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File 137010079658.jpg - (33.91KB , 640x480 , Lighthouse.jpg )
13 No. 13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
This is all I've got for now.
178 posts and 177 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 223 [Edit]
File 170389088643.jpg - (176.89KB , 1920x1080 , Lighthouse 179.jpg )
>> No. 224 [Edit]
File 17038908919.jpg - (118.97KB , 1920x1080 , Lighthouse 180.jpg )
>> No. 225 [Edit]
File 171731832335.jpg - (258.80KB , 1920x1080 , Lighthouse 181.jpg )
>> No. 226 [Edit]
File 171731859546.jpg - (52.73KB , 640x480 , Lighthouse 182.jpg )

File 164040381382.jpg - (1.00MB , 2000x1339 , canvas_chrlth_uf.jpg )
191 No. 191 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 192 [Edit]
File 164040422426.jpg - (0.98MB , 1080x746 , Kagamine_Rin_full_1976279.jpg )
>> No. 193 [Edit]
File 164095814774.png - (4.44MB , 2549x1819 , eacf3d1f17dc2703b26b243859b651fa.png )
>> No. 194 [Edit]
File 164095815766.png - (944.81KB , 1040x800 , 994472bf896f8ae76fb862a24058b83d.png )

File 132260305073.jpg - (168.96KB , 640x800 , d382829768504aaed22664e10ce8a651.jpg )
1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
ITT pictures of lighthouses
12 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 128 [Edit]
I'll try to post things once in a while. I don't know when I'll get around to making another one, can't even manage to get out of bed right now.
>> No. 129 [Edit]
File 155536791595.jpg - (2.83MB , 1920x1080 , 43497d98fd4a61e225c4a0136672fc60.jpg )
Not much point in forcing yourself - just draw whenever you'll feel like it. Yukkuri.
>> No. 130 [Edit]
I was trying to paint something new but it turned out to be harder than I anticipated, I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it any time soon.
>> No. 134 [Edit]
File 156088034848.png - (1.87MB , 1700x1200 , gave_up.png )
I give up.
Attached image shows what I was trying to use as a reference, and where I got.
I spent a lot of time trying different things over and over but I'm unable to understand how water is supposed to look and behave.
I was having so much trouble with the sea that I never even got to drawing of the actual lighthouse.
I thought I could provide a small amount of content for this place, a tiny kindness for TC and its anons but I'm not good enough.

File 132260310881.jpg - (200.88KB , 463x700 , 27.jpg )
3 No. 3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is a thread for moe lighthouses!
Post them as you find them.
5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 83 [Edit]
File 151043445463.jpg - (430.11KB , 1600x1200 , North_Carr_Lightship_2007_2.jpg )
A light on a boat.
>> No. 84 [Edit]
File 151058919290.jpg - (161.19KB , 1259x629 , 250.jpg )
>> No. 100 [Edit]
Actually, to burn is 'moyasu'
>> No. 101 [Edit]
I think both are kinda of correct? Moyasu should be 'to burn [something]', while moeru is '[something] is burning'. My Moon isn't very good though so pardon if I got it wrong.

File 132260363676.jpg - (24.53KB , 375x500 , john-caswell-01-house-light.jpg )
6 No. 6 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is this right?
>> No. 7 [Edit]
File 132260683862.jpg - (566.10KB , 739x986 , 12_tsutenkaku_osaka_tower.jpg )
More like this
>> No. 74 [Edit]
File 149560523623.jpg - (138.60KB , 580x870 , Flying%20Mud%20Boat%20by%20Terunobu%20Fujimori1.jpg )

File 149275932384.jpg - (23.77KB , 399x600 , Albert Wester-foto 3.jpg )
71 No. 71 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
is in den Jare 1834, deze Brandaris hersteld en ingericht, tot het voeren van een draijend kust lamplicht. Het welk voor het eerst is ontstoken geworden den 23 September 1835

File 133516481463.jpg - (136.79KB , 500x333 , lighthouse-faron-spanish-english.jpg )
10 No. 10 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
which litehs would u fuk
>> No. 11 [Edit]
all of them
>> No. 12 [Edit]
One that doesn't looks so phallic, to begin with.
Are there any vulva-shaped lighthouses out there?

File 132260331268.jpg - (90.61KB , 570x857 , goat-tower-fairview-cheese-wine-farm_6260_large_sl.jpg )
5 No. 5 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
better than lighthouses?
would you live in one?
>> No. 8 [Edit]
Only if it has Internet access!
>> No. 9 [Edit]

Since when do lighthouses have Internet access?

File 132260311223.jpg - (23.69KB , 498x316 , lighthouse.jpg )
4 No. 4 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

File 13226030588.jpg - (6.54KB , 220x293 , 220px-NJ_LBI_Lighthouse_06.jpg )
2 No. 2 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lighthouses sure are great, aren't they.


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