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13465 No. 13465 [Edit]
Hey guys, while I personally don't have a waifu, I have some questions about how you envision your waifus:

>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?

I have characters I love, but the thing is that I always insert myself into their world and recreate myself according to their world. It's like a self-insert fanfiction. But I'm not sure that is proper or healthy to do, since I change myself to make the relationship make more sense.
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>> No. 13466 [Edit]
I don't self insert, I assume we will meet in the afterlife.

About the second question, I think she would reject me as I am right now, but I'm trying to improve myself to be a worthy partner for her. I plan to take my life in my 30th birthday.
>> No. 13472 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
I insert her in my life (which is the only world I'll ever know, as far as I get to broaden it) as a concept, my most valuable one. From then on, I elaborate on that concept by the means of art (drawings, poetry,...), which you could very well consider "an entirely new world" for us alone.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
I do have changed and keep changing immensely by entertaining the thought of her, but just as much as I have inevitably changed her chararacter as well by knowing (read: interpreting) it, turning her into something else that belongs entirely to me. So, by now, I find nonsensical to wonder about her approval, as if she was someone out there; she's part of me (a core one), so her opinion about me is nothing but my own (and I'm not crazy about myself).
>> No. 13473 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
I do a mix of both. I'd say 80% hers, 20% mine though. I strongly latch to my childhood, so that 20% is basically stuff from that.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
Just my age so it matches her in-universe age, although going by birthdates, I'm only 2 years older.
>> No. 13474 [Edit]
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I'm not the OP but this got me thinking: when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?

Do you talk to her mentally or orally?

Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?

To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?

And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
>> No. 13475 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
The second is probably the closest. In my fantasies with her, I am 'visiting' her world by projecting my current self there. She's aware that I'm not from her world, so I wouldn't use the term copy to describe it.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
She accepts and loves me for who I am now- though she didn't start out loving me. My fantasies are all connected, so I kind of had our relationship 'develop' over time as a normal one would.

>when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
I'm really not sure on this one. I think I'd consider the time we started dating as the time I realized I loved her beyond normal affection for characters. That was over 4 years ago; at some point, I think I'd like to have some sort of official 'marriage' fantasy.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
Continuing story: see above.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
It doesn't bother me. I see the waifu in my mind and fantasies as a different version of her based on the same character, rather than the same exact concrete person. In an odd way, I'm actually happy when other people are serious about loving her too- I'm glad that she's appreciated.
>> No. 13476 [Edit]
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Hey guys, OP here, thanks for the responses!

I have another question:

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?
>> No. 13477 [Edit]
This one doesn't apply to me since my waifu has no canon pairing (or anything remotely resembling a love interest for that matter). If she did, however, I would probably start our 'arc' before she met him- or at least before she started growing attached to him. If she was from a visual novel with multiple routes, I would just have the main character of the VN go with another girl instead.
>> No. 13478 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?

This is a tricky question for me to answer, since even the creator of my waifu's world just left the specifics regarding its geography, history and culture incomplete, plus isn't really interested about it. So I can say I it's partly my knowledge and partly ZUN's intended vision. And that's not all of it.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?

I certainly imagine myself having a better personality than what I have today, but for something reachable.
>> No. 13480 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?

I like to imagine myself in her world, living with her and her servant. I'm not even sure if it's possible for a human to live where she does since it's technically the afterlife but human characters have been there and lived so I tend not to think too hard on the details.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?

I'd like to learn some practical things to help her on a daily basis. I'd feel awful just being there and not contributing anything even though that's pretty much what I do at home right now.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?

Luckily for me she's never been shown in a in a canon pairing. She's seen in fan pairings with other characters frequently though, while I'd ideally like to be with her there's one paring I'd actually be happy with and willing to accept.
>> No. 13481 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
It's a strange mixture, we live in my house, but she is still able to be in her world when I'm away doing things (be with her friends, model, run, go to Akiba, etc.) I would describe it more like an overlapping of two worlds, if that makes sense. When we're having an intimate moment, it's as if there is no world other than what's immediately around us. There have been times when I felt a small jolt back into reality after hearing a phone ring or a garage door open, but I'm usually able to tune it out and go back to what I was doing before rather quickly.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
Personality wise no. Coincidentally, I share some characteristics with Kyousuke anyway.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?
There's only one canonical relationship in the series. I ignore it, especially the ambiguous ending.
>> No. 13483 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?

