NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!
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File 146205579678.jpg - (11.17KB , 164x230 , ^ED0EC7C989C576AD894A9A507CF30C5C186E4910DC15B0AF1.jpg )
21715 No. 21715 [Edit]
I live in Liverpool, England.

Just out of curiosity, everyone seems to be american.
4 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 21746 [Edit]
Hallo Landsmann.

Another German here.
>> No. 21753 [Edit]
File 146247602639.png - (249.48KB , 500x331 , erica langweilt sich vor computer.png )
one more german reporting in ;_;
>> No. 21754 [Edit]
That thing stopped working years ago.
>> No. 21755 [Edit]
File 146248281157.jpg - (380.61KB , 845x1280 , amon concept art.jpg )
Glasgow, Scotland.
>> No. 21756 [Edit]
BC, Canada.
>> No. 21760 [Edit]
I'm American
>> No. 21762 [Edit]
>> No. 21767 [Edit]
>> No. 21783 [Edit]
Passing by from Russia.
>> No. 21796 [Edit]
Russia. Haven't been there (or to other parts of internet) for a year.
Don't want to bump the thread.
>> No. 21803 [Edit]
File 146414804265.jpg - (122.70KB , 500x500 , 54745377_p10_master1200.jpg )
>> No. 21838 [Edit]
Italian actually living in Spain.
>> No. 21845 [Edit]
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>> No. 21854 [Edit]
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>> No. 21859 [Edit]

I kinda wish there were more people I could actually enjoy hanging out with, but I end up being that guy who just sits around while other people talk.
>> No. 21861 [Edit]
New Hampshire, United States.
>> No. 21908 [Edit]
I'm in BC as well now, used to be Albertan.
>> No. 21921 [Edit]
Southern California.
>> No. 21928 [Edit]
>> No. 21945 [Edit]
>> No. 21946 [Edit]
I live in Köln / Cologne, Germany.
>> No. 21952 [Edit]
Netherlands, not expecting to see any other dutchies on here, most Europeans on chans seem to be either Germans or Russians
>> No. 21954 [Edit]
You're not completely alone neighbor.
>> No. 21955 [Edit]
I want to meet up. If you guys at least thought of a Tohno house, how about a simple meet up?
>> No. 21956 [Edit]
I'm rather surprised by how many of us are from Germany.
>> No. 21961 [Edit]
I'm from the 2D world.
>> No. 21963 [Edit]
Tell my waifu I love her.
>> No. 21965 [Edit]
I would love to visit Liverpool.

I'm in Baltimore.
>> No. 21966 [Edit]

I'd be down to meet up with any other Singaporean tohno.
>> No. 21967 [Edit]
I lived there once, I'm in a neighbouring country.
>> No. 21971 [Edit]
Whenever I go to Baltimore I always feel depressed.
>> No. 21988 [Edit]
also from liverpool, i wonder if i've seen you around
>> No. 21990 [Edit]
Barcelona. Spain.
>> No. 21991 [Edit]
Jakarta, Indonesia
>> No. 22034 [Edit]
What is hypothetically the best country to become a NEET in? Provided you have that you have access to services (visa, green card, residence, nationality, etc.)
>> No. 22036 [Edit]
any North European country if you are native or non-white.
>> No. 22097 [Edit]
Georgia, Merica.
Where's this southern hospitality that people talk about? Everyone here sucks.
>> No. 22101 [Edit]
If it makes you feel any better, everyone up here in New York state is god-awful too. I think normies are generally pretty endemic to western countries.
>> No. 22123 [Edit]
where about?
>> No. 22197 [Edit]
I wish I lived in Canada. Seems like a really nice place to live. If I were to be born, I wish it were in Canada an not here. But better not to be born at all, naturally.
>> No. 22209 [Edit]
I'm living on the air in Cincinnati.
>> No. 22210 [Edit]
>> No. 22243 [Edit]
>> No. 22295 [Edit]
near huyton
>> No. 22305 [Edit]
>> No. 23075 [Edit]
File 150992396740.jpg - (71.08KB , 450x253 , 20120118110447.jpg )
>> No. 23077 [Edit]
I remember my teacher accusing me of plagiarism and bringing in a USB stick to cheat in a test because I wrote in american english.

When I redid the test I really couldn't be arsed and got a D, don't even think they said sorry for implying I cheated and threatening me with punishment.
>> No. 23097 [Edit]
File 151064930368.gif - (800.42KB , 500x250 , sad.gif )
New Zealand
>> No. 23098 [Edit]
I used to live in Southland. I actually quite liked it there. You could walk across town to the supermarket and see maybe one other person.
>> No. 23100 [Edit]
America. God Bless.
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