In honor of our new board, I'm going to go through my SZS folder. Keep in mind that while I have plenty enough to keep this going on my own, anyone is welcome to join.
>257 posts and 257 images omitted. Click Reply to view. Dammit. Alright, that's it for Ai. That's it for a while. Hope at least one of you enjoyed the images so far~
My favorite SZS girl. Thank you much!
>>1340 Ai that is, derp.
Thanks for this wonderful gold mine of images.
No problem, friends. I'm going to skip a couple folders for now and dump some Matoi when I start back up.
I'm still planning on finishing one of these days, if it comes down to it, I'll manually dump the rest by the end of next week.
>>1344 >>1528 Matoi is perfect. I hadn't watched this whole series until a couple of months ago though.
>>5955 Ah, Inu Curry you're so moe~
>>5956 A fair part of it is SHAFT's touch (love it or hate it), but the Manga ending was stunning on its own.
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