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22329 No. 22329 [Edit]
I'm so emotionally dead that I crave being angry at the world.

Could you recommend something that would help me get into a hateful mindset?
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>> No. 22343 [Edit]
Read the news.
>> No. 22344 [Edit]

I don't watch the news because it makes the world seem like a hateful horrible place. Unnaturally cheerful news casters tell stories of crime and murder one after another as if it were the norm. Anyone with half a mind would be mad as hell and not be able to take it anymore.
>> No. 22345 [Edit]
That'll do it. Bonus points for reading the comments normies leave on news articles.
>> No. 22347 [Edit]
>Anyone with half a mind would be mad as hell and not be able to take it anymore.
Thanks Mr. Beale.
>> No. 22521 [Edit]
Desire is an emotion.
>> No. 22524 [Edit]
gore and CP
Not gonna lie, it is losing its sting a little. Be careful.

also the news, or drugs if you want anything at all and not just anger
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