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35697 No. 35697 [Edit]
I think my enjoyment of things decrease everytime I share it with others (through the internet, only share I can do).
When I was a teen I played any videogame and I could find cool ideas and get some enjoyment from almost everything. And if the game was considered good I was probably going to find it good too or see why it had that consideration. Now as an adult I discovered every game I liked was actually shit. If it was a well known game, it was entry level shit. If it was a cult classic it was hipster overrated shit. If the game had good story, suddenly that story is considered horrid and awful, worse than the cheapest novel. If I felt the combat was great, it's now considered irredeemable and unplayable. The same with anime or movies.
You thought Legend of Galactic Heroes had good writing? It was actually the shittiest ever and also pretentious.
Akira had great animation? It was a forced, overanimated mess, but you didn't know enough to notice.
It's all bad and if you like it you are probably dumb/have no standards. I think the internet it's taking our enjoyment of things, turning us into sour individuals that can't enjoy a thing. And I know it's ultimately our fault, just wanted to reflect about it.
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>> No. 35698 [Edit]
People who talk like that about something that took as much effort and was as enjoyable as Akira are faggots. There's lots of faggots on the internet, you can't waste your time on them. Stop browsing /a/ or whatever shit hole you're addicted to and just enjoy what you enjoy.
>> No. 35700 [Edit]
Letting people who don't care about anime criticise anime. Ignore them.
>> No. 35707 [Edit]
>I think my enjoyment of things decrease everytime I share it with others
That seems less like your enjoyment decreasing when sharing things, and more like your enjoyment decreasing when you wade into a show's associated fanbase (or counter-fanbase). Even if you try to consciously avoid it, I find it inevitable that my opinions of a show slowly get tinged with the character of the fans (or counter-fans) that exist for the show. Which is why for shows that you really like, it's probably best to avoid steeping yourself in that community, which could be as simple as just avoiding "shitposting" threads. (But still, I will admit to reluctance in sharing the niche shows I'm most fond of out of a worry of attracting unneeded attention).

Reviews and other more distant critiques might still be valid though, but that shouldn't affect your enjoyment of a show (nor your sentiments towards it) if you only really go through after you finish the series. That way you can form your own opinions without prior influence, and afterwards still acknowledge any valid points/criticisms made by the reviewer while maintaing that your overall experiences was enjoyable (and you'd probably be able to cite something in particular that you enjoyed).

In fact if you squint a bit what you mentioned might be an extension of the "reviews as a form of entertainment" discussed in >>34992, where the "reviews" are generalized to people's opinions in general, and the "entertainment" comes from taking exaggerated, contrary, or disingenuous positions.

Post edited on 19th Aug 2020, 3:45pm
>> No. 35708 [Edit]
Why do you need your personal opinions reinforced by other people? From what I've seen, the people who are the most vocal online about a particular subject are usually the ones who are the least informed on it. Because of the COVID-19 lockdowns worldwide, there are a lot of casual fans and students discovering older series that they never had the time to watch or play previously, hence why you are seeing a revival in discussion for a lot of 90s to mid-00s anime and games.

From personal experience, I've had better results in finding quality information on older Japanese media from actual Japanese websites/accounts. Whatever is regurgitated out from machine translation is still usually more coherent then the shitposting that occurs on /a/ and ""anitwitter."" Older archived posts from forums and imageboards are also a good source of information if you need a western perspective. I can't help you with discussion, there isn't a middle ground between arguing with highschoolers on whatever website you're on, or lurking forums that have been dead since ~2012.
>> No. 35709 [Edit]
>the people who are the most vocal online about a particular subject are usually the ones who are the least informed on it.
That goes for offline too. This is similar to something I've been thinking about lately, in how the people who are very vocal about particular subjects and take any chance they can to bring it up and rant about it, are likely trying to convince themselves of it as much as they are other people. They've invested deeply into whatever idea this is, and want other people to confirm and justify the idea so they don't feel like idiots who wasted their lives believing something wrong. These people do not want to hear your opinion, they want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth.
>> No. 35710 [Edit]
>They've invested deeply into whatever idea this is, and want other people to confirm and justify the idea so they don't feel like idiots who wasted their lives believing something wrong.
Seems like the "ideas" equivalent of sunk-cost.
>> No. 35715 [Edit]
Pretty much.
>> No. 35719 [Edit]
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I didn't mean something as obvious as to stop liking something because people don't like it.
But more like gradually feeling more sour and depressed about the absolute negativity that comes from the internet, while missing the more simple times when you could enjoy everything for what it was. It's about this generalized cynicism, I sometimes feel that anyone liking something and expressing it will be immediately perceived as dumb, "retarded", etc., almost like a reflex. Some years ago there was some hipster culture about liking only the obscure and elitist while despising the mainstream, but I think the predominant culture of today despises both the mainstream and the hipster, it despises all and it's only interested in anything for the sake of taking a side and fighting against the other side.
>> No. 35720 [Edit]
Stop going on shitty sites.
>> No. 35721 [Edit]
I think the implication is that most places are like this and thus this lamentation.
>> No. 35722 [Edit]
That's equivalent to "stop going to internet".
Or just stay at Tohno, but this is an slow place were you can't really discuss about too many things. But maybe that's the right advise after all.
>> No. 35723 [Edit]
The internet is getting pretty shitty with normalfags invaded and taking control, while taking down all the old forums and imageboards. It's only going to get harder with each passing year.
>> No. 35724 [Edit]
>this is an slow place were you can't really discuss about too many things
Be the change you want to see: post more. With regards to the variety of topics, I think TC permits everything that people like us enjoy. The only problem is there aren't enough of us!
>> No. 35725 [Edit]
There are plenty here, people just keep waiting for 'someone else' to get the ball rolling.
>> No. 35726 [Edit]
I feel terrible everytime I post, my writing is beyond awful and I'm always suspecting my threads and posts are the dumbest ever and make all uncomfortable.

