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File 141555304836.jpg - (250.53KB , 640x692 , Emperor_Penguin_Manchot_empereur.jpg )
1183 No. 1183 [Edit]
Why use linux?
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>> No. 2589 [Edit]
>Go tried and gave up at some point, if I remember correctly.
Yup, I wanted to mention that but forgot to. If I recall correctly the BSDs are also similar to osx in that the only stable interface is through the provided libc. I think this ends up working out better for both os/kernel devs and end-users, but it's obviously too late for linux (and glibc has too much momentum that switching off of it will introduce more issues than it solves).

>equivalent components on Linux, for the most part.
By equivalent components are you referring to flatpak et al.? If so I'm not sure I'd call that standardized since last I remember there was still a war being fought between snap, appimage, and flatpak.

Interestingly, like it or not Electron has probably done more for the state of linux desktop apps than all these other efforts combined. It may be a humongous bloated non-native monolith making us subservient to big G, but since Chromium basically works on all environments the electron apps it usually "just runs", it can be distributed as a single bundle, and it's easy for developers to create and share.
>> No. 2590 [Edit]
Are you referring to what are conventionally called "portable windows apps", which are basically a self-contained folder of the exe and any config files needed? My knowledge of windows is not great here, but I believe the EXE itself in this case contains application resources in addition to the PE which holds the actual code. If the containg folder contains any DLLs then yes I assume they're linked relatively. But note that not all windows apps are packaged in such a fashion (indeed, I believe many require an installer tool that installs things to a specified location and thus the program isn't set up to look up dependent files/dylibs relatively).

You could in principle do the same on Linux as well, and indeed see the exodus tool mentioned above which basically does just that with some ldpath hacking. If you couple that with an application that writes its configs to a relative location, you'd basically get something close to fully portable apps on linux. But the main issue you will run into on linux is glibc as mentioned before.
>> No. 2591 [Edit]
>Are you referring to what are conventionally called "portable windows apps"
Yes. I think it's the absolute best format for many kinds of programs, especially games. I love this way of doing things.

>the exodus tool
I've tried using it. If you've got musl on your system(musl-tools specifically in ubuntu), you can use that instead and it works fine. My issues with it posted above are likely because the original program didn't write its configs relatively.

Another shortcoming is that it produces an sh file, not a folder. When you run the sh script, it puts the software in /opt/exodus/, within a sub-folder that has its own /usr/ and /local/ and /bin/. The only portable thing I think is the sh script. It's not as clean or desirable from what I saw.

I'd rather people be able to write software like this in a format the OS already supports, rather than having to use a messier hack. I think Haiku is capable of this.
>you could manage to find all needed libraries and copy them in a “lib” directory next to the executable
>the libraries that you put under /lib have priority when run the executable

Post edited on 23rd Jan 2022, 5:46pm
>> No. 2592 [Edit]
>How do these potential hurdles necessitate a special application bundle structure?
They don't, I am silly and assumed you had meant to have *all* application resources coupled together into a single executable. That not being the case, application bundles would work just like a glorified "application folder", though do see below.

>Does this being possible without anything extra come down to a difference in how the Windows kernel works?
You can ask the linker to have the executable look libraries up relative to it's own directory first, or use stuff like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and there is software distributed like that (Dwarf Fortress comes to mind), but it can be rather brittle, for reasons already stated.

>By equivalent components are you referring to flatpak et al.? If so I'm not sure I'd call that standardized since last I remember there was still a war being fought between snap, appimage, and flatpak.
I was referring to desktop integration infrastructure (so things like .desktop files and icon themes and whatnot), of which application bundles do include, as well as working reasonably as a distribution mechanism; the unstated point being something like that they can be both portable and still offer things like offer to open files and protocols they can handle, and so on. Given my misunderstanding and the direction this has taken, the point is moot anyway; I do apologize for dragging out a tangent I shouldn't have and conflating 2 different (but closely related) issues.
>> No. 2626 [Edit]
File 164653365059.png - (153.05KB , 1266x950 , wrongwrongwrongwrongwrongwrongwrongwrongwrong.png )
Gotta love the community.

