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22673 No. 22673 [Edit]
Have you ever experienced a kind of wave of negative emotions where you realize that you are eternally, utterly alone in the universe and that nothing will ever change that?
>> No. 22674 [Edit]
You get used to it.
>> No. 22675 [Edit]
We are the same person. All of us. It makes me so sick. My god, I can never be saved
>> No. 22676 [Edit]
As long as you have the magic of the Ethernet, we'll always be connected in a way.
>> No. 22677 [Edit]
It really is best to just keep the mind off topics like infinity. It doesnt exist to me and I dont have to believe it. There, I feel better now.
>> No. 22678 [Edit]
Of course. I just try to reassure myself that I can somehow deal with it and try my hardest to hold onto that feeling, otherwise I end up breaking down and crying those feelings away.
>> No. 22679 [Edit]
It doesn't bother me as much as the fact that I'm surrounded by a world full of humans, supposedly like me but I can feel no connection to whatsoever. It questions the very essence of your existence.
>> No. 22680 [Edit]
It's strange, infinity and eternity bothered me when I was a child, I would cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how neither ending my existence nor living forever appealed to me. But right now, the idea of infinity just feels like endless opportunity to me, and I don't really mind either living forever or dying tomorrow. I have my waifu, so I do not feel alone. And besides, I've been talking to myself in my head since I was a kid, I'm very much adjusted to myself being my only company. It's a funny realization to make, but if you talk to yourself, you'll never feel lonely. Maybe I'm insane, but I'm too far gone to realize it or care if I am.
>> No. 22681 [Edit]
I don't yearn for company and I've always talked to myself a lot too, I think it helps.
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