No. 18583
Replies: >>18593
You seem to have it much worse than I do, in regard to how often it's mentioned. My beloved hasn't been referred to officially since his story was over - spin-off adaptations like video games not included.
>My situation's a little different from yours, because he got murdered in an explicitly pointless and humiliating way, and his murderer had his corpse treated like literal garbage.
Makes sense. Sounds like it's not something worth respecting and no positive angle. I can empathise on the corpse desecration, as that happened to my beloved as well. It happened for different reasons but I can't stand any mention of it either. It's one of those things where there was no need for it to happen, which sounds like what your entire incident was, and there's no way to bring it up nicely.
Fanart-wise it's easy to ignore but I can imagine that it's hard to get into the series when they keep bringing it back up, you don't want to skip bits because it's a series you like. My only suggestion is taking a break from it whenever it gets too much and concentrating on his life, even if nobody else seems to be doing it (though it sounds like you're doing that already).
>Fans seem to love talking about it and making the same jokes over and over again, then turning around and acting like they love him right after shitting on him like that.
Fans can be weird. I won't pretend I understand it - it probably just comes down to the lack of attachment. I found it easier to not talk to them (but I never got anything out of fan conversations so there was nothing lost for me) and it became a lot easier to appreciate the series as a whole.
>It's the fact that most everyone seems to focus on it and act like it's the most important thing about him.
That can be very frustrating. People will cling onto one aspect of a character, blow it out of proportion and ignore all the rest. Out of a need to simplify things, I suppose.