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File 173285219913.jpg - (100.94KB , 1024x536 , nikke.jpg )
66 No. 66 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone here play Nikke or have any experience with it?
17 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
>> No. 91 [Edit]
File 173820623187.png - (1.04MB , 636x1056 , mast.png )
10 rolls!
>> No. 92 [Edit]
File 173826099137.jpg - (309.16KB , 1022x1024 , 124352860_p0.jpg )
Sin is giving out slips with Privaty's figure on them. Perhaps this portends a future alt or skin for our favorite tsundere?
>> No. 93 [Edit]
File 173838701754.jpg - (3.68MB , 2379x3172 , 124399533_p0.jpg )
Three weeks for a one-part event that falls apart halfway through is the very definition of half-baked. Combine that with forcing one of the worst squads into it, and I'm not too pleased.
At least Privaty did make an appearance and Mast does get lovey-dovey.

File 171722037117.jpg - (1.99MB , 2000x1415 , b4e84f454516f735bf2fccba35bd9112.jpg )
1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
BA is life, BA is love!
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3 [Edit]
I don't play any of the games listed in the contest, but I actually like the BA art I see around so I'm throwing my post here.
>> No. 4 [Edit]
File 171902933262.gif - (2.44MB , 344x374 , ayane-nonomi.gif )
Ayane is love!
>> No. 5 [Edit]
File 171929920755.jpg - (7.10MB , 4409x6890 , ec3359373b7b3ab55a795446c370d57a.jpg )
Aoi always seems so sad, I want to make her happy!
>> No. 83 [Edit]
File 173778352676.jpg - (1.00MB , 2340x1080 , Screenshot_20250124_004626_Blue Archive.jpg )
Mobile games in a nutshell.

File 171824347448.png - (1.02MB , 1280x732 , 447969922_26684610184471141_7617824911864914018_n.png )
33 No. 33 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My money is on S2
>> No. 75 [Edit]
File 173726827967.png - (602.90KB , 1005x567 , 1737267932578117.png )
Well shit. I didn't think we'd ever see hear the day.
>> No. 76 [Edit]
File 173727705963.jpg - (107.50KB , 933x861 , Gho5e5maMAAk7YI.jpg )

File 173718069631.jpg - (98.52KB , 616x353 , capsule_616x353.jpg )
74 No. 74 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Any commanders here?

File 173459163520.jpg - (60.49KB , 696x348 , 2_2.jpg )
69 No. 69 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is there a doctor in the house?
>> No. 70 [Edit]
File 173459222812.jpg - (186.75KB , 1200x675 , GfIvQ8CaAAAdJl8.jpg )
The hello kitty collab almost makes me want to dust off my old account.

File 172006387477.jpg - (4.99MB , 1951x3465 , 120222963_p0.jpg )
46 No. 46 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Just a thread to post nice art of your favorite students.

This one is from
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
File 172478195790.png - (939.60KB , 1600x1600 , 117254207_p0.png )
>> No. 63 [Edit]
File 173178550016.png - (3.83MB , 1050x2100 , 122968904_p0.png )
>> No. 64 [Edit]
File 173178965986.jpg - (1.25MB , 1200x1800 , __kazusa_blue_archive_drawn_by_aoi_tiduru__270bb80.jpg )
>> No. 65 [Edit]
File 173179134464.jpg - (482.56KB , 1464x2048 , __kazusa_blue_archive_drawn_by_kazu_kauk3753__1713.jpg )

File 172945963713.jpg - (334.81KB , 1671x940 , GaVEPlib0AAmNBS.jpg )
59 No. 59 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Sensei is a producer now!
>> No. 60 [Edit]
File 172948015751.png - (1.23MB , 1213x678 , GaVDuhfbsAA-AH2.png )
Holy moly...
>> No. 61 [Edit]
They made plenty of good designs for this event but sadly only released three of them. It was kind of a waste. I hope they'll release more in following reruns
>> No. 62 [Edit]
File 173178229023.jpg - (1.66MB , 1500x2026 , bluearchive_main.jpg )
>I hope they'll release more in following reruns
Improbable, but I'm sure we'll see more idol content of other students later.

File 172593556652.jpg - (173.50KB , 1200x595 , projectkv-20240908-309782-header2.jpg )
54 No. 54 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This seemed like it needed it's own thread.

For those who don't already know. A writer along with an artist who both worked on Blue Archive have teamed up to work on a new project. Between the style shown, girls all having weapons, and the halos, there might be some implications about it being set in the same world. It's also been suggested this 'might' be a eroge.