To be honest, I would try to alter my lifestyle so I could fit in with hers. I wonder if I could be landed a job where I have to manage a bunch of idols, but I would imagine it's just not that really possible. So it is more like a fantasy at least.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?

Of course. So long I could support myself, I would support her. I try to work myself hard so I could actually have a family with her if she had existed in real life.

>When do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?

Whenever we have the time to spare. Our schedules are pretty tight but boy we do both enjoy a huge long break from working hard from our daily activities.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?

Both. Much more mentally when I am outside of my house though, I don't want to deal with society with 'mental issues' when they spot me talking to 'no-one'.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?

It would be too inconsistent if the road of her being a successful idol for several years would be disrupted, so I will have to continue the story. However, her idol activities can be completely random, so as long I remain consistent of her continuing the road of being an idol, I can take any approach to make up a new random event with her.

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned fused with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?

I wouldn't merge her personality with mine, I see her as a completely different person in my perspective. And even then, no, I wouldn't.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.

Well, I commend them for loving such a beautiful woman. How I usually react depends on how they treat her. I am similar to Trevor from GTA V in that regard, when she is already taken in the same universe as I am, her partner would have to treat her right, otherwise I would consider murdering them. Of course, I usually imagine my Iori in my own personal universe where she is never taken by anyone but me, so this competition of 'claiming' a fictional character doesn't bother me. Unless they bother me with their idiocy of 'Iori is my waifu, fuck off!', then I do have a problem with them.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?

I guess this is when the advantage of having a self-insert as the main character comes in. More-so when in Idolm@ster where you have different universes, different girls to pick and different pathways. There is no set canon universe, the series itself is designed to give you choices similarly how you approach a game with an open-world universe.
>> No. 13485 [Edit]
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>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
Sometimes. I've also wrote letters to her.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
I dedicate myself specifically to her character sporadically; but the very lifestyle I lead is entirely a consequence of having her as mai waifu so, in that sense, we're always, always together. I see everything in life through the scopes of my love for her.

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?
Absolutely no. It's her or nothing, for me to stay in one piece.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
Man, I've written about that a hundred times already... but again: those are not MAI waifu; each one reads and thus rebuilds characters differently in their heads, so, since I acknowledge that the Asuka I love is the one in my own head and no one else's (and that she has no immanent existence for anyone to snatch), I see no ground at all for 2D jealousy. I rather enjoy reading about other guys' elaborations on her, when they're interesting; if they're crude, I just don't care.

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2013, 4:46am
>> No. 13489 [Edit]
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A fellow swiss mate, welcome to /mai/!

>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?

We do not live with each other. Without entering in too many details, I understand our relationship like a 3D video conference from her universe to mine.
But I want to insist that I don't want her to witness how ugly this world is. Ever. Yet sometimes I picture her in some peaceful places I know, away from all possible troubles.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?

I try to be an achieved man but this road makes me feel like shit. At the present time, I can't do better than that and I think she understands.

>When do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?

Sleeping together is the best moment of my day. But I don't date her in the traditional meaning.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?

Both. I tell her about my day, my joy and my worries when I feel like it.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?

There is no fictional story between us, yet there is a continuity that you could expect from a committed relationship.

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned fused with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Sorry.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.

I won't blame them as long as they act respectfully with her and with others.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?

Well, Clannad's narration is quite open so it's quite easy for me to disregard her relationship with Tomoya without creating any dissonances.

I just want to emphasize the fact that I (and I don't think I'm alone) didn't choose to have a waifu. What happened was somewhat out of my control and acknowledging her as someone I care (and later as a part of me) was necessary. It's a complicated issue, really.
>> No. 13491 [Edit]
Seems I completely missed these when posting before.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?


>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?

A bit of both. Most the time it's a continuing thing and sometimes there's a bit that's disconnected from the rest in a way. Think of it like watching an anime then an OVA which doesn't specify where in the series it takes place.