Post edited on 5th Mar 2022, 6:32pm
>> No. 2627 [Edit]
>Generally pretty trivial on Linux
Also hilariously wrong, especially the older the software is the more likely it depends on some super specific library version
>> No. 2628 [Edit]
I've been thinking about it lately, and I think "communities" are simply incapable of competently making a project as large as a desktop os.

Desktops, by nature, should not be modular. There needs to be a singular entity, with a strong vision, making decisions from top to bottom, ensuring everything is seamlessly integrated.

Looking forward to fuchsia desktops, if that's ever a thing.
>> No. 2661 [Edit]
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I've been trying out Fedora with Gnome(in a vm). I actually like it in quite a few ways. Been probably the best experience I've had, probably more due to Fedora than gnome.

The file picker though. The fucking file picker. I just learned about it yesterday and it is one deep rabbit hole. It's not just how bad it is, and how long it's been awful, it exposes the twisted attitude of the devs. And this affects all gtk applications, not juse gnome.

They don't care enough to do something about it 16 18 years after it was first pointed out, so instead they tell other people to do it. Except, other people aren't within their circle, so getting their patches in is next to impossible. And they don't even feel like looking at patches because that involves code review. So they just say "do it yourself", but they don't ever intend to use other people's fixes. Patches which aren't added, are always playing catch-up. So you can't even fix this locally.

Instead, they just wax on about various technical hurdles and performance concerns without DOING anything, and hiding behind being a nonprofit, "volunteer effort". Why work as much as they do on it, if they don't intend for it to be usable for the most typical use cases? Their thought process is totally bizarre me.

Post edited on 1st Apr 2022, 1:32pm
>> No. 2662 [Edit]
>File picker
Ah sooner or later everyone falls into the file picker rabbithole. Apparently they have no time to integrate a patch but are happy to redesign all their buttons chasing the latest flatui trends (

Attempting to use any linux distribution for non-cli purposes is a futile endeavor and amounts to a death by a thousand papercuts.
>> No. 2663 [Edit]
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KDE at least has this fixed for firefox. On another note, Chrome OS doesn't have this problem.
>> No. 2664 [Edit]
Change for the sake of change, or at least designers justifying their existence.
KDE isn't perfect, but I'm glad I chose it as my DE of choice.
>> No. 2665 [Edit]
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>> No. 2666 [Edit]
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>> No. 2667 [Edit]
Tried getting fcitx5 to work in kde. Horribly unstable. Someone asked about ime integration back in 2014. Guess how much that's progressed?
>> No. 2668 [Edit]
on kde neon

edit, I've had better luck with ibus(on kubuntu).

Post edited on 3rd Apr 2022, 1:23am
>> No. 2692 [Edit]
For once, the guy greentexting isn't the biggest faggot.
>> No. 2703 [Edit]
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Yesterday I intended on installing linux(kubuntu) and using it as a daily driver permanently, or at least I intended on trying. I've used it a lot in VMs, so I knew more or less what to expect.

It's not polished to say the least. My scaling was at 150%, and as a result the browser fonts were inconsistent. Thumbnails in the file picker were blurry, and despite installing support for jxl files in qt apps, their thumbnails didn't show up in the file picker(though they did everywhere else). Little things like that.

What REALLY killed it though was trying to get yggdrasil to work. This is something I've successfully done in a VM. Here though! Here it decided to not work, on an actual machine. And there was no information on why or how to fix it. I tried. Believe me I tried.
>yggdrasil.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
>Stopped yggdrasil.
>yggdrasil.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
>yggdrasil.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
>Failed to start yggdrasil.

I followed the instructions exactly. I even built it from source. Nothing made a difference. It just DECIDED not to work. I don't know if it's yggdrasil's fault, systemd's fault, or ubuntu's fault. It really doesn't matter. I'm not a masochist and my patience has limits. Not polished. Okay. Things take more time and work. Alright. Not being reliable. No thanks. It's not being different. It's not having a learning curve. It's just being shit. When I tell the stupid cocksucking cunt to start the service, it needs to start that fucking service. NOT just write cryptic shit to a log file.

