No. 95
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I've been playing GF2 (Exilium) for a while now, and I don't know...
The plot seems a bit weak, yet it's really dragged out. It feels like simple things just seem to go on forever sometimes.
The gist of it from what I've played so far, You're a former PMC commander turned bounty hunter, who does odd jobs instead of bounties. You've poor and barely scraping by while struggling to maintain your massive high tech armored land train/fortress (I don't even...). You're given a high paying job to transport a box from point A to B, which overland will take a stupidly long time, but of course the client knows that, and they can track your progress. So the game starts with the client hiring a local gang to steal the box from you...
During the struggle it's revealed the box has a sleeping girl in it, so of course the protag gets second thoughts about delivering it, but plays along anyway while making progress to the delivery point, so of course the client sets more traps to steal the box... from the person he's paying to deliver it to him... After another failed attempt at stealing her from you, you learn she's super special and decide to say fuck it and forget about the delivery and choose to hang out with an old friend from the first game instead (Your government issued wife that all mobile games seem to have.).
It doesn't help that as things go on, the writing starts feeling like it's from Arknights where you suspect the writers are paid by the word.
The other thing is, maybe it's just me but I find the main characters just aren't very likable at all. This game's mandated wife character ranges from having the personality of a plank of wood, to just being a cunt. I think they're going for stern and stoic, but it doesn't really work. She's accompanied by two other T-Dolls, one which only speaks in abstract haiku that almost no one can understand, even during serious life and death situations, and her translator which is a hard tsundere type in a constant bad mood that seems to start every sentience with HUUH?! She acts as the translator for haiku girl, so you get to enjoy a double dose of her lovely personality.
Not far into the story a medic T-Doll joins, who puts on an overly cute act that almost feels condescending in contex
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