No. 21401
Maybe this is due to the this new cancerous Internet with easy access making me paranoid by the day.
Where normalfags are only a few clicks away from places like this and it has become absolutely infested with them and their kids.
No wonder it went to absolute shit around the same time smartphones became popular. Growing up like this kinda sucked.
We used to have fun together but nowadays there seems to be always a normalfag nearby, we just don't know who's kidding anymore. There's no sense of trust like we're with our kind, can't be too careful on this shittier version of the once great Internet.
Who wouldn't be insecure living in a minefield though? Feels like a dilemma, really, on times of old we did things without regret but i don't really feel the same, it's changed for me, because it became popular, it became known to people who couldn't understand so they decided to hate those who like it instead. Normalfags.
Society is as much unforgiving here as it's over there but at least it's a national hobby so it's somewhat forgiven in this aspect but there's still a lot of shame involved.
Lately, seems like we're seen as brainwashed kids, like retards waiting to be picked on. It wasn't always like that, and fuck those who fall themselves into normalfag hands by joking together with them. I don't know what kind of "otaku" these are, normalfags ARE our enemies, always have been.
This kind of shit still happens because some don't have the guts to show them their places.
Shame them for having 3DPDs and boyfriends, tell them to get the fuck off and go fuck in bed or on a date. Because they sure don't belong.
This is the original definition of リア充, a fucking normalfag.