Posted from freshly installed windows ltsc.
>> No. 2704 [Edit]
Install gentoo.
>> No. 2705 [Edit]
Gentoo is actually the sanest OS. It just works, but you need to compile everything.
>> No. 2706 [Edit]
I've heard gentoo only makes sense for exotic setups. Anywhere else it's needless work.
>> No. 2707 [Edit]
That seems to indicate that the yggdrasil had some error starting, and so systemd or whatever tried to restart it, up until it hit some restart limit.

So in this case it's yggdrasil's fault. You should look at the logs (if there are any) or manually try to run the yggdrasil binary and watch stdout.

As a sidenote, I don't know why systemd turned out to be such a bloated mess when its inspiration, launchd, is really quite nice.
>> No. 2708 [Edit]
It's already too late for that. I didn't know where yggdrasil puts its logs and there was no stdout. Also recently, something came on my plate that requires excel and VBA, so I really have no reason to go back and try again. The effort to value equation just doesn't add up for me. I get nothing out of it except a less polished experience with many many more annoyances.

Post edited on 13th May 2022, 12:22pm
>> No. 2710 [Edit]
Gentoo's package management system (portage) you to enable/disable features you need/don't want via USE flags. You can also patch packages easily. Oh, and you can filter software by its license, too. So, you can install mostly free software but you can pick proprietary software on per-package basis. Gentoo allows you to also pick bleeding edge versions of software on per-package basis.

If you want to test GNU/Linux again, you could use Windows' disk management tools to shrink the Windows partition and then dual-boot Windows and GNU/Linux.
>> No. 2711 [Edit]
>enable/disable features you need/don't want via USE flags
What does a person get out of this except a bit of saved disc save and a nebulous "performance" gain? How does anything related to stability, reliability and consistency benefit? If I do something in a vm and it works, and then I do the exact same steps on a real machine in almost the exact same environment, it better fucking work without any issue. I don't care if file permissions or user groups or some other shit is the problem. The things I did were the same, so the result should have been the same.

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 6:45am
>> No. 2712 [Edit]
Disabling features you don't need speeds up the build time for that package, and you may be saved from a bug if you didn't even compile that feature in a package. In Gentoo, you get to pick the optimization CFLAGS for each package as well (so applications are faster than in other distributions). The main reason why some see Gentoo as attractive is that you can have everything your way.

I heard that some claim that OpenSUSE is the best KDE distro, but I can't remember the reasons why. I used to use Debian testing at one point and I liked it more than Xubuntu.
>> No. 2713 [Edit]
The way I want, is for things to just work. I don't think distro matters for a lot of stuff either. Like on 150% scaling, the font size here(tc) was significantly larger than the font size on lainchan. Why? I don't know. I set firefox's internal scaling to 150% too. Made no difference. It was very odd and unpleasant. Every distro uses the same stuff for these types of things. Windows, everything looks consistent, and I didn't need to tweak anything or set site specific rules or any bullshit like that.

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 9:47am
>> No. 2714 [Edit]
>Gentoo's package management system (portage) you to enable/disable features you need/don't want via USE flags.
See I'm not convinced that's really a killer feature. I get the same thing on osx by just using macports. It's nice being able to compile and customize things yourself, but 99% of the time that's not really a benefit: A different package manager isn't going to fix fundamental issues with the desktop linux experience like >>2713 pointed out.

Also the speed benefits of having all your packages compiled for march=native are a bit questionable anyway: Anything that's actually compute intensive probably includes their own optimized subroutines (e.g. ffmpeg), or links against blas to do the heavy lifting.

I think the best bet for a desktop OS that's not windows/osx is maybe something like HaikuOS which is being designed from the ground up as having a standardized interface and set of APIs that applications use, much like osx and windows have.
>> No. 2715 [Edit]
File 165255397263.png - (2.77MB , 3840x2160 , q517r41dmw571.png )
>everything looks consistent
The Windows UI is absolutely all over the place
It's even worse now with situations where you have a settings menu reskinned into W10 with half of the options missing that you have to go digging into the old version of the same menu to find to do what you want

Sucks you had a bad Linux experience but it sounds like you shouldn't be using it anyway if you need stuff like Excel in the day to day, which is fair enough.

