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File 173285219913.jpg - (100.94KB , 1024x536 , nikke.jpg )
66 No. 66 [Edit]
Does anyone here play Nikke or have any experience with it?
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>> No. 67 [Edit]
File 173294299919.png - (1.53MB , 1280x720 , Cindy.png )
Why yes, yes I do.
>> No. 68 [Edit]
File 173321113013.jpg - (185.62KB , 1080x2340 , look whos talking.jpg )
I initially picked it up because of a net friend who got really into it and kept talking about it constantly. I saw it recommended every time I opened the google play store and looked like trash. It didn't seem very appealing but I guess I caved and gave it a shot.
My impressions; The story and world comes off like a Girls Front Line ripoff, but with gameplay that's admittedly more fun.
The art looks ugly and for some characters like it was made by AI. A lot of character designs can look retarded or ugly, many are just 2smutty4me. seriously half these girls look like they moonlight as strippers in their spare time or like they're into some BDSM shit (a couple you meet early into the story are literally into that). Enemies in the game look too busy design wise while also being monochrome like garbage straight out of a Michal bay transformers movie.
To be fair, I think these character designs are meant to appeal to a specific type of person, guys that think thick slutty girls with whips and chains and leather and stuff like that are hot, and that's just not me.

I played the game for a while to give it a chance, and was admittedly curious where the story was going, but I didn't make it that far before putting it aside. I tried a few times to get back in but the long updating process turned me away every time.
Then I saw they added this new character, Ranko Flora. She seems like a strangely nice character for this type of game that didn't really fit too well. I decided to throw everything I had at trying to get her, and that meant having to grind the game hard to earn the materials to roll for her (I'm a free player to the end.). She's the only thing keeping me playing now, she looks like she'd be snooty but she actually acts really cute and charming, so it irks me how the protag is very dismissive of her.

Playing more of this I found the plot seems to like emotional rug pulls, at least where I'm at so far. They set up something sad or even tragic and quickly after make it a non-issue. I've been told it gets a lot darker as it goes on so I guess we'll see how that goes, but for now it feels cheap, and as if narrative wise the story is being held back by the nature of the game (such as not being able to kill off playable characters).
Syuen comes across as a fun to hate character, and boy does this game want you to hate her. Normally I hate seeing harm come to girls, but she's one I make an exception for.
I think the UI is a complete mess, with what are essentially two separate main menus, and the main menu is a clusterfuck. It has what looks like popup ads and buttons overlapping other buttons, it just all feels like bad design. All over the place you also find overdesigned convoluted looked impractical mechanical garbage that just makes this look like a really ugly world to live in, or at least it would be if the protag wasn't banished to his own personal adorable looking simcity that clashes with everything else in the game and acts as a second main menu of sorts.

I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep playing this. I'm barely half way into the main story but I'm getting to what seems to be a really grindy point where it's hard to progress in the story and my characters need tons of resources to level up.
>> No. 71 [Edit]
File 173491561497.jpg - (150.85KB , 1280x720 , O-pgOipi3eQ.jpg )
>> No. 72 [Edit]
I got SSR Rapi with 20 vouchers which makes me happy. A shame I don't have enough resources to build her, but time will fix that. Tempted to also do a 20 on SBS' banner because another dupe would be nice.
>> No. 73 [Edit]
File 17357513746.png - (621.41KB , 1280x720 , rewrite.png )
The OST has some brilliant pieces.
>> No. 77 [Edit]
File 173741542083.jpg - (1.27MB , 411x4800 , Screenshot_20250115-014551.jpg )
I tried viewing Alice's story mode since some event thing gives you a bunch of extra items for interacting with her.
I know she's a popular character, but she's a bit too retarded for my tastes so I haven't seen this till now.

...What the fuck man?
>> No. 78 [Edit]
It's the NIKKE special. Enjoy the ride!
>> No. 79 [Edit]
File 173756887688.png - (6.19MB , 2894x4093 , 126151576_p0.png )
She's so cute.
>> No. 80 [Edit]
File 173769482428.png - (5.11MB , 1644x3840 , Screenshot_20250123-092507.png )
Took everything I had and then some to roll Mana. Really had to grind away at the end there. got her on the 200th roll, because of course.
I have a thing for these types, what can I say?
Too bad her story is just about how she's an alcoholic...
>> No. 81 [Edit]
File 173776439694.png - (77.06KB , 288x229 , behe is sleeping.png )
Ouch. At least you've earned enough golden tickets to outright purchase a future banner.

>Too bad her story is just about how she's an alcoholic...
Sounds better than what some of the girls are given. They really need to hire decent and consistent writers for bond stories.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
I used the 200 credits to buy rapi redhood. I did a quick Google and it seems she's a good Nikki I guess? Her banner was about to end so I said why not.
>> No. 84 [Edit]
File 173778535485.jpg - (4.15MB , 2650x3599 , 41bbc25d-e95c-47f5-80bc-7f5c8c287e86.jpg )
Maid event is coming next week. I'm excited, but my wife did it better.

>it seems she's a good Nikki I guess
Meta-wise, she's arguably the strongest attacker in the game. If that's why you wanted her, it was a great choice.
>> No. 85 [Edit]
File 173784078837.jpg - (730.86KB , 1200x1600 , 117387781_p0.jpg )
>> No. 86 [Edit]
File 173800298344.jpg - (228.15KB , 1800x2160 , 123583004_p0.jpg )
I recently got Grave, but it was after the latest Solo Raid. Pain!
>> No. 87 [Edit]
File 173817142177.jpg - (4.82MB , 2145x3315 , 117605177_p0.jpg )
>> No. 88 [Edit]
Is her constitution meant to crush any resistance under way by any chance?
>> No. 89 [Edit]
I don't understand what you're trying to say, anon.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
>> No. 91 [Edit]
File 173820623187.png - (1.04MB , 636x1056 , mast.png )
10 rolls!
>> No. 92 [Edit]
File 173826099137.jpg - (309.16KB , 1022x1024 , 124352860_p0.jpg )
Sin is giving out slips with Privaty's figure on them. Perhaps this portends a future alt or skin for our favorite tsundere?
>> No. 93 [Edit]
File 173838701754.jpg - (3.68MB , 2379x3172 , 124399533_p0.jpg )
Three weeks for a one-part event that falls apart halfway through is the very definition of half-baked. Combine that with forcing one of the worst squads into it, and I'm not too pleased.
At least Privaty did make an appearance and Mast does get lovey-dovey.

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