No. 20200
Well this was back in 2000, and my parents were basically looking for any excuse to control me, but you are pretty much doped up on meds and treated and kept at the level of a retarded toddler, even if you were in advanced classes in high school and have an IQ that is well above average.
Anyone who says that autistic people aren't given medications as a defense to what I just said doesn't know what the hell they are talking about. Many, many psychiatrists who specialize in autism are basically quacks who dope their patients up as guinea pigs because they are given a cut by the pharmaceutical companies, or at least were at one time. Some autistic people are on as much as 20 different meds.
The kicker, though, was that I wasn't fucking autistic, and it was obvious. It took me almost a decade to get away from that, and for the longest time my father tried to put it back on me as a means of control. He failed, but he still managed to ruin my life. I wouldn't have been around him if my mother wasn't dying of ovarian cancer.
I have some form of psychosis now. That does run in the family, but a part of me wonders if I became that way due to severe abuse. I think that my mother was smart enough to know that I did have that, but wanted to "hide" it with the autism label; my father, on the other hand, is simply too stupid to know what either autism or psychosis really is, despite being a general surgeon.