>The way I want, is for things to just work.

The overwhelming majority of things these days do just work
In my experience most people complaining it doesn't are either having some specific software won't run compatibility issue or they're trying to do something they'd never even attempt to do in Windows anyway (people randomly decide they want to change the file picker... change the default DE... the list goes on) and then wonder why stuff breaks.
>> No. 2716 [Edit]
>The Windows UI is absolutely all over the place
Yes. I agree. That's not what I meant though. Fonts and stuff like that is what I meant. The "feel" of it. It's a hard thing to describe, but when you're sitting there and using it, linux or xorg or whatever feels worse, at least at 150% scale. Not to mention the numerous visual glitches I noticed. Which windows has too, but not as much in my experience. Whatever windows uses as a "display server" is just better than anything linux supports.

>The overwhelming majority of things
Except the majority of things don't include the stuff I use which few other people do. As I said twice already, I tried using something that worked in a vm following the exact same instructions, but on an actual machine it didn't work. Same os. Same de. Same software. Same instructions.

And by the way, it works in wsl ubuntu(when started manually cause wsl doesn't have systemd). It also works on windows, which I've set up multiple times. For all I know, the wi-fi drivers were at fault, and it works in VMs because those use an ethernet interface or whatever.

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 1:58pm
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
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>I get the same thing on osx by just using macports.
I've thought about using osx, but a few things keep me away from it. Hackintosh is dead for one. I don't like the look of macbooks, their shortage of ports, or how they're built to not be repairable. Soldered on ram and ssd. On the software side, they dropped 32-bit support a few years ago. So all legacy programs are now unusable.
>> No. 2718 [Edit]
Yes, osx has a bleak future. It's basically been taken over by the ios team, and despite the transition to arm which was pulled off quite nicely, there are too many bugs in the newer OSs. I'm taking about severe usability impacting things like wakeups from sleep every few minutes due to some OS watchdog process never shutting up, battery drain when enabling bluetooth, WindowServer spiking CPU usage whenever caps lock is pressed (even if you remap caps lock to control), gestures randomly stop working requiring you to restart WindowServer, etc. I wonder if anyone at apple even uses their own shit.

Not to mention that every release you have to go to more lengths to avoid the OS treating you like a child. First it was codesigning, which up till 10.9 was still ok because you could disable it from system preferences and be done with it. Then it was SIP (system integrity protection), which prevented you from running dtrace or debugging privileged processes. To disable that you've got to reboot into recovery, set some nvram flags, and reboot back. Then it was AMFId, which I have no idea what it does except it's some bullshit backported from iOS. Then you have notarization, as if codesigning wasn't enough. And don't forget that Apple added "entitlements" as part of code signing so you can't even compile your own GUI app that links against CalendarKit or whatevre without figuring out the right arcane incantation of provisioning your own self-signed certificate and then invoking codesign.

It's a real shame that they put in all this effort building a really decent OS only to fuck it up for no good reason. The ideal setup would be to just run one of the last few good versions, either 10.6 or 10.9 depending on who you ask, which is actually pretty feasible considering that macports goes to heroic lengths to patch programs to maintain support for old OS versions.

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 2:32pm
>> No. 2719 [Edit]
Wow, that's nearly 10 years old. (5 since the last build).

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 2:33pm
>> No. 2720 [Edit]
Can you honestly say that there has been anything new in computing in the last 10 years? That 10 year old OS works perfectly fine, and I feel is probably better than any OS that has since come after it. Even the 15 year old 10.6 is perfectly fine functionality wise and rock solid (although a bit too "Aqua" for my taste).

Which is again why I said it's a shame that they're taking the piss with the newer releases. A decade since their last decent release and what do they have to show for it? Nothing but visual redesigns no one asked for, "protections" that make you fight your own computer, and bugs so egregious that you both question the competency of their developers and wonder if anyone there even uses their own OS.

