a couple of weeks to get used to driving a big rig.

>But I'm not charismatic enough to talk to a counselor and convince them to recommend me for NEETbucks.

That doesn't take charisma, it takes courage.

If you're too prideful to take a handout, you're already a better person than 85% of the people on wellfare.
The people behind the counter won't mind, they are used to ungrateful fucks who ask for money, and then turn around and ask for more as if they are entitled to it. There are also other social programs that can be helpful, such as resume/interviewing classes, or certain trades (generally state gov. partners with a local community college and taxes cover everything).

>I can only hope for my parents to not mind me staying here, but their relationship is in a constant state of deterioration and it simply won't be possible at some point.

blood is thicker than water m8. Unless your parents are going through a divorce, or are being evicted (in which case you all are homeless), you have nothing to worry about.
Spend an hour or so a day being a live-in maid for them. Vacuum the house, dust, or go do work on the yard (it's good exercise, will generally push off feelings of depression, and a great way to burn off anger). Just because you live with your parents doesn't mean you should mooch off them. You should be working for it (one-two hours a day isn't asking a lot, really).

You have things better than living in a shitty low-cost apartment and working two minimum wage jobs, 60 hours a week each just to cover rent and food. Trust me on that, please.

Also, I sincerely regret to inform you, but your backlog will start to grow exponentially once you get a job. Eventually, it will get so bad that you will stop adding to it all together, and a few years from there, you will go back and look through it to find on more than one occasion, the same series/vn listed twice (and I don't mean in different categories). There's nothing that you can realistically do about it, either. There's just not enough time, even without a job, to experience everything in that backlog....
>> No. 22739 [Edit]
>Spend an hour a day being a live-in-maid
Do this OP. It helps a lot. I was about to snap over the winter but spring/summer has made things far better.

It may not sound appealing at the start but coming home and doing yard work helped my sanity a ton. And if your parents are lazy they won't bother you. Because that requires getting off the couch.

Do be weary of doing too much or it becomes expected.
>> No. 22800 [Edit]
Fucking hate it when you reverse image search a manga and it just says 'cartoon'. Google is filtering it out on purpose.
>> No. 22870 [Edit]
my parents helped me get neetbux and find a place to live. without them i'd be living on the streets. i'm so useless
>> No. 22874 [Edit]
Baby steps, OP. Why work 9 to 5? My first job was 10 pm to 7 am.
>> No. 22988 [Edit]
How do I get neetbux? Obviously I need to be diagnosed, but I'm worried that won't be enough. I've got many many problems, but I worry none of them on their own are severe enough to "count". They all combine to make my life hell, but alone I imagine they don't seem important.
>> No. 22990 [Edit]
Well, I definitely can't hold a job. I only ever had one job-ish thing, and that was helping a guy with tree-trimming. He let go of me after 4 days because I couldn't do the work and forgot a lot of things.
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