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File 132260310881.jpg - (200.88KB , 463x700 , 27.jpg )
3 No. 3 [Edit]
This is a thread for moe lighthouses!
Post them as you find them.
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>> No. 19 [Edit]
what defines a 'moe lighthouse'?
>> No. 20 [Edit]
Moe is the root of the japanese verb moeru, to burn. Then of course a moe lighthouse is a type of one-time use lighthouse that operates by burning itself.
>> No. 21 [Edit]
File 141787157994.jpg - (714.64KB , 2048x1210 , a618a8e75d027a5329b22a5f165de0f1.jpg )

Am I doing it right?
>> No. 23 [Edit]
File 141787515049.png - (22.92KB , 350x500 , 54f3b852c8dadf3305c2fd612892f1bf.png )
More like this, really.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
File 151026750643.jpg - (731.83KB , 1920x1440 , Michael_Hruby_sugarloaf_point_lighthouse_sunset.jpg )
Just happened upon this one, Sugarloaf Point Light. Even the name is cute.
>> No. 83 [Edit]
File 151043445463.jpg - (430.11KB , 1600x1200 , North_Carr_Lightship_2007_2.jpg )
A light on a boat.
>> No. 84 [Edit]
File 151058919290.jpg - (161.19KB , 1259x629 , 250.jpg )
>> No. 100 [Edit]
Actually, to burn is 'moyasu'
>> No. 101 [Edit]
I think both are kinda of correct? Moyasu should be 'to burn [something]', while moeru is '[something] is burning'. My Moon isn't very good though so pardon if I got it wrong.
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