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File 151414538515.jpg - (587.48KB , 1440x810 , ede69e4b31b295bfe559edc9dac1e629f9626d75.jpg )
31105 No. 31105 [Edit]
How's your christmas going? Did you do anything special or get anything nice? Share your experiences!
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>> No. 31124 [Edit]
fuck christmas
>> No. 31125 [Edit]
i made some lemon meringue tarts.
>> No. 31130 [Edit]
>> No. 40975 [Edit]
Christmas eve again. Anything exciting happen? I usually spend the end of the year just listening to anime songs and filling my head with the comforting thought of characters I like.
>> No. 40976 [Edit]
I had a Christmas dinner but otherwise it was like an average day. It doesn't feel much exciting compared to my childhood days.
>> No. 40977 [Edit]
With all the ice and snow here I'd rather not go anywhere. Spoke with my uncle for more than an hour on the phone. Got some animu figs delivered and read some short stories while waiting for it. was told of a fire at the corner by the delivery guy, but seemed it was already out when my apartment mate went to check. Later a water pipe busted, setting off the alarms for our apartment for a while. I watched the last ep of bocchi. Played a bit of Halo 4 (campaign). Watched Home Alone with a net friend.
That's basically been my day.

Post edited on 24th Dec 2022, 11:49pm
>> No. 40979 [Edit]
My Christmas was boring as usual. I got some liquor and candy even though I don't drink very often. It was mostly a pain in the ass because I'd rather spend time on my own than be expected to be around a bunch of people.
Other than that, my only online friend briefly messaged me. This Christmas kind of sucks for me.
>> No. 41983 [Edit]
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20 days and counting down....
>> No. 41990 [Edit]
>> No. 41998 [Edit]
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Indeed. It's approaching that time of the year.
>> No. 42034 [Edit]
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Classes are done for the semester so I've just been barricading myself in my room, watching anime, and shitposting to avoid the glowniggers and freemasons gangstalking me.

Today I went into school to download something on my computer I keep but never connect to my home network.
>go into uni
>pirate 100Gb Haruhi torrent
>refuse to elaborate

>> No. 42035 [Edit]
We are NOT the same anon....

Post edited on 14th Dec 2023, 1:41pm
>> No. 42079 [Edit]
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It is going to be mostly the same this year, my aunts friend is coming over, so thats cool.
>> No. 42088 [Edit]
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It is going okay. One of my friends hosted a Christmas gathering, and his 3DPD made some nice food. But a few hours later, I feel sick in my stomach. I think that something didn't agree with me.

Tomorrow I'll be seeing my Mother and staying for a few days there. She's making a lot of nice food so I'll come along and help.
She doesn't have the internet, so I'm bringing a couple of volumes of downloaded manga and my Nintendo Switch.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
>> No. 42090 [Edit]
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Merry christmas dood! I hope you get better.
>> No. 42091 [Edit]
Merry Christmas!
>> No. 42094 [Edit]
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My father died this christmas after a month in a hospital, just attended his funeral two days ago and nobody in my family seems to have any sympathy for my loss but merry christmas to everyone anyway.
>> No. 42095 [Edit]
I hope that you are doing ok
>> No. 42102 [Edit]
My father died three years ago and I thought that I would be unfazed by it but it ended up affecting me more than I had expected. My condolences.
>> No. 42104 [Edit]
i'm sorry to hear about your father anon. i don't like my dad and wish he would die but i understand most people don't feel this way. also that's a nice gif
>> No. 42114 [Edit]
Thank you tohno.

Thank you it's the same for me. I even had fantasies that I would feel free and wouldn't mind him dying but now that it happened I just feel empty most of the time that I'm used to but not used to this weird mix of also being angry and sad. The whole thing of my other family members being completely unaffected just makes it even more difficult to comprehend. They had the audacity to mock me the day after the funeral asking me why do I have a bad mood and why am I quiet even though they are aware of this event. Our life or death can mean nothing even to our family members, truly a depressing experience to realize in my already depressing life.

Also thank you but I would like to add something to tohnos hating their father. The thing is that when you see his ashes getting buried, it's suddenly not just about him. You stand there, also realizing that you won't have another chance in this life either for a better father, for anything better, that was it. That was what you had and even that is gone now. It's not just about him, facing the reality of not being able to fix some things or go back in time, the raw feeling of irreversibility would probably affect anyone whether you personally liked or disliked the person. At least that's how it was for me.
>> No. 42115 [Edit]
I don't think I would feel the same way you do. My father has NPD and has never been anything but a negative presence in my life. I imagine in your situation I might feel grief not so much for my father but for the relationship that never was and could never be. Some people only have fathers in a biological sense.
>> No. 42116 [Edit]
>I might feel grief not so much for my father but for the relationship that never was and could never be.

Yes, that's what I meant. It's a weird rush of emotions either way, that's all I wanted to say.
>> No. 42126 [Edit]
Well, I got "The essence of Shinto, Japan's spiritual heart" and a calendar. The book was something that I specifically asked for because I'm interested in learning about Shinto and Buddhism in Japan, and as for the calendar, I'm planning on noting down each of the holidays and seasonal traditions that are celebrated in Japan on their respective dates and researching each of them a when their days come around. I've been slacking in my Otaku studies for a long time and I'm hoping this will get me back on the right track. What's the point of being a NEET if you don't do something with all of that free time, right?
>> No. 42127 [Edit]
Shinto: The Way Home by Thomas P. Kasulis and Dean Sluyter is also good if you want more on the subject to read
>> No. 42128 [Edit]
Thanks, I'll check that one out when I'm done with my current book.
>> No. 43331 [Edit]
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メリークリスマス to all brohnos
>> No. 43332 [Edit]
>How's your christmas going?
Right over me. Anyway Merry Christmas
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