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File 15380974902.jpg - (1.76MB , 1927x2720 , ironic_weeb_spotting.jpg )
31756 No. 31756 [Edit]
What are your thoughts on the rising number of "ironic weebs" and the increasing popularity and acceptance of otaku media & materials in the west's mainstream?
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>> No. 32403 [Edit]
They do. Morals and Mindsets can be separated as well. What you are talking of is the reaction to these morals, not the morals in question.
>> No. 32404 [Edit]
File 156063889849.png - (847.09KB , 850x1088 , A2CDC61F-3188-4088-BF62-79CCCE72B229-15866-00000F9.png )
So if two people both think murder is bad and wouldn't do it themselves, but when seeing someone getting attacked the first walks by while the second steps in, you think they have the exact same morals? Even if the second would consider the first "immoral"? Is one person just more "conservative"?
Yeah, and since when did people here care about societal norms? You can't have a waifu, or masturbate to pretty much any kind of hentai, and then proceed to defend the "good of society" like a proper, god-fearing, anglo-saxon samaritan. Cherry picking like that is hypocritical. Either you're with the current paradigm, or you've rejected it and have no right to criticize others who did the same, at least not in the same way.

Post edited on 15th Jun 2019, 3:50pm
>> No. 32405 [Edit]
>So if two people both think murder is bad and wouldn't do it themselves, but when seeing someone getting attacked the first walks by while the second steps in, you think they have the exact same morals?

Yes, because that is not based on morals. You could raise two children in the same house, in the same country to believe the same thing only one of them is brave and outspoken so will be more likely to stop things like that happening in public and to denounce things that are against his morals. Does this mean that there fore one of these children has to be Japanese and have a different set of morals than the other? No, they have different personalties and mentalities, not different morals.
>> No. 32406 [Edit]
Well in that case, don't most people have the same morals? Most don't like murder, most don't like adultery, most don't like thievery, etc. How much different is China or Korea?
>> No. 32407 [Edit]
Yes. Most societies share common morals to an extent but then diverge in certain aspects. Although killing is a bit different as in China, Japan and many other places it was not seen like we do now in the west, for example in Japan it was seen as normal and acceptable to cut down a fellow retainer of the same lord if he insulted you and if another retainer happened to be at the toilet during this and came back to find that scene it was seen as normal and acceptable for him to cut down the other retainer. Not for vengeance but to prove that he was not a coward who had run away at the time(because he was not there but on the toilet).

Taking this back to Devilman, I have not seen the anime but I guess he refers to degenerate as being sexual based. In the west this used to be seen as unacceptable but now sex before marriage is the norm, whereas Japan still holds this value and does not have the 'dating' culture that the west does now. So 'a western, puritan-like moral lens' now applies more to Japan than the west, so it's easy to see how somebody could dislike western influence and call it degenerate even if thye view that through 'a western, puritan-like moral lens'.
>> No. 32408 [Edit]
sjw stuff in anime is unbearable, don't get me wrong, but I'd find it just as unbearable if right-wing social politics were enforced in anime: no more hentai, no more ecchi, no more yuri, probably nothing less than the death penalty for anyone even thinking about lolicon. Even if you have particularly strong political convictions, it's nice to have something which doesn't have anything to do with any of it, an escape from that as from everything else.
>> No. 32409 [Edit]
A lot of anime series are in some way political, though. That they don't touch on contentious Western lines doesn't mean they're not political; just that they don't bring up topics controversial in the West in the year 2019.
>> No. 32410 [Edit]
Never seen devilman, but I know there was premarital sex in parasyte and school days. Real life standards are irrelevant. Even with your example, there's was such a thing as duels, and that was seen as acceptable. Same reasoning, different reaction.
>> No. 32411 [Edit]
While that may be true, Asians in general rarely bring up politics on social media I’ve noticed.
>> No. 32412 [Edit]
Japanese otaku tend not to, because there is much more fragility in the good faith of followers, and 2channel was infested with /pol/tard mentality (ネット右翼) about a decade earlier than Western sites, so discussion of politics for those dependent upon an online persona was already spoiled. But non-otaku? It's not nearly as verboten to shill for your party/organization.

