No. 756
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I was going to tell you to just give it time, since it's just starting and the author might be still developing the atmosphere; but I guess I'll take the chance to go further...
I don't know if you have attempted yourself to do and share a story or some work of artistic expression; I do have tried myself, for years, and if anything I can tell you is that it's extremely difficult (for me, at least) to awaken just one frontal and sincere emotion in the public, wich also doesn't slip from my fingers, producing god knows what on who, but wich rests more or less the same and keep the entire thing in control on a regular basis. Now, this guy not just gives us one clear and intense hit per chapter, but a fair rollercoaster of them and whitin a wide range that goes from cracking of laughter, through melancholy and tenderness, to utter misery and despair; I mean, that's gotta count for something: not anyone can do that; that requires talent, courage and method; and, even if I myself normally prefer more sophisticated/artsy/intellectual stuff, I can't but acknowledge that what this guy does is remarkable, and that his success isn't just a matter of luck. That is also, I guess, partially, why I also enjoy very much SoL works in general.
Don't get me wrong: I actually sympathize with your desires; but I also think there's already enough good to reap from the series just as it is going now.
Post edited on 4th Nov 2011, 11:34am