No. 29933
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I first found out about 4chan in late 2011. I remember still posting when you had to post noko in the email field, niggers tounge my anus, the Heaven copypasta, the guy that posted all of his pissjars every year and that's what I remember from that era. I used to post on /b/, /f/ and /a/ most of the time, /f/ was definetely the best and most fun of the bunch. Sometime in late 2012 a guy made a thread about those "hidden" (lmao) boards that moot supposedly keeps from the public aka. world4ch. /f/ and world4ch used to have no captcha I recall.
Though world4ch was slow as shit and spammed to hell and back I have the most fond memories on there. /anime/ was a great board; loved the Amagami challenge threads. I think I even made the very last or one of the last threads on there and /vip/. /prog/ was always hilarious as shit and still is a good place to be at. I remember a bunch of shit from /lounge/ too, funny as hell. Ever since I've been more interested in textboards and spinoffs and less interested in /b/ and 4chan in general until I stopped to post only on /jp/ and its spinoffs and then drop 4chan completely and move on to 8jp (which is shit) and then 4taba (which is decent).
Nowadays I have an on-off relationship with imageboards, sometimes I post on a handfull of boards and sites and sometimes I post nowhere. I don't know how it's with you guys, considering that most of you seem to have been involved with imageboards for more than a decade now. For me it's "only" been half a decade. I remember 2011-late 2013 fondly, though you guys probably consider the time utter shit. I guess I was younger then too.
Sorry for the CV, I thought this thread was a good oppurtunity for me to recap on those last 5 years. To think I was 14 back then lol