Also, I've found that some artists will occasionally comment on social/political events, but they'll use such passive, roundabout language that Google Translate will be unable to parse the subtleties.
>> No. 32413 [Edit]
Yeah I get what you are saying, but I am more so referring to the moe craze that seems to have become a meme on the western internet. Of course I might be wrong even then considering that the internet has more influence on reality now than it did during the brony days.
If you want to go even further down the rabbit hole, a lot of these people who ironically watch "dank anime meme compilations" sometimes end up getting into anime. As far as anime being tied to meme culture, I'm surprised you didn't notice this before hand. Ever since 4chan gained prominence again during the 2016 election, anime girls have been "ironically" spammed all over youtube and social media. Gen Z is literally an entire generation of hipsters (with some exceptions of course).
>> No. 32414 [Edit]
I just stumbled upon this shit.
Fuck. Why?
>> No. 32415 [Edit]
Actual mental illness and memes.
>> No. 32416 [Edit]
I feel dirty now, thanks anon
>> No. 32417 [Edit]
this is part of the (modern) right's tactics to recruit social outcasts i think. i remember this was the reason The Daily Stormer was started; to create appeal to the meme crowd
>> No. 32418 [Edit]
Actually, if I remember correctly, the daily stormer started out as a simpler alternative to a popular neo nazi blog. They only jumped on the meme bandwagon during the 2016 election when /pol/ was gaining popularity.
Either way, "the anime right" should not exist.
>> No. 32419 [Edit]
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Same with anime left. I remember visiting an 8chan board called /leftyweebpol/. Unironic communists.
>> No. 32420 [Edit]
I will never understand why communists like anime so much considering how shamelessly corporate and cashgrabbing most of it. Memes I guess?
>> No. 32421 [Edit]
Left or right I will never understand why people care about politics so much at all.
>> No. 32422 [Edit]
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Not to mention its historical roots(whole base art style originating from donald duck comic books). Japan came sort of close to becoming communist after WWII since there was a politican who was friends with Mao and gaining influence before a uni student stabbed him in the chest. If it had, forget about any of it. There's doujin circles and labors of love, but without the 80s economic bubble I doubt anime would be anywhere near where it is today.
It makes people feel important and smart, but requires zero brain power. I've seen janitors have lengthy conversations about it.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2019, 8:01pm
>> No. 32423 [Edit]
People feel it is important and people like tribalism. People will be prejudice over what condiments people put on their food, why wouldn’t they think something perceived as important as politics is worth caring about
>> No. 32424 [Edit]
absolutely this. after a while of caring intensely about it, I realized I was never going to be logical rather than emotional about it, and neither was anyone else.
>> No. 32714 [Edit]
File 156397577256.jpg - (249.14KB , 850x1268 , 3.jpg )
Ironic weebs must be the stupidest thing ever...
>> No. 32721 [Edit]
>he doesn't know what ironic weebs are
Good, you still have your sanity.
>> No. 32731 [Edit]
File 156402982721.jpg - (24.53KB , 378x484 , extremely smug anime girl.jpg )
>releasing control art restriction systems 3…2…1
approval of situation A recognized; commencing the cromwell invocation.
smugness restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent

How is it that you leap to the conclusion that janitors are any less intelligent than the average person? Maybe you're shit talking poor folks because it make feel important and smart, but requires zero brain power.
>> No. 32732 [Edit]
Who are you quoting?
>> No. 32736 [Edit]
I try to pay as little attention as I can to what's going on in the mainstream. There isn't a single benefit to it if you don't care about shallow stuff. Even following news is most of the time absolutely worthless and overrated - if you wish to be informed, it's much more efficient to just read books. I've myself had the chance to learn a bit too well how utterly shit your life becomes when you focus on staying up-to-date on things that make you angry and depressed.
>> No. 32738 [Edit]
Average person doesn't mean much. Global average, US average, race average? I know becoming a janitor doesn't require as much brain power as an engineer, doctor, or musician. It doesn't pay as well as those jobs either. Maybe there's some smart people who voluntarily choose that profession and stay with it forever, or maybe they're forced to take it because of bad luck, but are they majority? I have heard janitors talk politics, football and celebrities plenty. I haven't ot heard them discuss literature or other "smart things". I know what you're trying to do, and it's really obnoxious.
>> No. 32740 [Edit]
Don’t even bother replying.
>> No. 32742 [Edit]
File 156411778350.gif - (666.80KB , 400x215 , spike.gif )
So what you're trying to say is that a person's intelligence is necessarily reflected in how much money they make, I guess that means that gamer girl pee sellers are smarter than the average astrophysicist.
How much time do you spend eavesdropping on janitors anyway? You seem pretty certain that you have them pegged to a tee, so it follows reason that you must've gathered a lot data to be so certain of the portrait you paint.
>> No. 32743 [Edit]
Average Astrophysicist salary :$83,880
Average Janitor Salary: $28,766
Even if the pay for astrophysicists were worse,I think smart people are generally motivated either by how rewarding the job is, or the pay. If they want to help individual people, doctor seems like the better choice too. A Janitorial position is neither "intellectually. stimulating" or well payed. Back when I was in grade school, I did eavesdrop on them.