Oh and don't forget that they've given up on the developer facing side as well. 10 years ago they had some pretty decent documentation on not only cocoa APIs but also the kernel side, such as kext programming, IOKit, etc. Good luck finding any of that these days, it's all been archived and left to linkrot. Instead they offer up autogenerated header files for libraries you don't even have the source to: good luck doing anything meaningful with that.
>> No. 2721 [Edit]
I mentioned the time because I was surprised how long ago the "last decent version" came out.
>Can you honestly say that there has been anything new in computing in the last 10 years?
In a literal sense, yes. You probably can't use the latest version of wine on 10.9. If you meant innovation, there's been incremental improvements in various fields and hardware. Like vulkan, which had its first release 6 years ago. I also have doubts about 10.9 hackintosh's support for newer hardware. I also doubt 10 year old apple hardware is that great. Their laptops have always had issues with questionable design(planned obsolescence).

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 3:19pm
>> No. 2722 [Edit]
>Wine on 10.9
Looks like WineHq supports down to 10.8. Also most userspace software that doesn't link against Cocoa frameworks works just fine. Also yes true on Vulkan, but osx never supported that anyway in favor of Metal (I guess there's vulkan on metal wrappers though). And osx's OpenGl support had never been good anyway.

10.9 probably won't run on newer processors at all, at least not unless you start tinkering around with the kernel (which is feasible I guess since that part is open sourced, someone was able to get it to work on ryzen). But unless you're willing to use an old GPU you won't have graphics acceleration either, and I don't think anyone has reverse engineered the graphics stack.

Post edited on 14th May 2022, 3:20pm
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
Oh another thing I just discovered. Apparently you can't even get coredumps of processes that crashed in the newer OSs. All you get is a helpful message from the kernel "AMFI: denying core dump" that even Google doesn't have useful results for. And this is a program I compiled myself, what the fuck. I'm surprised that there still any developers willing to put up with this platform.
>> No. 2797 [Edit]
Does everything I need while having a usable command line and not nagging me with updates / unwanted shit I can't remove
Even VNs run fine these days
Unless you need some specific windows only software there's no need to use Windows
>> No. 2830 [Edit]
New article
>Glibc 2.36 was released and all the games using EAC EOS are no longer playable.
>> No. 2831 [Edit]
Ah glibc, probably /the/ single reason why userspace compatibility on linux is such a mess. You can't even statically link it!
>> No. 2832 [Edit]
Use OpenBSD.
>> No. 2833 [Edit]
>> No. 2834 [Edit]
I won't pretend to know whether these claims are true, but the ABOUT page reeks of faggotry.
>> No. 2835 [Edit]
Even the gays can know something about software.
>> No. 2836 [Edit]
You know that's not what I mean.
>> No. 2859 [Edit]
So you can talk about using it because you don't acutally do anything with your life and you need something to feel special about.
>> No. 2914 [Edit]
How much does the name of the OS play into your decision to use it?

For example, I'm really enjoying running Mint as a daily driver. That being said, I don't like the name of the OS, and it makes me want to change to something like Pop! because it reminds me of Magical Pop'N.

I actually do like mint as both a herb and as a flavour, but it doesn't 'feel' technology related for me.
>> No. 2915 [Edit]
Void Linux is awesome for multiple reasons, but one of them is its name.
Funnily enough, with regards to Mint, its logo was more of an issue for me than its name.
>> No. 2916 [Edit]
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Not at all, more than the name it's usually the community's opinion of a distro. Mint linux had a reputation of being "relatively" easy to switch to for windows users. And PopOS is supposedly the new ubuntu, a solid choice that works without any of the bloat and terrible choices canonical has been adding over the past few years.

I wish most distros would specify their userspace stack upfront though, and how they differ from whatever distro they build on top off.
>> No. 2917 [Edit]
>how they differ from whatever distro they build on top off.
99/100 times, they'll say they have the greatest community in the universe. 80/100 times, they'll also say theirs is more "user-friendly".
>> No. 3185 [Edit]
More relevant links, on why openBSD's security claims should be taken with a grain of salt

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