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File 149233402258.jpg - (97.86KB , 1280x720 , Usakame - 04 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_02_04_[2016_05_18.jpg )
22575 No. 22575 [Edit]
I just want to lay around doing nothing, maybe sleep all day or something like that. I can't though. I have a little voice in me that wont shut up and keeps telling me to do something productive. I'm always working on one thing or another. There's always something to clean or fix or improve, and it stresses me out whenever I'm sitting still for too long. I can't even watch anime without doing one or two other things at the same time. It kind of drives me nuts. I can't stop thinking about all the things I should be doing with my time, even now I feel like I'm wasting time by typing this when I could be working on a dozen other things. I wish I didn't have to feel like this all the time. I wish I could just do nothing and not feel guilty about it.
>> No. 22576 [Edit]
your thinking too much, just do what you want. more people then you think feel this way.
>> No. 22578 [Edit]
So you're saying it's normal to have dozens of projects you're in the middle of working on simultaneously and multitask at every opportunity?
>> No. 22580 [Edit]
I get what you mean, I feel it too, but for me it manifests differently to you.
One difference is: I cannot stand to do something on the side while watching anime. You're not really watching it, then what's the point of having it on? is my logic.
>> No. 22581 [Edit]
I do that with crappy anime. The worse it is the less attention I pay to it. Besides, a lot of anime are filed with stills or panning shots of people only flapping their mouths. You're not really missing much if you take your eyes off the screen for a bit here and there during those times, as long as you can still hear what they're saying anyway.
>> No. 22582 [Edit]
I have this problem primarily because I only have one monitor. I'm always using IRC or Discord or some other chat program, so I keep checking it a lot even while watching anime. I get the most enjoyment if I watch it at one of my friend's houses where I'm either on a couch or on the floor; not in the computer chair.

Although as I see this thread I can probably solve this by using my TV I normally use for gaming.. Hmm.
>> No. 22583 [Edit]
I'm the same way but I'm fine with it. It's great to keep reaching for higher heights, quite enjoyable. Given you have to enjoy the process of reaching said heights more than getting to the heights themselves or you'll get into trouble.

People like us need to be careful because we're prone to being taken advantage of. If life is game theory we play the cooperate card too much. People notice and we're easy prey to rack up points on.

Altruism is a lie; an elaborate mechanism of human parasitism. All humans are parasites. The defective humans, that is, the ones who aren't find themselves weeded out of the gene pool quite easily. And if they aren't they find themselves attached to a mate that doesn't give a shit about them. You're "a great guy" because you put up with their bullshit, you let them do whatever they want. You get the point. If you don't fight back, you don't compete, you're on the chopping block. Both literally and figuratively.

The only solution for people like us is to intentionally cultivate selfishness and narcissism. Otherwise people just take, and take, and take. Until you're drained of all drive, all love of life. And they lack the soul to even realize what they've done.
>> No. 22584 [Edit]
>I do that with crappy anime. The worse it is the less attention I pay to it.
Why would you watch it if you don't like it?

>as long as you can still hear what they're saying anyway.
You mean you can understand Japanese?
>> No. 22585 [Edit]
Well, my computer is pretty slow so I cannot do other things while anime is on, not that I would if I could.

If you set madVR to max settings then maybe it will take all the resources of your computer, disabling you to do other things and thus forcing you to only watch.
>> No. 22586 [Edit]
>Why would you watch it if you don't like it?
Well like I said the less I like it the less I watch it. If I really don't like it then I just drop it.
As for why at all. It can help pass the time even if you're not looking directly at it.

>You mean you can understand Japanese?
A little. Enough to have a basic understanding of what's going on and follow along a bit.
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