They released a preview video along with concept art.
www.projectkv. co. kr

Then not even a week later, facing considerable backlash from koreas (along with other possible legal issues), they decided to cancel the whole project.
>> No. 55 [Edit]
File 172593608359.png - (1.10MB , 720x3972 , insider-allegedly-from-dynamisone-makes-a-post-v0-.png )
>Title: This post is alive for 30 seconds.

(Business card of both Nexon Games and DynamisOne)

Three major reasons of our departure:

Dissatisfaction with the business department, contract, global business, etc. of Nexon. We could've done better that that.ยน From time to time, Nexon would pick up a random-ass company for us to partner up, and we couldn't decline that suggestion.

Dissatisfaction with the publisher. Yostar vetoed our Volume 2 story for being "unreasonable". Troubles with translation, and character interpretations that deviate from ours, etc.

Dissatisfaction with the company. Nexon has generous incentives only for 3 years after the initial launch.

Said incentives drop dramatically after the first three years. This is the reason that keeps "hit game devteam" moving around with brand new games.

BA is the outlier here, as it's revenue keeps increasing. However, now that it has been 3 years after launch, the incentives are bound to decline.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 56 [Edit]
File 172593624171.png - (395.83KB , 815x779 , image.png )
Then there's project VK, not really sure if it's a shit post or what.
>> No. 57 [Edit]
File 172594443082.jpg - (70.13KB , 676x1200 , GWdgmeHa4AArlZp.jpg )
I heard the staff had some creative difference with nexon, that they wanted more freedom to do what they wanted with the story, but of course more money, and walked off when they got neither. It was implied project KV would continue the story of BA in one form or another.

But then others say they already started working on the game in their spare time, that they were planning on quitting anyway, and waited until they had something to work with and show off. Which needless to say creates some legal/contract issues if they worked on this while still employed. The amount of stuff they showed off plus the quality of the content they unveiled makes it seem like this was probably the case.

Either way, Blue Archive will likely die because of this. The creative driving force behind the game is gone and almost certainly isn't coming back. The franchise will continue, but it'll be in name only.
>> No. 58 [Edit]
This sums a lot of it up.

File 17224999176.png - (1.10MB , 1280x720 , Event_Sunshine_Girls'_Serenade.png )
51 No. 51 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How is the event proceeding for everyone? Did you get all the girls you wanted?

As for me, luck was on my side this time and I've got all I wanted within a single spark. Meaning I have enough resources for the next juicy banner in a month. Although my other in-game currencies are almost depleted, I feel like I'm getting closer to the /meta/ and might be able to finally go for extreme difficulty events

File 171815334037.jpg - (174.36KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Blue Archive the Animation - 04 [1080p.jpg )
24 No. 24 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
ITT: BA videos
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 32 [Edit]
File 171987944019.png - (3.33MB , 2480x3508 , 1b3ad51e69dbc2082247aa4b35083404.png )

This stings, just a bit. Part of me was hoping these would go on forever, even I knew they couldn't.
>> No. 42 [Edit]
File 171998003494.jpg - (116.22KB , 1680x891 , fsdfsdffsd.jpg )

The art is a little doppy but this channel has some neat fan animations.
>> No. 49 [Edit]

24-Hour Abydos
>> No. 50 [Edit]
Lets learn Chinese!

File 17199776855.png - (725.27KB , 1200x1200 , fed2f6b111da54d138d85f5c715edf62.png )
41 No. 41 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is there any mobagay you regret playing?
>> No. 43 [Edit]
Thankfully, I have never played any mobage, so I have zero regrets.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
File 17199896054.jpg - (388.98KB , 1136x852 , Fairy_Puck_Futaba_Isurugi.jpg )
Kinda regret wasting my time trying to like Magia Record. I wanted to play because I loved the original story but everything about it felt kind of cheap and nonsensical storywise. But I also liked the spinoff manga before Magia Record and I think Bebe is cute, so maybe I am just a hypocrite who hates change.
There's also Revue Starlight, I was having fun with the English server until this banner where I used all my free gems and got nothing to show for it in return. Fuck you Revue Starlight

A wise decision, really.
>> No. 45 [Edit]
Same, although I was [i]really[/i\ tempted to download D4DJ after how much I liked the show. But I realized I never use my phone anyway so didn't bother. There were a few d4dj tracks for webosu which I tried out of curiosity, but I didn't like that you needed to move the mouse around...
>> No. 48 [Edit]
File 172109236254.jpg - (224.85KB , 1200x1200 , GSXr59LXUAE1w9q.jpg )
I'm not sure if I'd say I regret it, but the upcoming release of the EN Uma Musume does make me wonder if the time I dumped into the JP version wasn't wasted.

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