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File 151641183288.jpg - (254.86KB , 1024x768 , observatory.jpg )
31344 No. 31344 [Edit]
Do you know any nice places to visit in Japan?
Especially anime related places.

I plan to go to Japan this year and try to find some less touristy places to go to.
The thread will most likely still be up so I can post some pictures I make.

Does any one recognize the place in this picture?
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>> No. 31345 [Edit]
File 151641345740.jpg - (229.58KB , 650x800 , 1448429684665.jpg )
>Do you know any nice places to visit in Japan?

Yes. Go to Kyoto or Nara. Get your ass out of the city. Don't spend more than a few days in Tokyo (make sure to spend a couple of hours at Akasaka and the imperial gardens, but otherwise avoid the concrete jungle, it is basically like any other big city in the West just in Japanese and with a lot more people crowding the place), the rest of Japan has a lot more character.
Get room and board at a Hostel in the city, they will generally have information available in english with recommendations for stuff to do and places to eat.

>Especially anime related places.

No. Hell no. Also, there really aren't any, unless you visit while a convention is going on and speak enough nip to be able to converse with the populace. The closest you will get is from an afternoon in Akihabara, Tokyo; the best you'll get is the same shit available online from a postage forwarding service only without the cost of shipping.

>The thread will most likely still be up so I can post some pictures I make.
we have a board for that, >>>/pic/

>Does any one recognize the place in this picture?
google it. The answer will be in the first 5 responses.
>> No. 31346 [Edit]
File 151641367114.jpg - (1.70MB , 3865x2899 , IMG_1275.jpg )
All images I'll post now are from google.

Toyosato Elementary School

This is the school they used for K-ON. It even has a K-ON museum now. Only opened on Sundays of course.

Funfact Yui walks 20 km to school because the train station on her way to school is in Kyoto.
>> No. 31347 [Edit]
>Especially anime related places. This is what you're looking for.

Have only been to the various Lucky Star locations in Saitama and Ooarai (twice) so far. First is a little bit depressing since you can see how its popularity is fading (quite literally, the flags in Satte or whatever you call them almost have no color anymore), second is still going well (they really know how to promote it).

Around what time are you planning to go?
>> No. 31348 [Edit]
>Does any one recognize the place in this picture
Oh you...
>> No. 31349 [Edit]
There's something funny about you suggesting an elementary school in a "Places to visit in Japan" thread.
>> No. 31351 [Edit]
File 151641458262.jpg - (60.30KB , 800x450 , 1485129547105.jpg )
>Funfact Yui walks 20 km to school because the train station on her way to school is in Kyoto.
This is one of the best things about pilgrimages. You really get a feel of the geography.
Finding out that this place is a few steps away from Konata's house was pretty great.
>> No. 31356 [Edit]
>Funfact Yui walks 20 km to school
That's insane; this can't be true. Considering her size and age, it should take her 4-5 hours to get there, round trip.
>> No. 31360 [Edit]
File 151666184746.jpg - (632.75KB , 1920x1280 , 20170408013516_IMG_2252.jpg )
>Yes. Go to Kyoto or Nara. Get your ass out of the city. Don't spend more than a few days in Tokyo (make sure to spend a couple of hours at Akasaka and the imperial gardens, but otherwise avoid the concrete jungle, it is basically like any other big city in the West just in Japanese and with a lot more people crowding the place), the rest of Japan has a lot more character.
We plan to stay at last a week in the Kyoto area and get a 14 day railpass to visit some more remote places.
I have never been in any city outside of Europe, I don't know how much I'll like Toyko but I'm not a fan of big cities anyway.

> This is what you're looking for.

This one is nice. I don't recognise most places though.

>Have only been to the various Lucky Star locations in Saitama and Ooarai (twice) so far. First is a little bit depressing since you can see how its popularity is fading (quite literally, the flags in Satte or whatever you call them almost have no color anymore), second is still going well (they really know how to promote it).

The Lucky Star locations are a bit remote but I hope I can find time for it.

Ooari is from that one Girls and Panzer Episode?

>Around what time are you planning to go?
March this year.
April is to expensive for some reason.

>That's insane; this can't be true. Considering her size and age, it should take her 4-5 hours to get there, round trip.
They actually life in the Tokyo area. They came across Fuji when they travel to Kyoto.
The Background from the scenes of Yui going to school are based on places in Kyoto.
The market from Tamako Market is only 3km away from Yuis way to school.
>> No. 31600 [Edit]
Images are up
>> No. 33839 [Edit]
Fallout Fukushima
>> No. 35496 [Edit]
Eva tour

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