No. 23420
There never was a happiest moment, but rather a recollection I have of happy moments.
When I was a teen, I got a failing grade in High school, as I was walking down the road to my home to report to my parents, I had my head held up high as I knew I was a capable young man, so no matter what the outcome I get didn't matter, and I had a smile. This was one of those fleeting moments of hapiness
I had some more, but this one just resurfaced today and I was extremely happy, thinking if I ever will get back to those dreamlike days.
I have become stronger, more knowledgeable and capable in the past 5 years since, but I have also become more robot like. I am tough as nails now, but I don't really want to become that way any more because I loved being able to feel things and living my life according to emotions.
Whatever happens, I will stay myself, but I hope, I do it with spirit and love again.