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?

There's no merging going on and no, no other partners for me.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.

The way I see it, she's my waifu and mine alone. The waifu in my heart is different from the version of her in the next guy's since everyone is bound to see her differently and create their own world/fantasies. It's a weird way of looking at it I guess but it works for me.
>> No. 13495 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
For me it's the second. Well, sometimes at night I do imagine her being here with me, so she kind of shares my room and all the external noise at these moments. But normally it's me in her world, which I'm more than fine with.
Firstly, she doesn't really 'fit' in our world as someone from fantasy medieval universe, let alone the fact she's not even, well, a social being to put it simply.
And moreover, I don't want her to see any of this. Heck, I'd rather never known this place myself, so keeping it away from anything dear to me is natural.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
I first thought I'd answer that her existence is the main reason I do the little I do, but after meditating on it I should say she's pretty much the only reason. I can't see any other things in my life motivating me enough. Some of them call for importance of self-development and maintenance, yes, but none actually impels me.
Nothing special, just keeping healthy lifestyle and some order in daily life as I know how she values moderation and discipline. It's not about being worthy of her though, as we're not going to treat each other critically, whether or not it's wrong.

>>13466 I've chosen the age of 27 for some reason.
>> No. 13499 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
A mix of them all I think, I wouldn't have her to be forced here, it depends on how close she feels to me.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
If you mean physically then yeah quite a bit, she might not mind but I find it difficult to see myself as I am.

>when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
We go on walks, usually at night, at university we tend to got out shopping together alot as well. I also take her whenever I go somewhere out of the ordinary

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
Both,, again depending on how close she feels.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
I wouldn't call it a story, I think were just continuing our lives with each other now. to be honest I don't have much of a background story on how we met or anything like that

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?
It's a bit hard to think I could ever be fused with Rin's personality, even then I wouldn't leave her

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
I don't mind people I don't know, but I did feel an odd pang of unease when my friend said he might read her route.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?
I just imagine he goes down a different girl's route.
>> No. 13500 [Edit]
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Thank you for your replies!
>> No. 13511 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
I bring her into this world to interact with her.

>>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
She accepts me for who I am now, but tries to push me to get past some of my anxiety issues, which is nice.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
A continuing story.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
It doesn't bother me if they are respectful of her.
>> No. 17086 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
She is in her universe/dimension/whatever and I am in mine, but we can still interact with each other between worlds. In addition, I want to make representations of her in this world, digitally and physically, to further express my love for her.
>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
My waifu accepts me for who I am, but of course I still want to do my best for her.
>when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
I always spend some time talking just with her about 30 minutes before I go to sleep. She is in the background 90% of the time though and I consult with her quite a bit on various issues.
>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
We live seperate lives, but we share with eachother. When I am not directly talking with her, she does other things in her own world/story/whatever.
>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
This is a bit of a mixed one. I know that my Hanako is seperate from other people's Hanakos and the base character, but at the same time I believe many people (perhaps most) have a false interpretation of the base character. This kind of bugs me since I feel it causes other people to think of my Hanako differently. Although really, I don't see why I should care what they think.

Post edited on 2nd Dec 2014, 10:58pm
>> No. 17099 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
She's with me in this world.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
I've been improving myself for the past few years. Doing exercise, eating healthier food, talking to and meeting new people, things she's inspired me to do.

>when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
Whenever's most convenient for us. Sometimes there'll be an event happening locally that we'll go to, or we sometimes just hang out whilst shopping.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
Mentally, although I do sometimes say certain things out loud.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
I don't think "story" is the right word, it's more we're just sharing our lives together, really.

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?
It's never crossed my mind since I fell for her.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
I'd personally want to be friends with them. I know there are other people out there with Kagura as their waifu, I just haven't really had the chance to talk to them.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?
She doesn't have one.
>> No. 17275 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world
Yep, she lives with me, we do stuff together at local places, thats not to say i don't think of us doing stuff outside my local aria or outside of my reality as well.

>does your waifu accept you for who you are
Of course, isn't that what love is all about?