Post edited on 26th Jul 2019, 3:36am
>> No. 32744 [Edit]
People in non-intellectually stimulating fields tend to be stupid. I've tried a few entry level jobs, none of my co-workers had even half a brain but more so than that it is the most monotonous, tedious and soul-destroying thing that any thinking person could ever do, so I don't see why any thinking man ever would.
>> No. 32769 [Edit]
Are you trying to say that you once qualified for an entry level position and then bombed out while looking down on your more successful coworkers as being less intelligent. If they were stlll there earning money and you left to go sit and get zilch that means they had more money than you, and are therefore smarter as far as I can tell. Maybe they were pretending to be dumber while you were around so you wouldn't realize you were being outsmarted by them, thats how I see it.
>> No. 32770 [Edit]
File 15642167302.jpg - (17.03KB , 210x240 , Shaq.jpg )
by that logic shaq's IQ must be nearly five digits cause he earns like 10 million a year
>> No. 32771 [Edit]
That's not what he said. Are you perhaps a janitor? You appear to be well qualified for the position.
>> No. 32774 [Edit]
What this anon said. >>32771 Don't "fill in the blanks" to make yourself right.
>> No. 33010 [Edit]
>Why is it that the behavior of old weebs is less reflective of their generation than new weebs?
Well it's simple, older "weebs" didn't grow up in the age of social media and online attention whoring.
I went to a bookstore recently to pick up a manga book I've been wanting for a while (don't worry this is going somewhere). In this section, there was not a single normalfag browsing, not one. However, there were two nerdy looking high school aged kids in there that were repeating ironic weeb lingo and laughing their heads off. To make things even stranger, there was a Magic The Gathering tournament going on at a table behind me, and I was constantly hearing Gen Z lingo like "bruh" and "oof". And, again, not a single normalfag at this table (obviously).
So it got me thinking, how many of these "ironic weebs" that we see online, are actually genuine anime otakus that are just influenced by their surroundings. Considering that we live in an age where the internet and real life have begun to merge and most people don't really have their own personalities anymore, it's not that much of a stretch.

>> No. 33011 [Edit]
>influenced by their surroundings
Then they're normalfags in my book. Magic the Gathering, manga at the local book store, some acne, being "nerdy looking", those things don't make somebody not a normalfag. It's the conformist mindset, the mindset of doing things to socialize. Those kids, they probably only watch seasonal stuff and have vanilla fetishes. They probably will lose interest soon enough. I'm not thaaaat much older than them.