>The only problem is there aren't enough of us!

That's true. With few people there's less feeling of anonymity so less motivation to participate. Still, I will keep trying.
>> No. 35731 [Edit]
>is getting
Have you been living under a rock? Non normalfags were pushed off imageboards and into dead ghetto sites 10 years ago. Since then it's been nothing but a bully paradise for well adjusted, socializing ford drivers. If you're only noticing this now because corporations have gained enough control to do what they do then you must have been blind.
>> No. 35733 [Edit]
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It wasn't ten years ago and the fast posting style has always been a terrible way of regulating quality. This thread goes into some early history.
>> No. 35734 [Edit]
Nice try. I was there, everyone shat on it whenever it was posted.
>> No. 35735 [Edit]
I'm guessing you didn't read the whole thread. It being written at all and being fondly remembered is proof that there wasn't some golden age where vocal normalfags weren't on 4chan or the internet as a whole. I'm almost certain you have rose-tinted glasses about the "old days".

Post edited on 21st Aug 2020, 8:34am
>> No. 35737 [Edit]
/b/ was always about a range between 15-20 yo. At that age, even if they were the worse losers and weirdos, they were still aspiring to normalcy. Some other boards were quite different. At some point there was at least some places were we finally achieved the subversion of normal society values, just because the virgin weirdos were a really high % of whole boards. And I want to believe I wasn't the only one and the others were just larping. Since years ago it has changed dramatically, probably because adults don't waste their time forever into imageboards and teens will always, always, wish to be normalfags. That doesn't mean we had some sort of utopia, but we had something that's better than what we have today.
>> No. 35738 [Edit]
I was always glad to not be normal. Never have I wanted to be one of THEM, even as a teen with no friends. If anything, the migration to better, slower imageboards separated the wheat from the chaff. Fast posting is insufferable.

Post edited on 21st Aug 2020, 12:10pm
>> No. 35739 [Edit]
You were an exception then. Teens are almost programmed to be influenced by others and have the desire to fit in, even when they are in a rebellious phase they are always craving for acceptation.
>> No. 35741 [Edit]
It was all better than anything they have in current year, even /b/. In 2007 ford drivers were still a minority and the culture was obscure and hostile enough to keep them from enforcing their narratives. Not even chanology could bring enough newfags to tip the balance instantly. It took a few years of immigrants shitting up the place and bringing friends before it turned into the eternal normie blowjob festival of the 2010's.
>> No. 35742 [Edit]
Normalfaggotry is a mentality. If someone wants to be one, they are one. Just being a "weirdo" or "loser" doesn't change that. Yeah most people are one, that's where the name comes from.

Post edited on 22nd Aug 2020, 6:41am
>> No. 35813 [Edit]
Man, fuck the haters. Just like what you like.
Though I like to see what other people think, just to be more self-aware.
>> No. 35814 [Edit]
Man, fuck the haters. Just like what you like.
Though I like to see what other people think, just to be more self-aware.
>> No. 35815 [Edit]
Man, fuck the haters. Just like what you like.
Though I like to see what other people think, just to be more self-aware.
>> No. 35816 [Edit]
Fuck me.
>> No. 40752 [Edit]
play whatever you want
>> No. 41928 [Edit]
File 170073019625.jpg - (22.51KB , 474x248 , CL.jpg )
Had wisdom tooth surgery today so using speech to text instead of typing but yeah, it was because of brave and the bold it got me interested in the character in the first place, and after reading or more accurately, watching the top, the fourth wall blue beetle retrospective I think of movie just about Ted Corden booster Gold could actually be pretty good especially since like I said those two seem fun
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