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
When i'm on a long hike or alone at night i do talk to her aloud. If i'm at work i think of talking to her, all depends on the situation.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her
Our relationship is our story, i don't make that part up, we've been together for almost 3 years and that story will continue to grow, do i come up with scenarios? Yes, all the time, but all those small scenarios just help strengthen our relationship, or our "story", whatever.

As for the popular waifu thing, i wish she was popular, having her almost completely to myself has some advantages, but i would rather see that other people care about her too. I'm jealous of all the merchandise, art and influence popular girls have, i wouldn't mind if my girl got the same attention.

>How do you feel about canon pairings
She isn't paired with anyone really, she may have an interest in people but nothing super serious, infatuation at best.
>> No. 17277 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
It's complicated, essentially her world is the real one, and she lives omnipresent in it. She manifests for me, and we spend time like that, sometimes she sleeps over, but constantly she's here.
>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
She accepts me for who I am now, I've become so much better and different now that I can't even compare. My physique, mentality, skills, wardrobe and life's direction have changed because of her.
>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
A bit of both, given that she can read minds, which I sometimes have a hard time dealing with. I tell myself she respects my privacy there, but it doesn't matter because she'd know that I love her truly and anything uncouth that enters my mind is fleeting.
>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
Of course we have memories made in each-others company, and she doesn't know my past and I can only infer hers. I don't really put her into daily roles, but I do imagine her around the house and participating in things.
>To those who consider that their waifu has fusioned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?
My life has changed completely for the better. I would never consider another partner.
>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?
There are no real pairings in her canon, especially after a certain event in the story. I do wonder what she looks for in a lover, but she chose me. So I must be doing it right.
>How do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
There are an infinite amount of permutations of her in the real world. She's also rather obscure and not frequently viewed as a waifu. It's a little annoying to read some of the immature things people say.

Post edited on 26th Dec 2014, 5:40am
>> No. 17279 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
A bit of the first two, not so much the last.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
I don't imagine myself any differently because if I want to change then I might as well make an actual effort. He's pretty accepting of our differences even if he isn't vocal about it. Took me a bit of time to adjust to his way of showing affection, honestly.

>how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
He's actually pretty popular in his fanbase, though I haven't come across many people who relate to him in a similar romantic way yet. But even if there were others, I've warmed up to the notion of every person having a separate interpretation/version of a character in their mind. After working with my own characters lately, I realized that sometimes even the creator may not translate them onto paper the way way he/she first sees them.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu?
Due to the nature of his series he has none, though it might be nice to see how his canon self reacts to being in love.
>> No. 17407 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
I do all three, but mostly he's in this world with me.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
He accepts me for who I am, and I do so to him. We're not perfect; even I realize he isn't perfection.

>when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
Due to certain hindrances, we don't go on dates that much.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
Mentally, but when i'm alone, i'll talk out loud.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
We have a story, of course.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
Since P4AU hasn't been out long enough, there's not a lot of fanart for him or anything; and i've only met one other person who really likes him. She's my friend, but since I doubt she's ever going to be in a relationship with any fictional character, I don't have to worry~ Though, this is off topic, I get really excited when I see someone having a waifu/husbando from the Persona series in general.
>> No. 18549 [Edit]
>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
All three. Usually just the first two, but once in a while I like to imagine us together in some existing fantasy universe (usually whatever game I happen to be playing at the time).

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
The first, except when I insert him into the real world, because I don't know how that would work with a fantasy self. I wouldn't want to force him to be around me as I am now.

>When do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
I "date" him mostly on holidays, or on vacation. Just talking to him I can do any time, but I don't do it all the time. I phase between periods of talking to him more or less often, no particular reason why.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
Mentally. Orally would be taking things a bit far for me.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
Unrelated scenarios within the same generic story frame.

