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File 167390131251.jpg - (1.99MB , 4032x3024 , 8CA1947A-B111-4D86-8D2D-239BBFCC5D7E.jpg )
41058 No. 41058 [Edit]
Just got out of rehab so I’m watching SEL with my nekos while drinking vodka to celebrate
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>> No. 41059 [Edit]
I think this should be posted on the daily report thread (>>/ot/33536).
>> No. 41064 [Edit]
The one neko I see is scary
>> No. 41068 [Edit]

The kuro neko by the projected image?
That's Koko, she isn't kowai, she's very affectionate and assertive.
>> No. 41073 [Edit]
lainfags are the WORST!
>> No. 41100 [Edit]
Seriously, this is what lain does to you.
>> No. 41174 [Edit]
File 167602959319.jpg - (132.54KB , 810x683 , 2024.jpg )
>> No. 41197 [Edit]
Thank you for your unfunny twitter screencap
>> No. 41198 [Edit]
The annoying thing about the twitter screencap is that the comic illustrates its point perfectly well.
We can tell from the man's expression in the 3rd and 4th panels that the corporate banter "got too real" so there's no point in telling the viewer that unless they expect that people aren't going to read the whole image, which might actually be the case on a platform like twitter.

Either way, I don't understand saving it like that instead of just copying the original image over...
>> No. 41199 [Edit]
Over the years, I've learnt to just stop trying to understand it.
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