No. 18341
This is both, pretty wrong but also understandable.
Im in the same boat as OP, there are a few doujins about my waifu and I always liked the artist before he made the doujins (he made two doujins with her). He is one of the artists who make doujins that really hit the spot for me in terms of artstyle and themes and I wasnt exactly happy when I first saw an upload from him with my waifu as the "actress". But well, curiosity got the overhand and after that I was in the situation OP is in.
Hate me all you want, but I like both of them. I dont want to go into detail about what they are, but luckily it isnt anything extreme. It does contain rape though. I learned to separate this, I can guarantee you I would NEVER, EVER let this happen in real life to her (or however you would call it). I would go berserk on anyone who would even think about touching her against her will. Sure, there is still some kind of hypocrisy in it, but personally I wouldnt mind her being aroused about pictures of me in this kind of situations as well. It just isnt real (like 2d in 2d) and is sololy there for your own entertainment. We even joke about it and I like to imagine her making fun of me for my preferences. I still try to avoid looking at doujins about her though. Mainly because I dont like that there are other people who see her in that embarrassing situations.