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File 169934822472.jpg - (4.61MB , 1500x2121 , 12abe0a2192e09a7b9309c50ebe04b6e.jpg )
41876 No. 41876 [Edit]
There's a lot of anime style media coming out of China and Korea these days.
How do you feel about this stuff? Do you feel like it's wrong to take part in anything that isn't from glorious Nippon? even if it looks and sounds like it is? Are you still a "weeb" in the traditional sense if you like this stuff? Does it even matter what country it comes from if it scratches the same itch? More to the point, is it Japanese media we like or the media japan happens to produce that we like?
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>> No. 41877 [Edit]
>How do you feel about this stuff?
It’s getting better and better but still has a way to go.

>Do you feel like it's wrong to take part in anything that isn't from glorious Nippon? even if it looks and sounds like it is?
No! If its good then you should enjoy it and not be nationalistic about it (most of aren’t even Japanese anyway) and usually the people who make this stuff love otaku media just like me. A thing is good because of its quality not which country it’s from, although some countries have a reputation for producing quality stuff.

We all know the best novelists were Russians. But that doesn’t mean you should only like Russian novels or not write your own stuff inspired by Dostoyevsky or whatever because your not a bearded Slavic man. I’m a pan-Asianist pan-Islamic anyway and I think it’s good people from other parts of Asia are learning from each other instead of copying Western culture all the time.

>Are you still a "weeb" in the traditional sense if you like this stuff?
Why not? If you take words like weeb and otaku too seriously then you miss the point. Imagine a bunch of Japanese anons on a board somewhere asking if they should consider themselves “real nerds” if they like French comics as well as American ones. To us this would be weird to us.
>> No. 41878 [Edit]
Since you posted that Blue Archive picture that one is a little complicated as though the director and main studio is Korean it's produced for the Japanese market with lots of involvement from JP devs and artists, which puts it in a bit of a different category.

That said, I hate Korean art a lot. Webtoons are the most repulsive form ever created, and not a single one of them is tolerable or nice to look at. In general I strongly dislike almost anything that comes out of Korea. China is a little better, except they really cannot animate or make games.
>> No. 41879 [Edit]
File 169937286946.jpg - (634.65KB , 1200x675 , 66474729_p0_master1200.jpg )
This was kind of talked about earlier. >>34446
For art I think anybody can make good stuff(pic rel was drawn by a Chinese person). For large projects though, I'm not convinced other East Asians can make something I'd find appealing. Maaaaybe games.

With Chinese, they also have the problem of Mandarin being grating as hell to me. Government censorship doesn't help much either. Loli(and all pornography actually), is illegal in South Korea too, so that doesn't give them any points.

>pan-Islamic... it’s good people from other parts of Asia are learning from each other
There's so much to learn from them, like banning the printing press.
>> No. 41880 [Edit]
As long as it looks and sounds cute, I don't mind. Your image is cute, so if that's an example of chinese/korean art, it's ok by me. (Lots of artists on pixiv seem to be chinese anyhow). But I don't think I'd ever watch anime made for Chinese audience, since the tonal language is a bit jarring. And if it's for a Chinese audience they supposedly have to be stricter with censoring.
>> No. 41881 [Edit]
>How do you feel about this stuff?
I don't really care for it. There are small aesthetic differences that I don't like, such as the languages and also tastes that I think would get in the way for me. I also feel that it would be lacking the same sensibilities that have brought me to love Japanese media.
>Do you feel like it's wrong to take part in anything that isn't from glorious Nippon? even if it looks and sounds like it is?
No. I enjoy some western video games and occasionally films. I think it's stupid to refuse to watch things on the grounds of nationality, rather than just letting yourself enjoy what you enjoy. The opposite is also true. You shouldn't partake in things just because it is Japanese.
>Are you still a "weeb" in the traditional sense if you like this stuff?
I think the term "weeb" is dead at this point. I do think you are still an otaku if you enjoy these things.
>Does it even matter what country it comes from if it scratches the same itch?
I think people should enjoy what they want, freely. I want people to have a basic level of respect for my interests, enough that they won't harass me over it, and so I give the same.
>More to the point, is it Japanese media we like or the media japan happens to produce that we like?
I more or less covered this with the first part of the reply. I think it is the culture of Japan that has spawned the media that I like. You can reduce it all to being the same as anywhere else, but there are a lot of small details and sensibilities that make the difference.
>> No. 41882 [Edit]
File 169939552063.png - (6.17MB , 2900x4284 , 056917835e6a7932145e0df920d2754e.png )
>I hate Korean art a lot
Pic rel was drawn by a Korean. I like it.
>> No. 41883 [Edit]
don't koreans end up doing a lot of the non-keyframe drawings for anime? I see a lot of korean names on the credits of shows.
>> No. 41887 [Edit]
while i do agree with everyone else in the thread, being nationalistic about things you like is silly, i still get somewhat annoyed when people try to shill korean and/or chinese anime/games in unrelated stuff and then get offended when i'm not interested.
there have been times where i've seen people call others racist over that, and that strikes me as more silly than saying "i like japanese things".
i do think the country a piece of media comes from matters, at least a little bit (if it truly didn't matter at all, i don't think american entertainment would consistently have as much trouble trying to capture the appeal of anime in its entertainment as much as it does), but ultimately, i just like cool things.
i guess i'd be less annoyed about stuff like this if china and korea produced more things that i actually liked as opposed to webtoons/webcomics i'm not interested in and gacha, and as japanophilic as it may sound, i almost don't really see it happening for a variety of reasons, particularly how strict censorship is in china and how much korea seems to dislike sexually suggestive material
>> No. 41898 [Edit]
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I feel the same way about them as I would with AI art, as in judge by the content of the art itself.
As long as the themes of the artists are in the same spirit as the nips then I have no issue with the artists.
However, speaking about the "spirit" or "essences" I do worry that over time, that these people without the same
history, culture and beliefs of the nips that over time it may be subverted and hijacked into something more
unfamiliar (granted this is probably happening to the nips themselves). If that ever happens, I guess I'll just have to become some sort of an otaku otaku.
>> No. 41905 [Edit]
I just stick with only Japanese 2D media for the most part. I like Japanese culture more than the other two anyway, so of course I prefer their media. Someone who calls themselves an otaku but only consumes either Korean or Chinese media isn't an otaku. I'm sure both cultures have their own name for geeks/maniacs, but they aren't otaku.

