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File 17199776855.png - (725.27KB , 1200x1200 , fed2f6b111da54d138d85f5c715edf62.png )
41 No. 41 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is there any mobagay you regret playing?
>> No. 43 [Edit]
Thankfully, I have never played any mobage, so I have zero regrets.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
File 17199896054.jpg - (388.98KB , 1136x852 , Fairy_Puck_Futaba_Isurugi.jpg )
Kinda regret wasting my time trying to like Magia Record. I wanted to play because I loved the original story but everything about it felt kind of cheap and nonsensical storywise. But I also liked the spinoff manga before Magia Record and I think Bebe is cute, so maybe I am just a hypocrite who hates change.
There's also Revue Starlight, I was having fun with the English server until this banner where I used all my free gems and got nothing to show for it in return. Fuck you Revue Starlight

A wise decision, really.
>> No. 45 [Edit]
Same, although I was [i]really[/i\ tempted to download D4DJ after how much I liked the show. But I realized I never use my phone anyway so didn't bother. There were a few d4dj tracks for webosu which I tried out of curiosity, but I didn't like that you needed to move the mouse around...
>> No. 48 [Edit]
File 172109236254.jpg - (224.85KB , 1200x1200 , GSXr59LXUAE1w9q.jpg )
I'm not sure if I'd say I regret it, but the upcoming release of the EN Uma Musume does make me wonder if the time I dumped into the JP version wasn't wasted.

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34 No. 34 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post your favorite tracks!
>> No. 35 [Edit]
File 171855891499.jpg - (719.17KB , 1280x1024 , 68.jpg )
It's insane how big Unwelcome School got. This track has 20 million views now.

This mix has nearly 8million views.

2.4 million on this one.
>> No. 36 [Edit]
I'm more of a Usagi Flap kind of sensei.
>> No. 37 [Edit]

Lets jazz up this thread a bit.

File 171722798051.png - (5.12MB , 3000x1690 , 27640de82184646a922bddac8516f2d5.png )
9 No. 9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those who are curious about BA but have no idea what it is, let me explain and try to sum it up.
Blue Archive is something of a slice of life action/comedy that takes place in a place called Kivotos. In Kivotos we have various academies that operate like micro nations, ranging from big to small. The smallest one being literally just five students. much like nations of earth, Each academy is typically inhabited by a particular race. Trinity and Gehenna, which are the two most powerful academies, are inhabited by angelic and demonic like girls respectively. They also have what's essentially their own militaries that keep order in their boarders. In Trinity it's the justice task force, and in Gehenna it's the Perfect team.
Meanwhile, millennium science school, which has a focus on technology, mostly houses humans and prefers to use a small but highly trained group for it's defense and dirty work.
I should of course point out that while everyone carries guns and getting shot is pretty common, no one really gets seriously hurt. Those halos over everyone's heads protect them from serious injury. Without the need to worry about getting hurt, it seems a culture developed around weapons, they're almost like a fashion statement in this world, and are something often used for disputes.

These various schools in turn also have clubs that can act like small factions. Some are innocent enough like the sweets club or game dev department, while others can be, like the gourmet research club or the hot spring seekers, can be a bit of trouble...

much of the story takes place from the perspective of Sensei. Actual teachers are pretty rare in this world, so students are mostly self taught.
Sensei works for Schale, an organization that has authority over all the academies that was put in place just before the president disappeared.
Sensei travels across Kivotos, helping students and clubs of the various schools with whatever they might need. For whatever reason sensei doesn't have a halo (maybe because he's too old, or because he's male, I can't say), but he does have some protection via a tablet he keeps with him and the digital AI companion in it which (somehow) helps protect him from all those stray bullets flying all over the place.

As for why it
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>> No. 17 [Edit]
File 171938404694.jpg - (91.06KB , 850x1167 , __moe_blue_archive_drawn_by_kildir__sample-5b92f14.jpg )
The weapons themselves, or all the fun things she can do with them? There is big difference.
>> No. 18 [Edit]
File 171940220689.jpg - (83.63KB , 1279x596 , moe.jpg )
Just as I thought, she is a sadist. One of us, one of us, one of us!
>> No. 19 [Edit]
What she can do with them. There's something about watching things blow up that really gets her going.
>> No. 20 [Edit]
File 171942141562.jpg - (41.38KB , 850x442 , __moe_blue_archive_drawn_by_clich51368861__sample-.jpg )
She is the one! I watched that whole relationship storyline video. She doesn't hit as close to home as a certain magical girl, but she knows the thrill and is even willing to use herself to get in her fill of ruination. I love her.

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21 No. 21 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What would be your weapon of choice?
>> No. 22 [Edit]
File 171817372872.jpg - (30.69KB , 900x580 , 7a4d84b033b8b45af304f9c50c63740f.jpg )
Pedersoli Tatham & Egg
>> No. 23 [Edit]
File 171915002084.png - (2.10MB , 1193x1869 , __kayoko_blue_archive_drawn_by_franz2543__e3807250.png )
I already own a 1301 Tactical I don't think I am allowed to answer this.

File 171722374980.png - (3.01MB , 3120x1440 , Screenshot_20240530-011513.png )
7 No. 7 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 8 [Edit]
File 171722489275.png - (275.88KB , 1048x1182 , Screenshot_20240530-0102212.png )
uhh, Is she okay?

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6 No. 6 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Trinity is the best school in all of Kivotos! Prove me wrong I dare you!

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