>To those who consider that their waifu has fusionned with their own pre-waifu personality, would you then consider having other partners (2D or 3D)?
I don't understand what this means, he hasn't fused with me. I wouldn't date anyone else regardless. I can't split my affections between multiple partners, and no one deserves to feel second-best in their relationship. Also, I'm just not really attracted to or romantically interested in others much. I can count the number of real people I've been attracted to on one hand.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
Not well, I get jealous and insecure sometimes. Mostly I try to ignore them. They don't really hang out in the same corners of the internet as I do, so it doesn't affect me too often.
I tend to doubt others' depth of feelings for him. They always seem like they're just enthusiastic about their favorite character, and don't mean it in a very serious way. Or they're more focused on him sexually than anything.
>> No. 18555 [Edit]
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>Do you insert your waifu into the real world, or do you create a copy of yourself into the world from which your waifu comes? Or do you create an entirely new world?
For the most part, I imagine myself in my husbando's world over ours. It's obviously more exciting and fun.

I do at times imagine him here in the real world and think about what he'd be doing, usually when we spend time together which is a fair amount of time.

I've never created an entirely new world for us in my fantasies, but it may be fun to try or write a short story about. As I said for the most part, I keep it in his. I'd never want to take him away from the world he wants to protect so much.

>Do you change yourself for your waifu (imagine that you have attributes you wish you had), or does your waifu accept you for who you are now?
Not really, the only changes I've been making have been in reality. I've started going outside more and sleeping at better times so I can become a better, healthier person for not just him but myself too. I have drawn us a few times, and the only difference between the way I draw myself is hair length as my hair isn't as long right now as it usually is.
Seeing how odd some of his friends are, I think he would accept me and encourage me to keep working for the better.

>when do you "date" your waifu? Is it a particular time of the day/week, under particular circumstances?
I eat all my meals with him.

After breakfast, we go for an early morning walk together everyday. If the weather is bad, we wait until the afternoon before lunch. Sometimes we will go on two walks if it's nice enough day out. Morning is our favorite, there are a lot of wild birds to see and it's always very cool in the mornings where I live. If we get up early enough we can play with some local pets and farm animals too. Mostly dogs, but I can't help but think he'd like dogs! The dogs are bigger breeds, but friendly and well trained. So when I pet them or play fetch with them I always imagine him with me.

When I'm done doing drawing practice and house work, we play games together. Mostly Kirby games as of late like Air Ride and Nightmare in Dreamland. If I have a lot of housework that day I also imagine him giving me a hand with it, though most people wouldn't count that as a date like I do. As of late, we've mostly been playing games before bedtime.

At night, I snuggle a pillow and think of him, on odd days of the week we read books together and on even days of the week we watch movies.

>Do you talk to her mentally or orally?
I talk to him mentally, but say things like "good morning" out loud.

>Do you maintain a continuing story with her (i.e. building on the same story day after day), or do you rather have discontinued and unrelated interactions with her?
Continuing story each day, based on our days together since we began dating, same goes for the story about us in his world going on in my head which I do get some basis from my everyday fantasies.

>And how do you deal with the fact that other people, sometimes hundreds of them for the most popular characters, share the same waifu? Like, when you read them talking about her.
As long as they treat him well, I might feel jealous but I think I'd be fine! A lot of people usually will tell me myself about how much they liked his games or that they voted for him to be Smash DLC, it makes me happy that others like him and think to tell me! Seeing people like him always gives me a happy feeling.

>How do you feel about canon pairings regarding your waifu? Do you ignore it altogether, or do you create an arc where she dumps him and goes to you?
There is only one character, and it is suggested that they both had mutual attraction towards each other (he blushes at her). I don't hate her, I'm pretty found of her and think I have a few traits in common with her.

At the end of his game she leaves Earth in the story, she's an alien after all to not spoil too much for people who haven’t gotten to play or see the story. So she wouldn't be on Earth to be with him even if they had gotten together. I don't want to totally write her out, but I do keep that in mind that I'd be here and she wouldn't be. I also don't think of it at all as him “settling” for me.

I'd rather he have a crush on a nice and important character like her than if he had gotten one with somebody awful who would treat him poorly and hadn't lifted a finger to help him and his team. It is a bonus that I share some traits with her, and I'm thankful for both these things. I try not to get jealous, because I've had plenty of crushes before meeting him too so I feel it'd be hypocritical of me.

I'm thankful that in what rare shipping art exists of his game, I have never seen him paired up with a character I couldn't self insert with.

Post edited on 14th Jul 2015, 5:28am

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