There's also personal reasons for why I don't like Korean/Chinese media.
Webtoons have an annoying layout and seem to have very similar stories of either medival fantasy isekai (although that's just a trend in 2D media in general nowadays) or some flavor of 50 Shades only with rich korean women instead of men. To be fair I'm not very familiar with webtoons so maybe my assumption about them is wrong. I'm just basing my thoughts on what I was recommend to read.
Last manhua I read either the publisher or government stepped in, story got censored heavily, and then eventually was put on hiatus.
That fear of a series spontaneously dying at any moment because of government interference keeps me from reading more manhua.
Although I don't mind Korean or Chinese fan artists, in fact for a lot of series I enjoy they're the ones mostly keeping those fandoms afloat.
>> No. 41906 [Edit]
The art found in webtoons often looks cheap in my eyes.
>> No. 41907 [Edit]
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I enjoy non-japanese media, but I find it hard to apreciate chinese and korean stuff, at least their animation and comic industries. I will give you two examples from my childhood. One is a chinese cartoon about a little carp, I find this work full of "soul" because despite being completely foreing it was able to deliver a strong impression, left a good memory in me. I can't tell without a rewatch if it was influenced by anime or not, probably yes at some degree but despite this it feels original, it has its own personality and tone. The other is a korean cartoon, also from my childhood. I remember enjoying it to some degree, but in retrospective, it's just a plagiarism of various monster tamer works like Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc. It's not original at all, it's just a mere mockery of a nonster taming anime it has no personality of its own. I find this to be the norm with chinese and korean animations, videogames and comics. Genshin Impact looks like an uninspired cashgrab, many manwhas are ugly and have retarded plots. China and Korea both have a great filmaking industry, I would say even better than modern Japan, so I don't understand why their animation have to copy so agressively anime/manga styles.
>> No. 41908 [Edit]
My observations from dabbling in it a bit:
Chinese animation isn't so bad when they aren't settling for all-CGI production. Both seasons of Link Click have been gorgeous, for example. There seems to be some legitimate talent for animation over there. Not a lot, but some. The voice acting ranges from lackluster to awful, and Chinese not being the easiest language to listen to doesn't help. Japanese dubs are becoming more common, though.
I can't think of any Korean anime at all. There's a reason they had to swallow their pride and get Japanese studios to adapt Tower of God and Solo Leveling for them.
Manhua, manwha and webtoons are all horrible on average compared to manga. The list of good series between them would be very short. Probably microscopic if you can't tolerate anything that's BL or BL-adjacent. Most of their comics are all the worst qualities of Narou-kei amplified to infinity.
I don't go out of my way to hate Chinese and Korean stuff without giving any of it a chance, but their industries are less developed than Japan's and it's reflected in the average quality of their series. It's more difficult to find the good stuff, so I don't blame anyone for not trying.
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