Post edited on 16th Aug 2019, 7:02pm
>> No. 33012 [Edit]
Hopefully we'll avoid devolving into the "what defines a normalfag" contention that's been rehashed several other times, but in a similar vein I feel that the majority of people attending anime-cons aren't really fully invested in the medium; rather, they see it as an opportunity to go out and socialize with their friends. If you look at the types of events hosted, all of them seem to be centered around socialization (quiz shows, anime jeopardy). Not to mention the terrible roster of speakers that they usually have lined up to give talks. Now granted, I've never been to one (since none of the events I mentioned appeal to me in the slightest) but it does seem that having a mass-convention centered around anime seems quite self-defeating since there's nothing to inherently "do" at an anime convention other than gawk overpriced merchandise, cosplay, or socialize.
>> No. 33015 [Edit]
You're right about that debate, but I wonder why >>33011
would say he "saw" no normalfags unless he bases it off of appearance. Prioritizing socializing as the reason for having an interest is a hallmark of normalfaggotry. Needing that aspect and moving on once it can't provide it anymore are also a big part of it. Being defined by others, picking up their lingo solely because it's used often, etc. Anime Expos have no other function. It's not like any of it is centered on fanworks, because there are no fan works. They're definitely not being sold. It's not about the passion for the interest.
>If you’ve been to anime conventions before and you’re expecting Comiket to be similar to American or other western countries’ cons, you’re in for a big shock.
>It’s important to remember that, unlike conventions, which are primarily a social event, Comiket is first and foremost a comic market.
>> No. 33016 [Edit]
right, I know this is off topic but what do you guys think about the trend/fad/culture of everybody pretending that theyre depressed? its now cool and popular to pretend that you pretend to put up a normal front but are actually severely depressed and want to die. is it only another layer added to people's crusade for attention or is there some legitimacy to it? If you dont know what im talking about just go look at twitter, its full of that type of garbage
>> No. 33018 [Edit]
It's obnoxious. "Like omg I want to die xD" "Fuck my life lol" "Gonna kill myself lmfao" "I hate being alive tee hee" It's just another trend that'll pass.
>> No. 33020 [Edit]
If they're posting about it on twitter/social media it's mostly for attention and acknowledgement. That being said, there is ironically some self-fulfilling kernel of truth in what they're posting, by virtue of the fact that a "normal" people (defining normal as mentally/psychologically sound) would not be throwing pity parties on social media and seeking acknowledgement/attention through such means.

I think that they might subconsciously recognize something is off in their lives (namely how social media has destroyed any sense of genuine community) and this may manifest in some sort of "emptiness" that they perceive, but they don't fully recognize its nature or root cause and instead just retreat to the only place they know and hope posting about it will bring temporary relief.
>> No. 33021 [Edit]
>It's not like any of it is centered on fanworks, because there are no fan works. They're definitely not being sold. It's not about the passion for the interest.
Most Western conventions have artist alleys, they're just far from a dominant part of the convention, and often - unfortunately! - mix commercial merchandise printers and independent creators.
>> No. 33022 [Edit]
>artist alleys
They're bullshit. You can get individual pieces of fanart, "prints" or maybe little knick-knacks. There's not tons of tables selling full-fledged doujin or visual novels which they spent the whole past year working on in teams. At best it's a place for commissioners to advertise. It's all restricted and corporate. I'm almost certain there's no erotic material either.
>> No. 33023 [Edit]
>and often - unfortunately! - mix commercial merchandise printers and independent creators
Comiket has corporate booths, too, so that's something they have in common, unlike almost everything else.
>I'm almost certain there's no erotic material either.
You would be right, from what I understand they're actually forbidden from it, despite allowing certain a certain h-manga localization company that I won't mention by name.
>> No. 33024 [Edit]
>Comiket has corporate booths, too
But they keep the two very much separated. If this were the case in the West, two things could happen: either small-scale artists wouldn't be forced to compete with people who are just printing merch for profit or reselling commercial goods, or people would just stop going to that part of the convention. Hopefully, the former.
At least over here, I've met artists selling their own individually made comics and original prints, keychains or badges. Nothing on the scale of Japanese doujin, of course; but not mere "knick-knacks". I wonder if this could be somehow changed - with the age of the Internet upon us, it might be too late.
>> No. 33025 [Edit]
File 156608021890.jpg - (53.53KB , 600x600 , 164A382A-C604-4696-9B9A-3B0EB0784DCF-4932-00000388.jpg )
>keychains or badges
That's exactly what I meant by knick-knacks. Badges, Keychains, T-shirts, book marks, notepads, paper weights; anything which can be easily mass produced and has minimal creativity, thought, effort put into them, and overall value is a knick-knack. It's the same crap vendors give businesses men for free at dinners except "sugoii aniime desuu" themed.

Post edited on 17th Aug 2019, 3:18pm
>> No. 33026 [Edit]
And another tangent: I hate that there's a whole month dedicated to suicide prevention or whatever. Years and years ago when I went to community college, the sidewalks would have messages and pictures illustrated with chalk informing the suicidal that "It gets better!" and it's "Going to be okay!" Bullcrap. Much like funerals, it's a masturbatory event to make the participants feel better, not the afflicted.
>> No. 33033 [Edit]
There is adult material, and actual fan books akin to doujinshi. Unfortunately, they're all disposable and drawn in the tumblr CalArts style.
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