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File 172593556652.jpg - (173.50KB , 1200x595 , projectkv-20240908-309782-header2.jpg )
54 No. 54 [Edit]
This seemed like it needed it's own thread.

For those who don't already know. A writer along with an artist who both worked on Blue Archive have teamed up to work on a new project. Between the style shown, girls all having weapons, and the halos, there might be some implications about it being set in the same world. It's also been suggested this 'might' be a eroge.

They released a preview video along with concept art.
www.projectkv. co. kr

Then not even a week later, facing considerable backlash from koreas (along with other possible legal issues), they decided to cancel the whole project.
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>> No. 55 [Edit]
File 172593608359.png - (1.10MB , 720x3972 , insider-allegedly-from-dynamisone-makes-a-post-v0-.png )
>Title: This post is alive for 30 seconds.

(Business card of both Nexon Games and DynamisOne)

Three major reasons of our departure:

Dissatisfaction with the business department, contract, global business, etc. of Nexon. We could've done better that that.¹ From time to time, Nexon would pick up a random-ass company for us to partner up, and we couldn't decline that suggestion.

Dissatisfaction with the publisher. Yostar vetoed our Volume 2 story for being "unreasonable". Troubles with translation, and character interpretations that deviate from ours, etc.

Dissatisfaction with the company. Nexon has generous incentives only for 3 years after the initial launch.

Said incentives drop dramatically after the first three years. This is the reason that keeps "hit game devteam" moving around with brand new games.

BA is the outlier here, as it's revenue keeps increasing. However, now that it has been 3 years after launch, the incentives are bound to decline.
Sure, until RX is fine, but "there are just way too many studios developing new games for Nexon that run off of MX's revenue only. For that reason, total amount of incentive available is small." (This is true.)

With discussing these points, they said there is only one way to solve this whole thing: flip the table and start over.

TL;DR is: "We can't write what we want to write, so we're parting to make what we want to make. We will ensure you get rewards more reasonable than what Nexon gives."

Most of the people who left never knew things like "oh general managers take this much of an incentive", etc. We first acknowledged that when Nexon records went public, but we did know those general managers are the ones paying.²

By system, we cannot know why incentives went down, whether it is due to company policies or people on the top just took more for themselves. We don't really know each other's payroll.

We extracted³ general managers, then team leaders, and then part leaders. We tried to recruit other staffs starting in June/July, but a lot of staffs preferred to stay in Blue Archive team so things went a bit tricky.

And the reason for not hiring a Japanese translator is: back in Nexon, when Yostar staffs come for a business meeting they brought translators. Everyone could have conversations in Japanese w/o translators no problem, however.

So it seems that they were confident without a translator, but apparently they couldn't do "Business Japanese".

People are saying "ah they are salty coz they're barred from RX blah blah", but that's bullshit. No one wants to transfer there because no incentives are given until launch.

Also, KV does stand for Kivotos. What we're making is the real Kivotos, or something along that line.
>> No. 56 [Edit]
File 172593624171.png - (395.83KB , 815x779 , image.png )
Then there's project VK, not really sure if it's a shit post or what.
>> No. 57 [Edit]
File 172594443082.jpg - (70.13KB , 676x1200 , GWdgmeHa4AArlZp.jpg )
I heard the staff had some creative difference with nexon, that they wanted more freedom to do what they wanted with the story, but of course more money, and walked off when they got neither. It was implied project KV would continue the story of BA in one form or another.

But then others say they already started working on the game in their spare time, that they were planning on quitting anyway, and waited until they had something to work with and show off. Which needless to say creates some legal/contract issues if they worked on this while still employed. The amount of stuff they showed off plus the quality of the content they unveiled makes it seem like this was probably the case.

Either way, Blue Archive will likely die because of this. The creative driving force behind the game is gone and almost certainly isn't coming back. The franchise will continue, but it'll be in name only.
>> No. 58 [Edit]
This sums a lot of it up.
>> No. 99 [Edit]
File 174060453093.jpg - (1.76MB , 1470x2092 , Gktl6bOa4AA-ACq.jpg )

Seems like the fun isn't over yet.
>> No. 100 [Edit]
File 174060478172.png - (382.84KB , 1080x1124 , qy83mqzovgle1.png )

Looks like things are getting messy.
>> No. 101 [Edit]
File 17407003329.jpg - (200.44KB , 660x463 , 1740622737_55448.jpg )
Update on D1 police Raid: Police confirm Dynamis One intentionally sabotaged Blue Archive before leaving Nexon to make their project successful

Simply put:

- The police found evidence of an attempted sabotage on Blue Archive by key members of Dynamis One to make their new project successful.

- Dynamis One was founded at the same time that Park Byeong-lim (former BA Japanese Project Director) and other key members of Blue Archive (such as Isakusan) left Nexon.

- Various testimonies state that they recruited and encouraged several BA team employees to resign by providing them with false information.

- There are reports of sabotage of the Blue Archive IP, claiming that the game's development was intentionally neglected, with the goal of stealing Blue Archive’s fanbase once they had left the studio.

- The police reported that an anonymous source stated: "There was a situation where key team leaders gathered in a separate space after work, discussing their resignations and their next independent project while making negative comments about the company."

- It started long before they resigned, it began in 2023 after the end of BA’s Part 1 (after Volume F).

- This is why there were large gaps between the releases of main story chapters after the Vol F, because the future members of D1 were also busy working on their "future independent project."

- Starting from February 2024, there was a wave of mass resignations within the Blue Archive team.

- Before that, several reports of unusual long-term vacations and similar occurrences were detected. This coincides with the period when players reacted negatively to BA’s in-game content pacing updates.

The current number of Dynamis One members is 39.


https://gamefocus. co. kr/detail.php?number=163579

https://www.gameple. co. kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=211885

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