NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!
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22446 No. 22446 [Edit]
How do you ease the pain, Tohno-chan?
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>> No. 22447 [Edit]
I ignore it until it goes away.
>> No. 22448 [Edit]
I turn off my brain and/or distract myself any way I can. Life's problems only get worse the more you think about them, where as ignorance is bliss.
>> No. 22450 [Edit]
I imagine scenarios with tohno. going to restaurant with tohno, in bed with tohno, playing games with tohno
>> No. 22454 [Edit]
I sleep it away.
>> No. 22455 [Edit]
making shallow, contentless posts and threads; attention whoring & posting on websites where i'm unwelcome do the trick
>> No. 22468 [Edit]
Antidepresssants, and junk food.
>> No. 22469 [Edit]
Doing stupid things on the internet for attention.
>> No. 22478 [Edit]
Painkillers, collecting images of cute anime girls, cuddling up with my dakimakura, listening to music, that
a) lifts my mood to a brighter state
b) engulfs me with comfortable melancholy
c) screams my agony at the world.

Sometimes I take a walk through the industrial area near my home at night. I like how tidy and illuminated the places are while nobody is there to appreciate or even use it for anything. It's a beautiful waste for myself only.
>> No. 22484 [Edit]
Oxycontin, LSD, cute anime girls, tea, and sometimes I like to play the guitar
>> No. 22485 [Edit]
Antidepressants work?
>> No. 22489 [Edit]
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>> No. 22492 [Edit]
It makes it easier to help yourself because you're not physiologically feeling shit all the time. It doesn't give you skills or make you happy, you have to do that yourself.
>> No. 23472 [Edit]
Just endure it. It'll never go away no matter how much you try. It'll always come back.
>> No. 23495 [Edit]
They help you become a normalfag. In my experience, they do nothing or next to nothing to ease the pain, just makes it easier to be a 'member of society'
>> No. 23504 [Edit]
Normaldry can't be acquired, only faked. Either you're a normal, you're a failed normal, a pretender, a non-normal or an outlier. Drugs can't unwire your default programming and dispositions, at least for now.
>> No. 23511 [Edit]
Programming and learning about computer science stuff. It's hard at first, but once you can get past a certain point, and you're able to make cool things, it's really enjoyable. It's not easy though.

It helps with painful emotions because it's very complicated and requires your full attention. Helps distract you from negative thoughts.

Debugging can make you feel worse though. When your code sort of does what it should, but with one or two problems, and you can't quite figure out what's wrong. But when you are able to successfully fix an issue, it feels really good.
>> No. 23516 [Edit]
Yeah, that's a good method. Dedicating yourself to something complicated and essentially endless. For the past 2 years I've been studying Japanese. It's very rewarding if you manage to keep at it.
>> No. 23517 [Edit]

For most "normal" people, they just use alcohol and TV and stuff themselves with "comfort food", and that's why the "normal" American family has degenerated since the 50s or so.
>> No. 23549 [Edit]
I can verify that this method works. I tried it with videogames, playing music and weightlifting.

Is this the NEET equivalent of a workaholic neglecting their personal life and "escaping" from their families and other obligations by jerking around at work?
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