No. 263
- (78.65KB
, 1280x720
, [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends - 01 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg
Whelp, I was surprised to see this was a full length anime, not some half or even 3 minute deal as I assumed it would be.
The animation is absolutely atrocious, but I found myself getting used to it after a while.
Been a while since I watched a MMD style anime like this (or whatever the hell was used to animate this) so isn't my first rodeo, and as such it wasn't a deal breaker for me. To an extent I agree, many of the characters are cute, but some have pretty retarded looking designs that seem like they were half assed and/or created by someone who was drunk. Blatant budget/quality issues aside, it's not without it's charm. It's hard to nail down the appeal, but I suppose you could say it's very quaint.
Also, the grade of Japanese used in this is so simplistic combined with such a simple premise that subs are really unnecessary.
I also kinda like the idea of exploring how humans relate to other animals in the wild and how they would naturally function in the ecosystem without technology. Growing up I'd always see animals with sharp claws, incredible speeds, camouflage, toxins and all sorts of special traits, and it would make me wonder what nature gave humans in that respect. we're slow, weak, and have no natural weapons after all. For the longest time I was convinced it was our intelligence and ingenuity that was what made us special, then I saw the transformers movies and tossed that idea out the window. Kidding aside it was nice to see them touch on that, and demonstrate the issues with energy conservation and efficient heat distribution that would allow prehistoric man to chase down prey that would literately get tired of running from their hunters and collapse, allowing humans to walk right up to them for the kill.
Oh and OP, Maeve asked me to tell you to commit suicide. (?)